   DIR Return
       ##3 2016-11-21(Mon)13:48:12
       __[2016-11-28(Mon)10:41:57 #27]_______________________________________
       Post any feedback or suggestions here!
       __[2017-03-07(Tue)15:51:04 #51]_______________________________________
       __[2017-11-22(Wed)14:53:22 #78]_______________________________________
       Hey admin, do you think we could get some sort of technology-related
       board going?
       __[2017-11-22(Wed)14:54:37 #79]_______________________________________
       Also I just wanted to say that I'm absolutely loving how lightweight
       Gopher is.  The first thing I looked for was a chan and here I am.
       __[2017-11-22(Wed)15:03:24 #82]_______________________________________
       I'm really sorry, I just cloned 1436chan off Github and I see
       now that it doesn't have any board functionality.  Would you be
       interested in it getting added?
       __[2017-11-29(Wed)12:57:49 #89]_______________________________________
       For now, multiple boards can be set up by installing it in two
       folders. I'd be glad to add a tech-related board if you think it's
       needed, things just didn't seem busy enough to add multiple boards.
       __[2017-11-29(Wed)13:32:43 #90]_______________________________________
       Introducing the tech board:
   DIR tech
       Everything else has moved to the misc board:
   DIR misc
       __[2017-12-09(Sat)13:01:54 #91]_______________________________________
       __[2017-12-09(Sat)17:25:28 #92]_______________________________________
  HTML No upgrade required!
       __[2018-01-18(Thu)13:39:57 #94]_______________________________________
       If (technically) possible,it would be nice to be able to delete
       own posts, to prevent clogging up with mistakes.
       __[2018-01-19(Fri)10:40:41 #95]_______________________________________
       "Delete post" is added at the bottom of threads, you can delete
       "your" (based on IP) posts within a certain timeframe (10 minutes
       atm) by submitting the #
       __[2018-03-01(Thu)11:11:12 #96]_______________________________________
       __[2018-05-06(Sun)17:12:48 #97]_______________________________________
       __[2018-07-23(Mon)14:45:43 #98]_______________________________________
       Hey, can you add more boards on 1486chan? Like an anime board?
       __[2018-07-23(Mon)14:46:14 #99]_______________________________________
       yea and hentai and pr0n
       __[2018-07-23(Mon)14:51:36 #100]______________________________________
       Or for bronies.
       __[2018-07-30(Mon)13:06:08 #101]______________________________________
       vidya gaems
       __[2018-07-30(Mon)14:18:23 #102]______________________________________
       I would suggest creating threads in /misc/ for now, let discussion
       of topics drive board creation instead of the other way around.
       __[2019-01-15(Tue)09:16:54 #103]______________________________________
       __[2019-01-15(Tue)12:02:11 #104]______________________________________
       __[2019-01-15(Tue)12:24:58 #105]______________________________________
       sorry for the test, trying to work out how to post in my client
       __[2019-01-15(Tue)13:22:40 #106]______________________________________
       On that note having somewhere to test posting would be nice. There
       are random 'tests' in loads of threads and using gopher full-text
       search to post has some weirdness.
       __[2019-01-16(Wed)09:31:32 #107]______________________________________
       @106 You should be able to delete test posts if you want, with the
       "Delete post" item (enter the post number, e.g. 104). Has to be
       within 10 minutes and from the same IP though.
       __[2019-01-16(Wed)10:06:13 #108]______________________________________
       @106 I created a test board:
   DIR test
       for my own testing, and so anyone can try out creating threads and
       posting. I'll probably wipe it out every so often.
       __[2019-11-08(Fri)05:02:52 #109]______________________________________
       Would you add tripcodes and user IDs?
       __[2019-11-12(Tue)08:39:06 #110]______________________________________
       @109 By user IDs, do you just mean optional names like tripcodes,
       or something like forced thread IDs?
       __[2019-11-13(Wed)18:09:11 #111]______________________________________
       @110 Both. Tripcodes and also those strings of letters and numbers
       on posts that come from the same person on certain boards like /pol/
       and /bant/?
