       [HN Gopher] Reflections on Palantir
       Reflections on Palantir
       Author : freditup
       Score  : 265 points
       Date   : 2024-10-16 02:18 UTC (1 days ago)
  HTML web link (nabeelqu.substack.com)
  TEXT w3m dump (nabeelqu.substack.com)
       | newprint wrote:
       | Can someone explain to me what is the Palantir's business model ?
       | I haven't heard any large, meaningful project they been involved
       | in, but I keep hearing the company name & how hot they are and
       | their stocks are going to blow-up any day (some of my friends
       | kept their stocks for the last 4-5 years with very little gain
       | compared to other software companies). I know of the smaller
       | software companies that are less than 100 people and have a very
       | meaningful impact in DoD & Gov space.
         | maeil wrote:
         | They basically have two. Just like e.g. Amazon has both retail
         | and cloud infra as separate, independent business models.
         | One is described well in the article, originally aimed at
         | commercial clients. The article isn't short but we're on HN,
         | not Reddit, so we should read the articles. Parts 2 and 3
         | describe it. The linked note at the end of 3 is very relevant.
         | The other one is the gov one, which is also mentioned as
         | "Palantir has prevented terrorist attacks".
         | The article actually links to lots of product docs. It isn't
         | secretive, plenty of videos on Youtube demoing the software.
         | The docs are public, which is more open than can be said for
         | 90% of software in their price range.
         | Manuel_D wrote:
         | When I interned at Palantir (summer 2014) their business was
         | mostly in data ingestion, visualization, and correlation.
         | A typical workflow for a Palantir customer was that Palantir
         | would come in and dump a ton of data out of old crufty
         | databases and into Palantir's datastore. Then, they'd establish
         | connections between that data. This is all sounds kind of hand-
         | wavy, but the gist of it is that a lot of government agencies
         | have data that lives in separate databases and they can't
         | easily correlate data between those two databases. Once the
         | data was in Palantir's system, they could do queries against
         | all their data, and make connections and correlations that they
         | wouldn't otherwise be able to find when the data was previously
         | siloed.
         | One of the sample use cases was identifying people filling
         | prescriptions for schedule II drugs multiple times on the same
         | day, and correlating that with pharmacies run by people
         | connected to known drug traffickers. Previously, this was hard
         | to do because the database of prescription purchases was
         | disconnected from the database of drug convictions.
           | hammock wrote:
           | So it's hygiene and structure
             | Manuel_D wrote:
             | That, and a really powerful visualization suite. In the
             | example I gave above, you could plot the prescription
             | purchases on a map and see that people were driving along
             | the highway and hitting up pharmacies along the interstate.
             | Better yet, you could drop into Google Street view in front
             | of one of the pharmacies, and look at it from the street
             | level and see that it doesn't even have signage indicating
             | it's a pharmacy.
               | swells34 wrote:
               | I used it quite a bit early on during military
               | operations. The ability to see the timing component was
               | key; not only would you plot the purchase locations, but
               | you could play the timeframe of records, work out the
               | timing so you knew the order in which they visited the
               | locations, where they must have stopped for gas along the
               | route. In a classic workflow, you'd then investigate the
               | gas stations, attach them to the event with confidence
               | intervals, pull CCTV footage, see if you can get a
               | payment receipt, and enter all of that data back into
               | palantir. A few days of doing this, and you can build up
               | all a map of every aspect of the drug run; the who what
               | when where and why. It's a fantastic organization system.
               | lapphi wrote:
               | I appreciate the technical achievements here. However, I
               | wonder how long before it's standard practice to track
               | all peoples movement, not just those suspected of a
               | crime. I know of at least one YouTube channel that is
               | always recording all traffic camera streams in Washington
               | so there must be some State entities doing the same. Back
               | in 2020 there was a twitch channel that would play a 9x9
               | grid of all the livestream footage from the George Floyd
               | protests. I'm sure an archive of that exists somewhere on
               | a LE server.
               | beeboobaa3 wrote:
               | nsa is storing _everything_
               | fijiaarone wrote:
               | Visualization is a fancy package. Nobody looks at
               | visualizations, but that's what makes people buy.
               | vundercind wrote:
               | I've known companies to spend stupid amounts of money on
               | fake, fancy "war rooms" they staff with people doing
               | nothing useful, filled with "big board" style maps and
               | shit, big graphs and visualizations that aren't used
               | anywhere else, just as a sales tool. Walk the visiting
               | CEO through, let them pretend what they're involved in is
               | way cooler and more interesting and important than it
               | really is, and I guess that assists sales so much that
               | such endeavors make way more money than they cost.
               | I connect this with comments I heard from several major
               | management consulting firm folks stating bluntly that the
               | best way to communicate effectively with execs is to
               | approach them like young children.
               | Life is super weird. Who knew imaginative play would be
               | such a big thing for "serious" adults? I'd never have
               | imagined, but it's kinda _everywhere_.
             | danudey wrote:
             | IIRC part of it is that the software itself can make
             | connections between separate data sets. You're not just
             | ingesting data about purchasing information and drug
             | convictions and so on, you're getting automatic
             | relationship detection. For example, figuring out that the
             | cust_ss_num field in one dataset correlates to the
             | conv_ssn_full field in another dataset, and knowing that
             | those fields are the "SSN" field from a third dataset, and
             | being able to automatically give you a view where those
             | three datasets are correlated. This saves people having to
             | go through every data set and manually map each field to
             | each other equivalent field in each other related dataset.
             | I could be mistaken, but I think this is how it was
             | explained to me originally.
               | hammock wrote:
               | That makes sense and sounds really useful
               | mperham wrote:
               | Building a panopticon is always justified as a way to
               | fight crime and then becomes a way to control the
               | population. Tracking women getting Plan B, tracking
               | people buying birth control, etc.
           | browningstreet wrote:
           | In many of the enterprise orgs I've worked in, the two tech
           | teams that are chronically understaffed are 1) info sec, 2)
           | DBA/ data architecture/ data science. I'm lumping those 3
           | together on purpose, because they're always understaffed and
           | typically not empowered to build anything.
             | hitekker wrote:
             | You're right to group Data teams together. They seem to
             | share a common plight.
             | In my experience, internal employees outside Data have a
             | funny relationship with Data. They hate to manage it but
             | they love to blame it, especially in analytical / decision-
             | making scenarios. Teams that "own" the data usually get the
             | blame, on top of having to deal with a mass of rotting
             | pipes and noncompliant teams, while also losing out on
             | credit when non-Data teams report big wins.
             | Based on what the GP says, it sounds like Palantir knows
             | how to exploit common internal politics around Data. They
             | build up technical & social expertise in ETL'ing disparate
             | data sources, _and_ they can avoid blame by being hired by
             | executives as an external third party.
               | vundercind wrote:
               | This is exactly what I thought TFA was getting at when it
               | brought up politics being a problem at companies and in
               | sectors Palantir engages with, but instead it went a much
               | more general direction.
               | hitekker wrote:
               | He talks about it a little:
               | > Why is data integration so hard? The data is often in
               | different formats that aren't easily analyzed by
               | computers - PDFs, notebooks, Excel files (my god, so many
               | Excel files) and so on. But often what really gets in the
               | way is organizational politics: a team, or group,
               | controls a key data source, the reason for their
               | existence is that they are the gatekeepers to that data
               | source, and they typically justify their existence in a
               | corporation by being the gatekeepers of that data source
               | (and, often, providing analyses of that data). [3] This
               | politics can be a formidable obstacle to overcome, and in
               | some cases led to hilarious outcomes - you'd have a
               | company buying an 8-12 week pilot, and we'd spend all
               | 8-12 weeks just getting data access, and the final week
               | scrambling to have something to demo.
               | I think he's seen more companies without talented Data
               | experts than companies with that talent.
           | thimkerbell wrote:
           | So if they are dumping data out of old crufty databases and
           | into Palantir's datastore, which one is the active database
           | going forward? In 2024.
             | vundercind wrote:
             | All of them, plus whatever next vendor they "migrate" to in
             | three years (I'm being generous).
           | sroerick wrote:
           | People dismiss this type of work as no big deal, but in my
           | experience this is the actual hard work of producing
           | something useful for companies, and what 90% of SaaS
           | resellers will never be able to deliver on.
             | jeltz wrote:
             | Yes, it is very hard. But does Palantir succeed? Or do they
             | like some other companies just trick customers with big
             | wallets to buy?
               | trenchgun wrote:
               | To me it seems they do https://logicmag.io/commons/enter-
               | the-dragnet/
               | osrec wrote:
               | We used them at a bulge bracket investment bank and they
               | failed miserably...
