   DIR Return
       ##116 2021-11-17(Wed)02:18:02
       American dumb - Yes or No? Let's debate
       __[2021-11-23(Tue)19:33:17 #752]______________________________________
       Yes. They don't deport commies to Canada by helicopter.
       __[2021-11-27(Sat)01:46:37 #753]______________________________________
       Dumb until 2024
       __[2021-12-19(Sun)06:43:43 #787]______________________________________
       "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by
       stupidity." --R. Hanlon
       __[2021-12-19(Sun)23:04:30 #788]______________________________________
       They spend all their money on war with brown people. You tell me.
       __[2021-12-25(Sat)20:19:57 #790]______________________________________
       #788 Not quite as much as the QE free moneys the banks got for
       fucking up.
       __[2021-12-26(Sun)14:02:14 #791]______________________________________
       Don't neglect the possibility, Hanlon, that they're both.
       __[2021-12-29(Wed)21:50:59 #795]______________________________________
       #753 said:
         >Dumb until 2024
       Yeah America isn't Nazi Germany retard. People are allowed to have
       opinions you dislike.
       __[2022-01-01(Sat)10:51:04 #804]______________________________________
       #753 That's absolutely true- what's with the name-calling?
       __[2022-03-17(Thu)10:55:06 #872]______________________________________
       __[2022-03-17(Thu)17:13:19 #874]______________________________________
       __[2022-03-19(Sat)14:13:04 #879]______________________________________
       __[2022-03-19(Sat)20:50:07 #882]______________________________________
       __[2022-08-22(Mon)16:56:07 #963]______________________________________
       YES! But at least you Americans provide entertainment, so thanks
       for that.
       __[2022-08-24(Wed)08:28:41 #964]______________________________________
       #963 this
       __[2022-12-15(Thu)01:54:49 #1029]_____________________________________
       'American' 'entertainment' is owned entirely by jews
       __[2023-02-15(Wed)03:28:50 #1036]_____________________________________
       If Americans are dumb, I weep for the world because we've got
       the best colleges and smartest people here. Gopher was created in
       Minnesota, FFS.
       __[2023-02-21(Tue)01:33:34 #1037]_____________________________________
       #1036 said:
         >If Americans are dumb, I weep for the world because we've got
         >the best colleges and smartest people here. Gopher was created
         >in Minnesota, FFS.
       That's the same situation as "He's a doctor, he must be intelligent."
       __[2023-02-25(Sat)04:52:34 #1042]_____________________________________
       Is that even true?
       __[2023-02-28(Tue)05:07:50 #1043]_____________________________________
       College professors are supposed to be knowledgeable, but most
       are marxist
       __[2023-04-17(Mon)11:46:29 #1056]_____________________________________
       GOOD thread. Being fat is correlated with being dumb. Americans
       are the fattest people of the world. Therefore, Americans are dumb
       __[2023-04-19(Wed)10:45:50 #1057]_____________________________________
       yes. total amerimutt genocide
       __[2023-04-20(Thu)22:18:38 #1058]_____________________________________
       Give the land back to the rightful owners, deport all mutts to africa
       __[2023-05-16(Tue)01:50:57 #1070]_____________________________________
       #1056 said:
         >GOOD thread. Being fat is correlated with being dumb. Americans
         >are the fattest people of the world. Therefore, Americans
         >are dumb
       How that works is quite simple. The less active you are the less
       oxygen gets transported in your blood. That means your brain gets
       less oxy too.
       __[2023-05-18(Thu)17:02:05 #1071]_____________________________________
       "freedom" is fucking shit. its an light term for terrorism
       __[2023-05-19(Fri)10:05:53 #1072]_____________________________________
       #1070 said:
         >#1056 said:
         >  >GOOD thread. Being fat is correlated with being
         >  dumb. Americans
         >  >are the fattest people of the world. Therefore, Americans
         >  >are dumb
         >How that works is quite simple. The less active you are the
         >less oxygen gets transported in your blood. That means your
         >brain gets less oxy too.
       The simpler explanation would be that stupid people are less likely
       to learn about healthy nutrition or have the willpower to stick to it
       __[2023-05-20(Sat)04:33:17 #1073]_____________________________________
       Americans are dumb and fat, but I don't think that's their
       fault. It's more like ((they)) have made Americans dumb and fat. So
       I don't agree with #1070 and #1072.
       __[2023-05-21(Sun)19:35:48 #1074]_____________________________________
       #1073 Once yts stop oppressing bipocs, only then can you start
       talking about jews
       __[2023-05-26(Fri)09:30:14 #1080]_____________________________________
       take your meds
       __[2023-06-02(Fri)17:50:39 #1085]_____________________________________
       post ascii representation of your nose
       __[2023-09-14(Thu)06:50:18 #1111]_____________________________________
       Any feds here? For proof please upload your badge and corresponding
       __[2023-12-28(Thu)08:41:39 #1130]_____________________________________
       the sheeple united will never cease their bleating
       __[2023-12-28(Thu)14:59:05 #1131]_____________________________________
       They're cattle or even hippos, not sheep
       __[2024-04-06(Sat)09:47:50 #1143]_____________________________________
       If not for America, there would be no gopher, there would be no C,
       there would be no Unix and you would be doing all of your computing
       by bossing turds around in a box.
       __[2024-04-09(Tue)16:25:01 #1144]_____________________________________
       #1143 said:
         >If not for America, there would be no gopher, there would be
         >no C, there would be no Unix and you would be doing all of your
         >computing by bossing turds around in a box.
       Yes because if William Closett didn't exist, we would still shit
       into buckets, and the entire world would look like India.
       __[2024-04-10(Wed)06:53:34 #1145]_____________________________________
       #1144 said:
         >#1143 said:
         >  >If not for America, there would be no gopher, there would be
         >  >no C, there would be no Unix and you would be doing all
         >  of your
         >  >computing by bossing turds around in a box.
         >Yes because if William Closett didn't exist, we would still
         >shit into buckets, and the entire world would look like India.
       Much of the world still does. Billions live without internet. They
       are developing at their own pace. You could be too.
       __[2024-04-11(Thu)18:25:40 #1146]_____________________________________
       #1145 said:
         >#1144 said:
         >  >#1143 said:
         >  >  >If not for America, there would be no gopher, there
         >  would be
         >  >  >no C, there would be no Unix and you would be doing all
         >  >  of your
         >  >  >computing by bossing turds around in a box.
         >  >Yes because if William Closett didn't exist, we would still
         >  >shit into buckets, and the entire world would look like India.
         >Much of the world still does. Billions live without
         >internet. They are developing at their own pace. You could
         >be too.
       Yes, and no one needs underdeveloped niggers on the net. The entire
       continent of africa doesn't amount to anything because they don't
       even master the basic concepts of civilizations!
       __[2024-04-24(Wed)22:03:02 #1149]_____________________________________
       Fat people are fat because huge brains ooze from head down into
       ass and feet.  So Amerucans SMART!
       __[2024-05-30(Thu)10:45:24 #1156]_____________________________________
       If base AMERICAN uh NEWTON didn't invent gravity we would still
       float around in space