       __[2019-12-27(Fri)13:39:35 #112]______________________________________
       @111 I have a working demo of tripcodes on the test board, if anyone
       wants to try it out before I push it to every board
       __[2019-12-27(Fri)13:40:14 #113]______________________________________
   DIR Tripcode test thread
       __[2019-12-30(Mon)10:11:49 #114 !d1814bc9c1]__________________________
       @111 Tripcodes are now live (the code after ! in the header of this
       post). I added post IDs as a feature, but it's not enabled on any
       of these boards (just test for now to, well, test it)
       __[2020-01-05(Sun)00:04:55 #115]______________________________________
       Hello. I am here to petition for a home for our board /monster/
       in Gopherspace. Will you please allow us to begin seeding the last
       bastion of romance here?
       __[2020-01-24(Fri)19:09:01 #116]______________________________________
       #115 What's /monster/ about? Are you from that furfag 8chan board?
       __[2020-01-24(Fri)19:12:57 #117]______________________________________
       Here comes the fags of 86c6h6a6n6 8kun spreading their faggotry,
       __[2020-01-24(Fri)19:16:42 #118]______________________________________
       Here comes the fags of 86c6h6a6n6 8kun spreading their faggotry,
       __[2020-03-27(Fri)06:18:16 #119]______________________________________
       Suggestion: Dont let the same IP make a duplicate post within a
       few hours, this should make it less easy to post by accident while
       going back trought the browser/tab history
       __[2020-04-24(Fri)19:30:39 #120]______________________________________
       When accessing the board via port 105 the links still point to
       port 70, if there is a way to fix this, please do so, thanks in
       advance! (the easiest and uglyest way probably would be to use URL:
       selectors with relative urls)
       __[2020-04-27(Mon)09:07:41 #121]______________________________________
       @119, that was the intent of the cooldown time between posts,
       but your idea should work better. I'll see what needs to be done
       to add it to the cooldown mechanism.
       __[2020-04-27(Mon)09:10:20 #122]______________________________________
       @120 it's a known issue. I should be able to change it so 1436chan
       uses an env variable from the gopher server (like $SERVER_PORT)
       instead of hardcoded 70.
       __[2020-05-02(Sat)11:31:52 #123]______________________________________
       Is the new behavoiur of the "Reply with link" field a bug or
       a feataure?
       __[2020-07-25(Sat)17:37:57 #124]______________________________________
       I just managed to create a duplicate Thread, is there a way to
       delete it?
       __[2020-07-27(Mon)09:22:10 #125]______________________________________
       @124 Not at this time, but I will delete it.
       __[2021-01-06(Wed)13:25:53 #126]______________________________________
       Hello where is /b/?
       __[2022-03-09(Wed)16:42:15 #127]______________________________________
       __[2022-03-11(Fri)23:01:04 #128]______________________________________
       __[2022-03-16(Wed)22:04:18 #129]______________________________________
       __[2022-04-10(Sun)13:13:11 #130]______________________________________
       Hello janny please clean up the gopher-spider spam. Maybe add
       a captcha.
       __[2022-07-21(Thu)22:19:35 #131]______________________________________
       The onion adress specified here gopher://khzae.net/1/tor is down
       __[2022-08-12(Fri)22:46:14 #132]______________________________________
       please fix the Onion site. broken long time.
       __[2022-10-02(Sun)04:37:57 #133]______________________________________
       looks like links to other gopher boards are dead. probably needs
       an update
       __[2022-10-29(Sat)05:53:03 #134]______________________________________
       fix the fucking onion site. Now!!!
       __[2023-05-23(Tue)17:18:20 #135]______________________________________
   DIR #134 said:
         >watching gopher dawning on us again from afar -railey
       glowies can intercept my gopher shitposting. This is a
       disaster. Think of what drivel they'll post in my name to make me
       look bad
       __[2023-07-26(Wed)07:48:15 #136]______________________________________
       Is there any interest in making this available through i2p as well?