               | vundercind wrote:
               | The impression I get from their involvement at one
               | company I know of is that it's very much the latter. I
               | was pretty surprised to see them behaving and performing
               | about the same as any parasitic enterprise software
               | vendor with an integration services arm. One wonders how
               | different they really are, and if maybe they just have
               | very good PR and marketing.
               | Chalk it up as yet another case of some famous one-would-
               | suppose impressive entity, or strata of a company
               | hierarchy, or whatever, turning out to be pretty average,
               | or even below average. You'd think I'd stop being
               | surprised by now.
               | Then again, maybe I was just seeing their B-team.
           | LarsDu88 wrote:
           | So basically data warehousing, and making it possible to do
           | joins?
           | Super boring, but super important stuff, which I've seen
           | neglected at far too many places I've worked.
           | Sounds like data engineering with a dash of ML.
           | throwaway2037 wrote:
           | This is a good post to explain the value proposition. It
           | sounds like "Big Data" from the 1990s, but a very good
           | salesperson was able to infiltrate some US gov orgs to sell
           | the idea.
         | stephencoyner wrote:
         | They have a few brand new products that are quite compelling.
         | Warp Speed: Aims to integrate ERP, MES, PLM, and factory floor
         | systems into a single AI-driven platform. As opposed to legacy
         | ERP systems, it focuses on production optimization rather than
         | just financial tracking. Warp Speed has the potential to
         | relegate legacy systems to backend data storage, shifting the
         | entire intelligence layer (and value) to Palantir's system.
         | Warp Speed targets both innovative new manufacturers (they note
         | Tesla and Space X alums starting new companies) and traditional
         | large-scale operations.
         | Mission Manager: enables other defense contractors to build on
         | Palantir's platform and benefit from their security
         | infrastructure and position of trust within government. You can
         | think of it as an AWS for defense companies; plug and play with
         | the foundations handled for you. While the product just
         | launched in Q4 2023, they just received a new $33 million CDAO
         | Open DAGIR contract. While this is possibly just an advanced
         | POC, it represents significant potential for future growth and
         | wider adoption in the defense sector. Now is the perfect time.
         | From 2021 to 2023, VC firms invested nearly $100 billion in
         | defense tech startup companies, a 40% increase from the
         | previous seven years combined. Time is the most important thing
         | for these startups and Mission Manager shows the potential to
         | save lots of it.
           | NicoJuicy wrote:
           | > Now is the perfect time
           | The perfect time is yesterday. All defense companies already
           | went way up.
           | Palantir... Not so much
             | stephencoyner wrote:
             | The stock is up 152% YTD. I think they went up?
         | melling wrote:
         | The stock has blown up. It has more than doubled for me. Almost
         | tripled.
         | It's quite expensive now.
         | I would encourage you to do your own research.
         | For some reason, HN has very little depth in stock market
         | understanding. HN passed on META at $100.
         | I know there are some very knowledgeable people here. Wish
         | there was a way to create a "subreddit " here without all the
         | Reddit noise.
           | sakopov wrote:
           | If you were buying in the $6s, it nearly 7x'ed in like a year
           | rabf wrote:
           | One of the reasons I still frequent this forum is to
           | countertrade the espoused opinions. Meta@100 was such an easy
           | buy, Everyone was talking as if they were going out of
           | business because they did not like the idea of the metaverse.
           | A quick look at their earnings said that was utter nonsesnse.
           | So bizarre to see all jounalists and many users here to
           | attribute the turn around to them pivoting to AI when that
           | was not at all what the CEO was saying during that time.
           | Always look for primary sources, opinions are funny.
           | nodesocket wrote:
           | HN has always lacked economic and stock market knowledge and
           | instincts generally speaking. Most comments tend to say it's
           | rigged, evil capitalist, etc. Guessing because hackers
           | generally tend to swing far left and socialist though weird
           | as a lot of founder and entrepreneurs are active on HN as
           | well.
           | There is a long tradition of show HN were the comments poo
           | poo startups and ideas which end up being huge and the
           | opposite is also true with praise and admiration of failures.
             | fijiaarone wrote:
             | Common sense gets in the way of gamblers instinct.
         | joewhale wrote:
         | It all comes down to if you have the right sales people that
         | can land large govt contracts. The rest is figuring it out as
         | you go. This is an incredible moat for them. Whoever gets these
         | large govt contracts first in their space wins.
         | swordsmith wrote:
         | I use Foundry for work. It makes data ingestion, cleaning,
         | quality check and automation easy. After all the data is
         | ingested, running analysis/RAG on them become extremely easy.
         | Basically, it's end-to-end data engineering and analytics. And
         | the more a company uses/invests into the platform, the more
         | benefit and locked-in they are.
           | hermitcrab wrote:
           | RAG?
             | mandevil wrote:
             | Retrieval Augmented Generation.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrieval-
             | augmented_generation
             | Basically, using your actual data/documents to supplement a
             | general purpose LLM and generate better answers for your
             | specific use case.
           | alexpetralia wrote:
           | "End-to-end data engineering and analytics" is quite a bold
           | claim from a single service provider.
           | Here is the link for anyone interested:
           | https://www.palantir.com/platforms/foundry/ and a YouTube
           | explainer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGGRCTTjLfQ
           | Given you've used it, just how self-service is it? To me this
           | seems like such a large claim that - if it's doable - I'm
           | surprised there are not more competitors in the "vertically
           | integrated data providers" space.
             | maeil wrote:
             | > Given you've used it, just how self-service is it? To me
             | this seems like such a large claim that - if it's doable -
             | I'm surprised there are not more competitors in the
             | "vertically integrated data providers" space.
             | It is both very self service and not very self service.
             | That's why they employ the FDE model from the article, to
             | actually ingrain it into the client company to the point
             | that it becomes self service.
             | It's extremely hard to build such a product from scratch
             | and have it actually be _good_ , that's why there's no
             | competitors. Especially providing the finely grained
             | security controls that the article talks about, and have
             | the platform be secure. There's a reason their security
             | team wins the biggest CTFs half the time.
         | sangnoir wrote:
         | > Can someone explain to me what is the Palantir's business
         | model
         | AFAICT, it is government & government-adjacent contracting
         | using techniques borrowed from big tech and WITCH, since big
         | tech won't directly court government sw contracts, and WITCH
         | may fail at getting clearances for foreign-based personnel.
           | ericjmorey wrote:
           | WITCH?
             | dullcrisp wrote:
             | WITCH!!
             | wpasc wrote:
             | I was curious too; here's an HN link spelling it out and
             | discussing in context of working there:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27571707
             | sangnoir wrote:
             | Wipro, Infosys, TCS, Cognizant, and HCL. i.e. "large tech
             | consulting companies" if you're feeling generous, "body
             | shops" if you're not.
         | sleepybrett wrote:
         | your own private digital cia, for hire to the highest bidder.
       | giraffe_lady wrote:
       | > The company was seen as spy tech, NSA surveillance, or worse.
       | At the risk of "getting political" which obviously the original
       | post can't possibly be ever. It was seen as those things because
       | it is those things.
       | Palantir is to the palestinian genocide what IBM was to the
       | holocaust. This guy is going to lie to his grandchildren about
       | what he was doing during this time.
       | No "reflection" on palantir without grappling with its role in
       | oppression is worth writing.
       | jgalt212 wrote:
       | 246 PE, with a $94B market cap.
       | https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/PLTR/
       | Alex Karp has something figured out. The investor class loves
       | him.
         | jgalt212 wrote:
         | As best I can tell only ARM has a higher PE and Market Cap.
         | https://www.marketbeat.com/market-data/high-pe-stocks/
           | airstrike wrote:
           | Those are trailing P/E numbers, so they are just plain wrong
           | and should be disregarded.
           | Also P/E doesn't matter for companies that have not been
           | profitable for long. Any PE number above 100x is very likely
           | just noise. I wouldn't look at anything too far above 30x,
           | maybe 40x to account for the craze behind NVDA today
             | jgalt212 wrote:
             | Fine, but it is notable / extremely notable that there is
             | only one large cap more expensive than Palantir on a PE
             | basis. I'm not splitting hairs here, I'm talking about
             | extreme outliers.
               | airstrike wrote:
               | It isn't really notable because those PE multiples are
               | literally just noise. There are many companies with
               | negative PE on that list too, even though that makes no
               | sense.
               | To take that even further, imagine ACME Corp.'s stock
               | price is $1.00 today. You're a research analyst and built
               | a very robust model based on your understanding of the
               | company, the market in which it operates, corporate
               | guidance, competitor performance, your experience, phone
               | checks with the sales channel, etc. Your model currently
               | says the company will have negative ($0.01) EPS over the
               | next 12 months. Based on this information, its implied
               | forward P/E multiple is -100.0x.
               | The next day, you come to work and update your model
               | based on some new information like the Fed cutting rates
               | by 25 bps or revised labor market assumptions, what have
               | you, such that your expected next twelve months EPS is
               | now positive $0.01. The implied trading multiple is now
               | 100.0x.
               | Do you think a $0.02 change in the expected EPS should
               | result in a 200.0x P/E difference? No, it shouldn't. The
               | P/E ratio for a company with negative or near-zero
               | earnings has no meaning.
               | jgalt212 wrote:
               | > . The P/E ratio for a company with negative or near-
               | zero earnings has no meaning.
               | Only true in a ZIRP world, which no longer exists.
               | Companies have bills to pay, and if you're constantly
               | bouncing around 0 PE gambler's ruin is not far ahead
               | airstrike wrote:
               | This is factually incorrect. Plenty of negative P/E
               | companies in the market with positive implied equity
               | value.
               | The least objectionable defense of my argument is that
               | many such companies are choosing to reinvest so much of
               | their cash flows into more growth because that creates
               | higher NPV than the alternative. If they wanted to, they
               | could be profitable, but they choose not to be in order
               | to be MORE profitable in the future.
               | Also note EPS is an accounting metric, so it's just
               | "theoretical" stuff. It's not cash flow. These companies
               | in general have positive operating cash flow... including
               | PLTR
             | jgalt212 wrote:
             | > they are just plain wrong and should be disregarded.
             | Are you saying Palantir's previous 10-Ks and 10-Qs have
             | material misstatements of fact?
               | nonameiguess wrote:
               | Kind of conveniently cut off the first part of the
               | statement there. The basis of fundamental valuation,
               | discounted cash flow analysis, looks at _all cash flows_
               | , forever, into the far future until the company dies.
               | For a sufficiently mature company, current earnings are
               | reasonably considered a good approximation of future
               | earnings. For a newer company that is growing rapidly and
               | spending most of its cash on long term investments rather
               | than current year operations, it is not. Otherwise, every
               | new company that has no earnings yet would be worthless,
               | or if you consider losing money to be negative earnings,
               | you're saying they should be paying you to own them.
               | airstrike wrote:
               | No, it's just the trading multiples derived from them
               | that are totally wrong for the purposes of valuing the
               | company today, because the Ks and Qs pertain to the past,
               | which we cannot visit.
         | airstrike wrote:
         | Not every company trades on P/E. Some trade on EBITDA, others
         | on Revenue. It's a spectrum. The more mature (code for more
         | profitable, lower growth), the more likely it trades on P/E.
         | Palantir has $0.09 earnings per share. 2023 was the first year
         | they were profitable. So P/E isn't the right metric to look at
         | here.
         | Also no investor ever trades on _trailing_ metrics. It's all
         | about forward earnings, but 99.999999% of valuation multiples
         | you see online are trailing metrics (or use questionable
         | forward estimates pulled from some aggregate which is also just
         | noise instead of actually diligencing estimates)
         | specialsits wrote:
         | It's always amusing when armchair investors throw around
         | financial metrics meant for entirely different types of
         | companies, just to sound knowledgeable because they've heard
         | others repeat the same lazy jargon.
           | cgh wrote:
           | Honest question from someone who "armchair invests" in broad-
           | market ETFs: what metrics would I look at for a company like
           | Palantir? I'm not asking for investment lessons. Just your
           | opinion and some links would be fine.
             | airstrike wrote:
             | Always forward multiples, never trailing ones. Palantir
             | likely trades on Enterprise Value / NTM Revenue (next 12
             | months).
             | Don't just take the average provided by something like
             | Yahoo Finance. You need to look at which analysts are
             | providing estimates, decide which of those analysts are
             | reliable (e.g. a Bank of America analyst can be trusted, a
             | Morningstar bot that writes research reports cannot), write
             | down all their estimates, take either the mean or average
             | Because few analysts provide quarterly estimates, you need
             | to use annual estimates instead. But the next twelve months
             | are going to be made of some part of 2024 plus some part of
             | 2025. Palantir's fiscal year is 12/31/2024 so it's a bit
             | less annoying to calculate.
             | Their most recently reported quarter was Q2 2024, so the
             | next 12 months = Q3 2024 + Q4 2024 + Q1 2025 + Q2 2025[1].
             | Then you have to calculate enterprise value, which is
             | easier said than done. In a nutshell, it's the total equity
             | value + debt - cash, but there are always minor things to
             | adjust. Equity value is the number of diluted shares
             | outstanding[2] multiplied by today's share price. To
             | calculate diluted shares, you will need to know the options
             | that are outstanding on the company and use the Treasury
             | Stock Method to assume all of the in-the-money options are
             | exercised, with the proceeds from those options being used
             | to buy back shares. Debt you can get from financial
             | statements, unless the company has publicly traded debt in
             | which case you might need to adjust for its current value
             | rather than its book value. Cash you can simply get from
             | financial statements, but there can be issues there too
             | depending on how complex the company is. Add all of that
             | together (subtract cash!) and you get Enterprise Value.
             | Divide Enterprise Value by NTM Revenue and you'll get a
             | revenue multiple for this company today. But if you want to
             | calculate what the company _should_ be worth relative to
             | competitors, you can do the same thing for all of its
             | competitors, then take the mean/average EV/Revenue of those
             | comps and say "PLTR should be worth this much"
             | Also separately you can build a DCF if you have sufficient
             | visibility into the future cashflows of the company.[3]
             | You can take some shortcuts or go even deeper in all of the
             | above. It comes down to how much scrutiny you need for the
             | investment you're making. Are you SAP trying to acquire
             | Palantir? You're going to do all of the above with more
             | detail than I explained. Are you deciding whether to
             | rebalance a bit of your portfolio out of Palantir as an
             | individual trader? Maybe Yahoo Finance Pro estimates are
             | serviceable enough (I wouldn't know).
             | OR just find an analyst whose views on the company you
             | happen to like and who you think is generally right and
             | look at their multiples so you don't have to do all that
             | legwork yourself. But you'll need to be a client at their
             | bank to get access to their research...
             | ----
             | [1] Some people like to do (days left in 2024 / 365) * FY
             | 2024 estimates and take the remaining days to make up a
             | year * FY 2025, but that's totally wrong for many reasons,
             | the most obvious being that investors aren't updating their
             | models (and thus the valuation multiples those models
             | output) on a daily basis. There's no new news about the
             | company every single day, so estimates should be stable
             | over the course of the quarter.
             | [2] NOT from the earnings report, as that "diluted shares"
             | for EPS means something else: to simplify, it means diluted
             | over the course of the year rather than today, which is
             | what we want.
             | [3] For fast growing companies, this is harder because you
             | need to extrapolate all the way until you get to a year
             | with relatively low growth cash flows in order to get to a
             | "terminal year" for a DCF analysis, but if you're
             | projecting 10-20 years into the future, chances are you're
             | wrong!
               | cgh wrote:
               | Fantastic response, thank you for taking the time.
               | airstrike wrote:
               | My pleasure! Wall Street likes to gatekeep this info
               | (it's very simple math but banks charge millions for it)
               | and there's a disheartening shortage of publicly
               | available repositories with this knowledge (most of it
               | can be automated, except for one-off adjustments you need
               | to make for each company here and there for accounting
               | reasons or out of the ordinary occurrences)
               | The bit I forgot to add is that you kinda have to do the
               | reverse too, if you're valuing the company based on
               | comparables: take their mean multiple, then apply that
               | PLTR's forward revenue to get to some enterprise value,
               | then subtract net debt (i.e. minus debt _plus_ cash now!)
               | and get to equity value. Then divide by the diluted
               | shares (you have to imply the Treasury Stock Method
               | dilution in some somewhat circular Excel math) to get to
               | a final dollar value per share
               | You can take this one step further and draw line charts
               | over time with these multiples vs. comparables to see how
               | the sentiment has changed for this stock (or for
               | comparables) over time. And many other similar
               | analyses...
       | nuz wrote:
       | Since will come up, Thiels response to some of current
       | geopolitical critiques of Palantir:
       | https://youtu.be/bNewfkhhwMo?t=3755
         | jedimind wrote:
         | Thiel is such a propagandist, his speech reminds me of Nazi
         | propaganda where the Nazis claimed that Jews had declared war
         | on Germany. This narrative was part of a broader anti-Semitic
         | campaign to justify the persecution of Jews. The Nazis cited
         | several instances as evidence of this purported declaration of
         | war by Jews, most notably a headline from the British newspaper
         | The Daily Express on March 24, 1933, which read "Judea Declares
         | War on Germany." This headline was in response to a worldwide
         | boycott of German goods organized by Jewish groups to protest
         | against the early actions of the Nazi government, such as the
         | boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany.
         | The Nazi regime used this headline and other similar
         | international actions to claim that the global Jewish community
         | was an enemy of Germany. This supposed declaration of war
         | served as a convenient pretext for the Nazis to intensify their
         | anti-Semitic policies, which eventually led to the Holocaust.
         | The narrative fit into the broader Nazi ideology that portrayed
         | Jews as an existential threat to the German nation and the
         | Aryan race, and it was used to justify the systematic genocide
         | that was to follow. This is akin to Thiel stating "well, if the
         | jews had the power, they too would have committed a holocaust
         | against the Germans", this is sheer insanity, he uses a similar
         | argument to justify the Palestinian genocide. Stating "they
         | didn't dresden Gaza", huh? What Israel did to Gaza is, by any
         | measurable metric, much worse than what happened to Dresden.
         | His defense of Israel's Genocide of Palestinians is not just
         | factually wrong but filled with statements that are evidence of
         | his denial of reality.
         | At 1:03:05 Thiel states: "the intent to commit a crime is where
         | the crime gets committed". LOL, and the audience clapped - what
         | absolute insanity. Legally and pragmatically, that statement is
         | absurd. One can not judge people based on their "intentions",
         | which can't be separated from personal bias and interpretation,
         | but only on their concrete actions and not their perceived
         | "thought crimes".
         | So Thiel dishonestly removes all context of a century of brutal
         | colonialism and ethnic-cleansing to paint the crudest zionist
         | propaganda of "they just want to kill all jews" instead of a
         | colonized people whose children, in the same year - months
         | before that event, were brutally murdered by the israeli
         | occupation as they have done for decades: At least _507
         | Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2023_ , including
         | _at least 81 children_ , _making it the deadliest year for
         | Palestinians_ since the United Nations Office for the
         | Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) began recording
         | casualties in 2005.
         | [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/shocking-
         | spik...]
         | Weaponizing antisemitism to disguise colonialism is extremely
         | heinous and cheapens real antisemitism - would it make any
         | difference if the occupiers were Scientologists? If you lose
         | your land and property why would you care about the identity of
         | your oppressor?
         | Even Ahmed Yassin the founder of hamas has a famous video
         | shared across social media where he states: "We don't hate Jews
         | and fight them because they are Jews. Jews are people of a
         | religion, and we are people of a religion. We love all people
         | of religion. My brother even if he is my brother and he is a
         | Muslim, If he steals my house and kicks me out, I will resist
         | him."
         | Although the zionist propagandists know very well that it is
         | their oppressive occupation for which they are hated, they
         | still prefer peddling a false narrative that their targets of
         | colonization just "hate the jews", because it's a very potent
         | narrative that plays into islamophobic and orientalist tropes
         | which the western world finds appealing.
           | Barrin92 wrote:
           | >Thiel states: "the intent to commit a crime is where the
           | crime gets committed". LOL, and the audience clapped - what
           | absolute insanity.
           | That's the infamous Ender's Game school of warfare, there's a
           | reason that book used to be handed out at US military
           | academies. Extremely relevant essay:
           | https://johnjosephkessel.wixsite.com/kessel-
           | website/creating...
           |  _Stryka's concern for the genocide of the buggers, which
           | might be interpreted as arising out of a concern for the
           | humanity of the "other," is presented instead as an example
           | of scapegoating the "other"--but in this case the other is
           | redefined as the exterminator, not the exterminated. This is
           | a very clever stratagem: those of us concerned about
           | understanding the "other" are redirected from worrying about
           | the alien to worrying about the killer of the alien, and thus
           | our condemnation of genocide reemerges as a sign of our
           | prejudice and small-mindedness. Ender is not the victimizer,
           | but the misunderstood victim of others' fear and prejudice._
             | jedimind wrote:
             | The problem is that Thiel himself clearly didn't understand
             | the message of the novel. Quoting Ender's Game to justify
             | genocide[1] fundamentally misinterprets the novel. Ender is
             | horrified when he realizes he has been tricked into
             | committing genocide and spends his life seeking redemption.
             | Thiel on the other hand is bending over backwards to lie to
             | the audience in order to justify the genocide.
             | Even before the genocide began, it was clear from how
             | israeli officials repeatedly referenced Dresden that they
             | viewed the bombing as a model for their actions--and that
             | is precisely what they did. Thus, it is even more absurd
             | for Thiel to claim that they "didn't Dresden Gaza." They
             | did, and it is much worse and it still hasn't stopped after
             | more than a year.
             | [1] https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/prof-
             | amos-go... - Israel 'undoubtedly committing genocide' says
             | Holocaust scholar Amos Goldberg
         | EasyMark wrote:
         | Thiel knows how to get rich and I'll give him that, however I
         | would never trust his reptilian takes on geopolitics or
         | anything else outside of business strategy and even then I
         | might limit it to stuff he's working on in the past.
       | tdeck wrote:
       | > During the 2016-2020 era especially, telling people you worked
       | at Palantir was unpopular. The company was seen as spy tech, NSA
       | surveillance, or worse.
       | Lots of people still see it in exactly this way. The fact that
       | Palantir IPO'd and is a magnet for investors doesn't contradict
       | this. Palantir always had a reputation for champagne and
       | surveillance.
         | orochimaaru wrote:
         | So does AT&T and Verizon which would fall in the morally
         | neutral category. Even big tech - Google/meta are probably
         | classified as morally neutral but in reality gray areas. The US
         | government probably has access to all that data - with our
         | without warrants.
         | I also agree with his premise. There is really no gray area
         | working for defense tech in the US. In my opinion people have a
         | rather lopsided view of that. You would rarely find any other
         | nation that where defense tech companies are turned away from
         | job fairs. Kinda ridiculous.
           | stackskipton wrote:
           | >You would rarely find any other nation that where defense
           | tech companies are turned away from job fairs. Kinda
           | ridiculous.
           | Probably because US MIC is weird political place. On one
           | hand, it's turns out really cool tech and US needs defense.
           | On other hand, who are we defending from and why are spending
           | all this money on world police when we have a ton of internal
           | problems? Throw in some pork barrel in there to add to
           | political stuff.
           | When people post memes about "You are about to find out why
           | US doesn't have free healthcare." with some overwhelming
           | American firepower equipment in the image, it's not hard to
           | see why a lot of people find it a grey area.
             | psunavy03 wrote:
             | > On other hand, who are we defending from and why are
             | spending all this money on world police when we have a ton
             | of internal problems?
             | Because someone has to be this if you want the continuation
             | of the post-WWII rules-based international order that
             | underpins the entire global economy. The Department of
             | Defense and US hegemony are essentially overhead that is
             | the Least Bad Option to stop WWIII from kicking off or the
             | world from fragmenting into spheres of influence (which is
             | starting to happen already). Who else would do this and not
             | screw over everyone else even worse? Russia? China?
               | mistermann wrote:
               | Force is only one of many methods to achieve certain
               | outcomes, not all methods that could achieve the same
               | general outcome are known, very little cognitive effort
               | is put into searching for alternatives, leaving few
               | options other than speculation if one is obligated to
               | form a conclusion on the matter.
               | scottyah wrote:
               | All deliberate actions to achieve certain outcomes are
               | "force", it is a scale not a binary option.
               | mistermann wrote:
               | I am skeptical, let's run an experiment and see what the
               | response is:
               | Is feeding the homeless so they are not hungry "force"?
               | Is lending a compassionate ear to someone suffering so
               | they may feel a bit better "force"?
               | Is making myself a nice sandwich and watching a movie
               | because I find it pleasant "force"?
               | shiroiushi wrote:
               | >Is making myself a nice sandwich and watching a movie
               | because I find it pleasant "force"?
               | To the chicken, turkey, pig, or cow that died to make the
               | meat in your sandwich, definitely yes.
               | ngcazz wrote:
               | We should stop defending an imperialist establishment
               | which relies on the rampant exploitation of the global
               | south and is committing genocide and calling it rules-
               | based order. More like America rules.
               | The containment rhetoric/logic is long past its use-by
               | date - the US's pretense as guardians of a common moral
               | high ground was shattered at the very latest with the
               | Vietnam War, and in 2024 it is an absolute tragedy of a
               | joke in poor taste.
               | You gotta think this rules-based order is designed to
               | drive anyone decent crazy. What else can happen when you
               | hear pieces of shit like Blinken wax lyrical about the
               | human rights of Palestinians while supercharging weapons
               | deliveries to Israel, or the very existence of the UNSC
               | veto which will guarantee outcomes that reinforce
               | unforgivable and unforgettable mass crimes, beckoning
               | awful consequences for the whole world.
               | itsoktocry wrote:
               | > _You gotta think this rules-based order is designed to
               | drive anyone decent crazy._
               | All complaints, no solutions. Typical.
               | So who does have the moral high-ground around the globe?
               | It's unbelievable to me how many people think it'd be all
               | peace and harmony if the US disappeared. I can imagine
               | much worse, just by reading a history book.
               | saturn8601 wrote:
               | I'd like to think that Pakistan would be on a better road
               | if their democratically elected leader wasn't ousted by
               | the US.
               | Thats one example, there are many others.
               | In terms of solutions, well looking at history of the US,
               | the only time the people at the top ever gave any
               | semblance of crumbs to everyone else was when they knew
               | they were in deep trouble and were forced to part with
               | whatever little they could give to calm the masses.
               | Think of Medicare, Social Security etc. We saw it again
               | with Obamacare. The country was in a rage so out came the
               | bare minimum. Elimination of barbaric things like pre-
               | existing conditions in exchange for guaranteed income for
               | the insurance companies. Absolute breadcrumbs but it was
               | something.
               | We just need something like that on a worldwide level.
               | Maybe China rising will finally put pressure on the US
               | given that the EU never amounted to much more than being
               | a US vassal state.
               | bigstrat2003 wrote:
               | > It's unbelievable to me how many people think it'd be
               | all peace and harmony if the US disappeared.
               | You've misread the situation. I don't think it would be
               | global peace and harmony if we stopped playing world
               | police. I simply _do not care_. It 's not our
               | responsibility to take care of other countries while we
               | have serious problems at home that are going ignored.
               | scottyah wrote:
               | Kissinger set out for a policy that prioritized
               | stability, communication, and mutual understanding of
               | each others' desires to live their own lives.
               | If we do not "take care" of other countries (as in stop
               | being world police, stop assisting in their problems like
               | Clinton did with Ireland's Troubles, etc...) we would
               | have their problems at our doorstep.
               | Also, there is definitely a subset of Americans that
               | cannot stand by living well when others aren't, just
               | because they other people were born elsewhere. This
               | applies on all levels: Country, State, County, City,
               | Neighborhood, block, house, etc.
               | saturn8601 wrote:
               | What are you smoking? Have you not seen the list of all
               | the governments that have been "removed" by the US? Most
               | recently Pakistan which was a year ago
               | [1]:https://theintercept.com/2023/08/09/imran-khan-
               | pakistan-cyph...
               | [2]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involveme
               | nt_in_r...
               | mistermann wrote:
               | > It's unbelievable to me how many people think it'd be
               | all peace and harmony if the US disappeared. I can
               | imagine much worse, just by reading a history book.
               | What is the relevance of this to the content of the
               | comment you are replying to?
               | csomar wrote:
               | That's like telling a woman with a beating husband that
               | it's better to stay with him because the other men are
               | worse.
               | shiroiushi wrote:
               | If you live in a world where it simply isn't possible for
               | some reason for the woman to not have a husband at all,
               | it makes perfect sense.
               | saturn8601 wrote:
               | Great. So Americans get to be the suckers propping up the
               | decent lifestyles of the rest of the western world and
               | much of Asia and the ME.
               | This country has a collapsing middle class, horrendously
               | bad health outcomes, ever increasing amount of corruption
               | and little chance to turn things around because of
               | entrenched interests.
               | I can just picture the thought process going in your
               | head(and many others) right now. _If you hate it so much
               | why dont you leave_.
               | yks wrote:
               | > Americans get to be the suckers propping up the decent
               | lifestyles of the rest of the western world and much of
               | Asia and the ME
               | America benefited greatly from this position though, it's
               | just the gains have not been equally distributed, and one
               | can make an argument that Americans simply vote for that
               | outcome. It is very unclear to me how the situation of
               | the middle class in the US becomes any better if the US
               | gives up its leverage for Chinese to dictate the terms.
               | FWIW pre-WW1 the US had even worse inequality while not
               | propping up anyone's lifestyle abroad.
               | nxobject wrote:
               | I think there's some clarification that needs to happen,
               | though: what would it mean for "China to dictate the
               | terms", and does that necessarily happen if the US "steps
               | back" (and what does that mean?) In a charitable
               | interpretation, the US remains an important trading,
               | industrial, technological, and educational world power.
               | Perhaps it might even keep the spending on worldwide
               | surveillance (e.g. spy satellites). Geopolitical
               | influence allows for many strategies.
               | yks wrote:
               | Stepping back from enforcing post-WW2 world order means
               | letting China, Russia, Iran to freely install their
               | satellite and unfriendly-to-the-US regimes around the
               | world, by force if needed. Which means access to the
               | foreign markets will be curtailed for the US or otherwise
               | "dictated" by other powers. It's hard to see how that
               | leads to more prosperity for Americans, especially since
               | the political forces trying to bring that about are also
               | not very pro-"trading, industry, technology and
               | education".
               | The GP says that they don't want to prop up foreign
               | lifestyles because the middle class in the US is
               | struggling but isolationism in the 21st century will not
               | make things better for the US middle class. Nor for
               | middle class of any other country really, although the GP
               | doesn't care about those.
               | saturn8601 wrote:
               | >Stepping back from enforcing post-WW2 world order means
               | letting China, Russia, Iran to freely install their
               | satellite and unfriendly-to-the-US regimes around the
               | world, by force if needed.
               | The US isn't going anywhere. In fact China has serious
               | structural problems that may make all this conversation
               | pointless. But there needs to be some sort of pathway for
               | the global south to move forward. If that involves having
               | China rise up and then countries accepting that all they
               | can do is play the US and China off of each other to get
               | the best deals out of them then thats still a step
               | forward. If climate change comes to pass it may not even
               | matter. The US and the West is the cause for the majority
               | of the historical pollution yet its the unprepared global
               | south that will bear the worst brunt of climate change.
               | So the best I am advocating for is that the global south
               | take one step forward and hope they don't end up five
               | steps backwards in the long run.
               | >The GP says that they don't want to prop up foreign
               | lifestyles because the middle class in the US is
               | struggling but isolationism in the 21st century will not
               | make things better for the US middle class. Nor for
               | middle class of any other country really, although the GP
               | doesn't care about those.
               | As to improving the middle class, we need to understand
               | the structural reasons why they are sinking. Decades of
               | erosion to US institutions has led to a situation that
               | can only change if things get really bad and the citizens
               | really demand change..or the US elite are challenged with
               | some real competition. I dont see how it can happen
               | naturally in the US anymore. Every time people get fed
               | up, there is a "release valve" or a distraction in the
               | form of crumbs offered to people so that enough settle
               | down or fixate on something else. We saw it after the
               | "Occupy Wall Street Protests" with the beginning of the
               | culture wars as well as the passing of Obamacare which
               | eliminated the most barbaric provisions of health care in
               | the US. It is not meaningful change but it calmed people
               | down. This method will lead to decades of the elite
               | retaining their leverage. I dont want to see my life pass
               | before my eyes and no real reform ends up happening.
               | In terms of the second method of having the elite being
               | challenged, We saw in the cold war how the US system had
               | to prove itself and that led to a strong taxation on the
               | wealthy, good institutions, positive movement for the
               | middle class, all to show the Russians that the US led
               | system is the best. There currently is no forcing
               | function to return to that situation at this time.
               | yks wrote:
               | > We saw in the cold war how the US system had to prove
               | itself and that led to a strong taxation on the wealthy,
               | good institutions, positive movement for the middle
               | class, all to show the Russians that the US led system is
               | the best.
               | I don't think anyone sane thinks that Russians or Chinese
               | masses have it better in economic terms. In fact, the
               | message of Russian propaganda including its American
               | extension is that everything sucks everywhere.
               | saturn8601 wrote:
               | >I don't think anyone sane thinks that Russians or
               | Chinese masses have it better in economic terms. In fact,
               | the message of Russian propaganda including its American
               | extension is that everything sucks everywhere.
               | Uh did I say anything of the sort?
               | When the Cold War was going on the communist system was
               | initially out producing and out maneuvering the US but
               | eventually the fallacy of a communist (and subsequently
               | fascist takeover of the government) made it inevitable
               | that it was going to fail.
               | However during this fight between the two powers, the US
               | saw great advances in the prosperity and rights of its
               | middle class. As the USSR started to fall, we saw the
               | beginnings of corporate takeover of all layers of the US
               | government and it really accelerated after the USSR fell.
               | You are making this argument that the US had it so good
               | while ignoring how it got so good and also failing to
               | acknowledge why it has declined so much over the last few
               | decades. If you don't buy my argument then I challenge
               | you to provide an alternative explanation.
               | saturn8601 wrote:
               | >It is very unclear to me how the situation of the middle
               | class in the US becomes any better if the US gives up its
               | leverage for Chinese to dictate the terms. FWIW pre-WW1
               | the US had even worse inequality while not propping up
               | anyone's lifestyle abroad.
               | This was explained in the other post which I will
               | reproduce here:
               | "looking at history of the US, the only time the people
               | at the top ever gave any semblance of crumbs to everyone
               | else was when they knew they were in deep trouble and
               | were forced to part with whatever little they could give
               | to calm the masses.
               | Think of Medicare, Social Security etc. We saw it again
               | with Obamacare. The country was in a rage so out came the
               | bare minimum. Elimination of barbaric things like pre-
               | existing conditions in exchange for guaranteed income for
               | the insurance companies. Absolute breadcrumbs but it was
               | something.
               | We just need something like that on a worldwide level.
               | Maybe China rising will finally put pressure on the US
               | given that the EU never amounted to much more than being
               | a US vassal state."
               | We saw the best of the US system during the cold war. The
               | system had to prove itself. Im not advocating for
               | communism nor Chinese style fascism just more
               | competition.
               | The third world is already taking advantage of this
               | situation. Nearly every country in the global south has
               | been negatively damaged by the US or Europe at some
               | point. They don't have many options other than to tough
               | it out and hopes the West leaves them with whatever
               | scraps they can get by. If they got too powerful, then
               | the West topples them over. See Pakistan or Bolivia as a
               | recent example. Now China has entered the scene and it
               | has provided the ability for countries to start playing
               | the US and China off of each other to see what they can
               | get out of both countries. Djibouti and its military
               | bases is a small example but we see it with countries
               | like Brazil and Pakistan as well.
               | How would this help the middle class in the US? Well if
               | the elite in the US start to think they will lose out
               | they will start to enact change that will bring the
               | middle class up to snuff in order to better compete...and
               | lets be honest for a moment, whatever they say goes.
               | yks wrote:
               | If you believe that the progress is achieved when the
               | masses have it the worst, then the deteriorating
               | condition of the American middle class will naturally
               | help it. What's the point in this accelerationism with
               | allies as casualties then?
               | saturn8601 wrote:
               | >If you believe that the progress is achieved when the
               | masses have it the worst, then the deteriorating
               | condition of the American middle class will naturally
               | help it.
               | Thats what we have seen historically. People always
               | demand improvements. The leadership of this country
               | hasn't actually done it until they really have a pissed
               | off populace at their doorstep. I wouldn't believe it if
               | it weren't for the historical precedent.
               | >What's the point in this accelerationism with allies as
               | casualties then?
               | Americans should be first in line when it comes to who
               | the government serves but if you just look at the US
               | government's actions vs other governments in the west,
               | the US government clearly does not have their citizens
               | interests first and foremost.
               | Think of all the rights and regulations the EU(or hell
               | even many third world countries) have vs the US.
               | It manifests itself in so many ways:
               | Some easy examples demonstrating small issues as well as
               | big ones:
               | 1. EU countries mandate physical addresses for VOIP
               | number registration. US spends years not implementing its
               | half assed regulations Result: Americans are drowning in
               | spam calls
               | 2. EU negotiates drug prices as a government and refuses
               | to pay more than a specific %. Companies would rather get
               | something vs nothing from the EU market. US despite being
               | the largest market, refuses to negotiate as a government
               | even though they have a universal health program(for
               | seniors only but thats a different issue). Result:
               | American made drugs are sometimes up to 10x more
               | expensive in the US than elsewhere. A vial of insulin in
               | EU: ~9$ USA: ~99$
               | 3. US sends its Navy to patrol world seas, ensuring flow
               | of goods. Result: EU does not meet required 2% of NATO
               | spending and instead funnels that money into social
               | services like subsidized colleges. Result: US citizens
               | either drown with a lifetimes worth of college debt or
               | take a chance in the Military for subsidized college
               | after giving up 4+ years of their young adult life
               | serving their military contract while EU citizens
               | graduate debt free and take a gap year traveling instead.
               | I can go on for literal dozens of examples. I
               | specifically chose to go from small to big to show that
               | the problem is systemic and permeates all aspects of
               | American life. In many ways the American system is one
               | giant scam and they only people benefiting are people who
               | have managed to survive in the upper echelons of the
               | income stratosphere or are foreigners.
               | If the US changed its focus to be more inward, it can
               | focus on rebuilding manufacturing which would increase
               | jobs availability and give more power to workers which
               | would lead to other rights for the common man such as
               | demanding more from the government to help US peoples
               | among many other examples.
               | walleeee wrote:
               | You may be correct on at least one point: the DOD may
               | _have_ stepped us all down from WW3 recently, to the
               | chagrin of other elements of the establishment who have
               | gotten used to whispering foreign policy into the
               | relevant ears with no pushback
             | mega_dean wrote:
             | > On other hand, who are we defending from and why are
             | spending all this money on world police when we have a ton
             | of internal problems?
             | Reminds me of this scene in Wag the Dog:
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwgPnYVg74Y
             | "The war of the future is nuclear terrorism. It is, and it
             | will be against a small group of dissidents who,
             | unbeknownst to perhaps their own governments, have blah
             | blah blah blah blah. And to go to that war, you have to be
             | prepared."
           | nxobject wrote:
           | I'm sure there are plenty of people who say no to working on
           | improving Facebook engagement, DoubleClick etc. for that
           | reason! As opposed, to, say, something like the calming
           | algorithm YouTube uses with its comments.
           | (Also, there are plenty of reasons why the American defense
           | industry is both quanitatively and qualitatively different
           | from those of other nations, e.g. France, Sweden - i.e. its
           | disproportionate involvement with arms sales, its involvement
           | with defense boondoggles and the opportunity cost, etc.
           | Regardless of the grays, when the system is black, entire
           | countries are painted black.)
           | NegatioN wrote:
           | "Right now there's this thing where ethics aren't what they
           | used to be. This idea that people are trying to replace the
           | ideas of good and bad, with better or worse." -Dave Chappelle
           | What you're writing should naturally lead to the conclusion
           | that working for Google, Meta, Verizon, AT&T etc are all in
           | the category of companies one shouldn't strive to use their
           | hard earned talents for. For some reason I cannot fathom, you
           | seem to land on the idea that Palantir is okay, because all
           | these others somehow have snuck under the radar of many
           | people?
             | orochimaaru wrote:
             | I'm saying Palantir and defense tech is better because they
             | are upfront about their association. In contrast you have
             | what the author calls as morally neutral companies that are
             | in fact gray areas.
           | julianeon wrote:
           | Factually untrue.
           | I'm going to quote ChatGPT here, just because finding links
           | outside of that is hard (it's an obscure topic) and this
           | summary is good enough.
           | > The phenomenon of compensating wage differentials for
           | working in "sin" industries is observed not just in the U.S.,
           | but internationally as well.
           | About "sin" industries:
           | > "Sin industries" (alcohol, tobacco, gambling, pornography,
           | miltech) can be seen as morally contentious by some workers.
           | As a result, individuals may seek higher wages to compensate
           | for any discomfort or societal stigma attached to their work
           | in those sectors.
             | tolerance wrote:
             | Julian,
             | I know that on the Internet the demand for sources can be a
             | preemptive concern when structuring an argument.
             | However-- _please_ --there is no need to resort to large
             | language model applications in order to support your
             | subjective claims.
             | You can do this on your own, son. If the machine can find
             | it, so can you! Take your time, think things through. What
             | you're saying would sound more reasonable in your own
             | words.
               | julianeon wrote:
               | Since you asked, I think I'll explain myself.
               | I did look for sources. I estimate it would've taken
               | about 15 minutes to collect the sources and link them.
               | Basically if you do the search yourself, you'll see the
               | first page or so of links is very academic ones. So I
               | would need to scroll past all those, and read the
               | abstract to find one that corroborated my argument.
               | This is not, as they say, a paid position: it's fair to
               | say "that takes to long" and choose not to do this. Which
               | is what I did here.
               | Now I'm not sure what the correct thing to do here was,
               | in retrospect. I can see that an LLM is not a popular
               | choice, though I thought it was a defensible compromise
               | between "no source" and "spending too long finding actual
               | sources."
               | I could've handwaved and said "academics say" without
               | sourcing (probably the best choice).
               | I won't cite an LLM next time. I'll probably just frankly
               | say "you can look it up, I won't do that because it takes
               | too long, but..." I believe that's a fair compromise
               | between "saying nothing" and "spending 15-20 minutes on a
               | thankless research task."
               | The one thing I'm unwilling to do here is to just spend
               | 15-20 minutes on this, however. I'd rather be downvoted,
               | or simply say nothing.
               | nonameiguess wrote:
               | I want to be as charitable as possible, but it sounds
               | like you're saying here your alternative was to skim a
               | bunch of sources until finding one that agrees with you,
               | then citing it as if it's the only authority out there
               | and the matter is settled. While the more cynical part of
               | me doesn't doubt that's what everyone on the Internet
               | actually does, it's not exactly in the spirit of honest
               | inquiry and I rarely see people flat out admit to it.
               | I can't help but be a little skeptical because both my
               | wife and I have worked in either the military itself or
               | on military technology for most of our adult lives, and
               | while we live comfortably and have no complaints, the pay
               | is nowhere near what you'd get in finance or ad tech or
               | most successful B2C web companies. Quite to the contrary,
               | rather than being compensated for the stigma, there is no
               | stigma. Outside of comments section bubbles, the US
               | military is a widely respected institution and the people
               | holding these kinds of jobs have great pride in their
               | missions and willingly accept less money to work on
               | something they care about and believe in.
               | I can't comment on porn and drugs, which seem quite
               | different.
               | tolerance wrote:
               | > I want to be as charitable as possible, but it sounds
               | like you're saying here your alternative was to skim a
               | bunch of sources until finding one that agrees with you,
               | then citing it as if it's the only authority out there
               | and the matter is settled. While the more cynical part of
               | me doesn't doubt that's what everyone on the Internet
               | actually does, it's not exactly in the spirit of honest
               | inquiry and I rarely see people flat out admit to it.
               | Outside of the spirit of honest inquiry, perhaps no. But
               | I commend his honesty in general.
               | tolerance wrote:
               | I feel you.
               | The cost of defending a reasonable sentiment on the
               | internet always outweighs the benefits...because whether
               | there are "winners" in online arguments is questionable.
               | It takes a lot of forbearance to express an opinion, an
               | observation, an anecdote or provide even objective
               | information, and move on. Or, turn the 15-20 minutes into
               | an entire weekend; researching, analyzing, drafting,
               | revising and publishing a report to substantiate the
               | claims for the next guy (and for the AI scraper bots who
               | will use for work to support the argument of the next
               | guy).
               | rabf wrote:
               | I find the disdain for LLM's somewhat troubling when they
               | they are easily in the top 1% of commenters on most
               | subjects.
             | bigstrat2003 wrote:
             | ChatGPT is not a valid source to substantiate a claim.
               | xk_id wrote:
               | It's veiled spam and i don't know why HN isn't outright
               | prohibiting it
               | rabf wrote:
               | What sources do suggest as superior?
           | Shog9 wrote:
           | You're being pretty generous toward the "phone companies"
           | here - their reputations have decades of bad press and shady
           | behavior to shoulder as well. The big difference being, in
           | addition to their roles as data brokers and fig-leaves for
           | the spooks, they _also_ provide phone service.
           | So... Y'know. You could just let people assume that you're a
           | lineman or something.
           | moolcool wrote:
           | > Google/meta are probably classified as morally neutral but
           | in reality gray areas
           | I don't think so. I see tons of people with moral objections
           | to Meta specifically.
         | paulpauper wrote:
         | Almost all tech acts as surveillance. Anything that records an
         | IP address or GEO data is surveillance.
       | akira2501 wrote:
       | So this entire article seems to actually describe a _single_
       | work/consultation product, then spends the rest of the time
       | describing and backwardly lauding the absurd cult of personality
       | that seems to encompass this entire operation.
       | "A boring dystopia as a service."
       | Or maybe I'm just not cognitively ready to read this yet this
       | morning. I guess I'll set my A/C to 60 and chew on some ice to
       | see if that helps. :|
         | partomniscient wrote:
         | I agree. I still didn't fully understand what value Palantir
         | adds, and it partly felt like they were justifying the 8 years
         | spent working for them to themselves. It sounds kind of
         | interesting from a corporate culture point of view but that was
         | about it.
           | tolerance wrote:
           | It's public relations. Palantir is Not Bad(tm).
       | eezing wrote:
       | It's Salesforce v2. A ridiculously expensive proprietary "easy-
       | to-build" application platform with an ecosystem of ridiculously
       | expensive consultants.
         | SpicyLemonZest wrote:
         | Salesforce v2 is a pretty bull case for Palantir! This bias
         | people have against against application platforms requiring a
         | consultant ecosystem and per-customer installations is just not
         | accurate - in software, as in the rest of the world, there are
         | some areas where it's the right model to get things done
         | efficiently. Walmart can't use an off-the-shelf CRM platform
         | any more than US Steel could use an off-the-shelf furnace.
           | wbl wrote:
           | US steel very infamously did not do any R&D and stuck to
           | outmoded technology.
       | fnwbr wrote:
       | > you can work on things like Google search or the Facebook news
       | feed, all of which seem like marginally good things
       | lol, where has the author been in the past decade? both of those
       | are bad, especially the feed algorithms are scientifically proven
       | to have a strong influence on the decline of trust into
       | democratic institutions
         | FactKnower69 wrote:
         | he worked at palantir for 8 years dude, do you think he has the
         | capacity to discern if the Facebook news feed was a net
         | positive for society
       | Finnucane wrote:
       | "I remember my first time I talked to Stephen Cohen he had the
       | A/C in his office set at 60, several weird-looking devices for
       | minimizing CO2 content in the room, and had a giant pile of ice
       | in a cup. Throughout the conversation, he kept chewing pieces of
       | ice. "
       | " Mandrake, have you never wondered why I drink only distilled
       | water or rainwater? And only pure grain alcohol?"
       | hiAndrewQuinn wrote:
       | Huh. I finally have a name for what my own job really is.
       | I should probably look into this Palantir operation.
       | master_crab wrote:
       | For all you backend engineers: It's basically Grafana with a
       | bunch of support engineers in the backend cleaning up the data
       | source (like a splunk index) that feeds it.
       | Palantir does UI and visualization well but needs an inordinate
       | amount of field support engineers to groom the dirty disparate
       | data that governments do a poor job cleaning (either due to
       | incompetence, field conditions, or both).
       | The amount of manual labor doesn't justify its market price, but
       | because governments rarely change their vendors, there is
       | significant lock in that probably supports some amount of their
       | market cap.
         | nxobject wrote:
         | I imagine back in the LBJ and Nixon days IBM would've been
         | doing similar classified work.
         | JumpCrisscross wrote:
         | > _needs an inordinate amount of field support engineers_
         | Hey now, they're forward-deployed engineers. _Nothing_ like
         | Oracle or SAP consultants.
           | master_crab wrote:
           | Touche
           | throwup238 wrote:
           | Do they dig latrines too?
           | "Forward deployed" sounds like they're in a FOB out in the
           | sticks somewhere.
         | okino wrote:
         | Leaving this here for people interested in what the software
         | actually is.
         | https://www.palantir.com/docs/
         | Taikonerd wrote:
         | But they have 80% margin, according to the article... so those
         | engineers are generating a lot of revenue per capita.
           | JumpCrisscross wrote:
           | > _they have 80% margin, according to the article_
           | I have a pet theory about private equity: they're in the
           | business of laundering boring jobs for college graduates. Few
           | kids dream of graduating college to work at a chemicals plant
           | in Baton Rouge. But working for Accenture in New York or
           | Atlanta, now _that 's_ sexy. Even if you spend your entire
           | work week *checks notes* working at a chemicals plant in
           | Baton Rouge. (Investment banking is similar, though the
           | transaction orientation makes the division of labour a
           | _little_ more sensible.)
           | Palantir pays less for its consultants (sorry, FDEs) than
           | Bain _et al_. Few in _their_ generation dreamed of graduating
           | college to work at a soulless corporate consultancy. But a
           | tech company, now _that 's_ sexy.
           | More pointedly: It's remarkable how an ostensibly 80% GM
           | business only barely became profitable last year. Palantir's
           | Q2 '24 cash flows from operations at 40% of revenues looks
           | closer to the mark [1]. (Palantir's cost of revenue
           | "primarily includes salaries, stock-based compensation
           | expense, and benefits for personnel involved in performing
           | [operations & maintenance] and professional services, as well
           | as field service representatives, third-party cloud hosting
           | services, travel costs, allocated overhead, and other direct
           | costs" [2].)
           | [1] https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/000132165
           | 5/0...
           | [2] https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/000132165
           | 5/0...
             | OisinMoran wrote:
             | I like this theory! And I don't think it's a cynical one
             | either--this "laundering" could actually be really useful.
             | The worker gets the status and security of a
             | tech/consulting job, while having more variety than
             | actually working at the chemical plant, not being at the
             | whims of their org chart, and also just the reframing
             | probably makes it more enjoyable anyway. All the while, the
             | important work is getting done.
               | JumpCrisscross wrote:
               | I don't think it's cynical at all! I _do_ think it 's a
               | decision-delaying choice, however, in that it treats
               | one's work as a series of electives. The person working
               | at the plant, gaining seniority and building deep
               | connections is on their way to industry expertise. It's
               | trading wealth and power for prestige. (It makes sense
               | it's like catnip to our graduates from elite schools.)
             | wg0 wrote:
             | Hilarious if true. Still hilarious if not.
             | m463 wrote:
             | I think the other side of the chemical plant job is that
             | the salary is higher than a college grad would get from the
             | plant itself out of college.
             | Nobody at the chemical would ever pay a college grad VP^h^h
             | consultant salary to work there.
             | (I did stuff like this out of college - got paid hourly ~
             | 3x normal employee salary at non-sexy location)
             | g_sch wrote:
             | Matt Levine had a funny similar take recently:
             | "You could have a model of Harvard Business School that is
             | like:                   1. Harvard Business School teaches
             | you skills that would make you good at running a company.
             | 2. There are lots of companies that could use those skills.
             | 3. But you don't want to run those companies, because they
             | make, like, ball bearings.         4. You want to run a
             | fancy company; you want to run a hedge fund or a tech
             | startup or something.         5. Meanwhile, the people
             | currently running the ball bearings company would not be
             | all that excited about you, a fresh-faced business school
             | graduate who has never run anything, coming in to run their
             | company, even if you did learn a lot of useful skills at
             | Harvard.         6. Therefore various industries exist
             | whose principal business is laundering ball bearings
             | companies into opportunities that appeal to Harvard
             | Business School graduates. You wrap the ball bearings
             | company in a name like "private equity" and suddenly it is
             | legible to the Harvard students, so they flock to it.
             | 7. Those industries are also in the business of getting the
             | ball bearings companies to accept the Harvard Business
             | School graduates, which in practice means not so much "make
             | the ball bearings company excited about its new Harvard
             | CEO" but rather "buy the ball bearings company and install
             | new management."
             | Source: https://archive.is/8IUCA#selection-1795.0-1869.303
             | gen220 wrote:
             | I like the pet theory!
             | just quibbling on profitability. it's not ostensibly 80%,
             | it's 80%. gross margin != "net profit" != cash flow
             | positive, thanks to GAAP.
             | Compare the margins (gross, operating, net) here [0].
             | Observe the historical changes in cash on hand (i.e. cash
             | flow) here [1].
             | They have been accruing cash-on-hand on a YoY basis since
             | 2021Q4.
             | 80% gross margins on 2.5B TTM revenue is really impressive.
             | For comparisons, Cloudflare sits around 77% (on 1.5B TTM
             | Revenue), Salesforce around 75% (36.5B TTM revenue),
             | Datadog around 80% (2.4B TTM revenue).
             | It does remain to be seen on whether they can translate
             | that into meaningful operating margin over time. But
             | they're well on their way [1]
             | [0]: https://macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/PLTR/palantir-
             | technolo...
             | [1]: https://macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/PLTR/palantir-
             | technolo...
         | kidros wrote:
         | This is such a hilarious oversimplification.
         | itsoktocry wrote:
         | > _inordinate amount of field support engineers to groom the
         | dirty disparate data that governments do a poor job cleaning_
         | Getting clean data seems like a universal need, but the job is
         | still difficult, under-appreciated and underpaid. How come?
       | renegade-otter wrote:
       | Palantir is neck-deep in Ukraine:
       | https://time.com/6293398/palantir-future-of-warfare-ukraine/
       | From what I understand, their software is also responsible for
       | deep-strike drone path planning, avoiding air defenses through
       | Russian terrain.
         | bdjsiqoocwk wrote:
         | I'd be curious to understand what speciality they have that
         | they can do drone path planning better...?
       | thimkerbell wrote:
       | I very much liked this essay, and the HN comments are clarifying
       | too. Recommended.
         | aduffy wrote:
         | This is the most Tyler Cowen-coded response I could imagine,
         | and I mean this in the best way possible.
           | sien wrote:
           | But what is the Straussian interpretation of your comment?
             | aduffy wrote:
             | Those new service sector jobs: get paid to respond to HN
             | comments
               | sien wrote:
               | Markets in everything.
       | km144 wrote:
       | > The combo of intellectual grandiosity and intense
       | competitiveness was a perfect fit for me. It's still hard to find
       | today, in fact - many people have copied the 'hardcore' working
       | culture and the 'this is the Marines' vibe, but few have the
       | intellectual atmosphere, the sense of being involved in a rich
       | set of ideas. This is hard to LARP - your founders and early
       | employees have to be genuinely interesting intellectual thinkers.
       | This mythical idea that certain successful tech founders are
       | successful because they are highly contemplative intellectuals is
       | so exhausting to me. The amount of self-aggrandizement engaged in
       | by people who merely _interacted_ with these founders is also
       | insane. I can no longer take seriously the "I make software and
       | then sit and think about ancient political philosophy" trope.
         | mydriasis wrote:
         | Nothing worse than sniffing each-other's farts when we're
         | already working hard. Eek. I'd prefer levity any day.
         | ants_everywhere wrote:
         | In tech, founders tend to pick philosophers based on the ones
         | that flatter their politics. That suggests they aren't actually
         | engaging with the ideas so much as trying to appear smart for
         | having the opinions they already had.
         | bschne wrote:
         | I'm not sure most people would claim their success comes down
         | to the intellectual stuff. It's just that a certain type of
         | nerd who is also very competent at what they do likes hanging
         | out around other nerds of a similar type. If you read the
         | descriptions of the actual work, at least among the FDEs, it
         | seems striking how much it sounds like a relatively normal
         | consulting engagement -- we're not really talking developing
         | foundational new algorithms or infrastructure here. But the
         | kind of person who enjoys working at and does well in places
         | like Palantir probably wouldn't enjoy Accenture. I agree it can
         | veer pretentious, but I think it's more about clustering a
         | certain kind of person together, similar to what you hear about
         | e.g. places like Jane Street.
         | mmooss wrote:
         | > The amount of self-aggrandizement engaged in by people who
         | merely _interacted_ with these founders is also insane.
         | It's the same thing as self-aggrandizement by interacting with
         | (texts of) ancient philosophers.
         | Somehow the lessons learned always come out as, 'more power and
         | money for me'. Ancient philosophers, and many since, certainly
         | had much to say about that.
         | gen220 wrote:
         | When you onboard at meta (circa 2020) the execs like to make
         | vague references to this rare out of print book on media
         | studies that they say presaged everything and explains a lot
         | about how they think about their role in the media ecosystem.
         | They liked to lift quotes from it to justify certain decisions
         | or whatever. They encouraged you to buy the book "if you could
         | find a copy".
         | I like reading old books and philosophy so I found a copy. It
         | was basically completely unfollow-able, and at best
         | tangentially related to anything they were doing.
         | I think having some biblical text to appeal to, in order to
         | justify what is otherwise completely self-dealing, self-serving
         | behavior is some foundational principle of the VP lizard school
         | in Silicon Valley.
         | It's a sleight of hand. People will come up with brilliant
         | illusions to distract you from the convenient hand that's wrist
         | deep into your coin purse.
         | Not to say there aren't interesting or valuable intellectual
         | ideas in these books -- in Girard, or what have you. But
         | ultimately you have to judge people objectively on the sort of
         | behaviors they exhibit, not on the "illusions" of the
         | intellectual or philosophical explanations they give for those
         | behaviors.
       | wg0 wrote:
       | TLDR - Basically deployed developers in the field who scoured
       | various archaic data sources into mostly read only dashboards in
       | a hacky way and the other half kept generalizing it into a
       | product.
       | Now they have a platform that's hard to replace because the
       | businesses that rely on them are extremely slow to adapt
       | themselves that's the very reason Plantir was able to get into
       | the space.
         | nickff wrote:
         | Seems like an application of "do things that don't scale".
         | https://paulgraham.com/ds.html
         | maeil wrote:
         | It's funny to read this. The reality is the opposite - Palantir
         | pushes the custoner all day to go with actual operational
         | usecases (i.e. CRUD, not R) and oftentimes some highlevel exec
         | says no, I just want my reports.
         | Most companies like the mentioned Airbus though do nowadays get
         | convinced to do more impactful things, and they do reap the
         | rewards.
         | It doesn't help that the product has evolved ridiculously over
         | the years. Just in these comments there's people who e.g.
         | worked there in 2016. Productwise they might have well have
         | been at an entirely different company, unless they were on the
         | gov side of things.
         | csomar wrote:
         | Essentially their competitive advantage is having access to
         | these companies. You can't just show up at Airbus and propose
         | to build them a system for their data flows. Palantir does that
         | and charges multiples of the market rate.
           | fijiaarone wrote:
           | If you want to pick winners, look for companies that hire
           | connected companies.
           | In hindsight, the fact that Palatir went to Airbus meant that
           | the fix was in and it was already decided that Boeing was
           | going down. Or for the less cynical, it was Palantir's magic
           | that made Airbus successful and if Boeing were competent they
           | would have hired Palantir.
       | kayo_20211030 wrote:
       | I loved the comment about Airbus
       | > "Asana, but for building planes".
       | Would you use Asana for even building a project plan?
         | workflowing wrote:
         | Smartsheet.
       | huqedato wrote:
       | I read the article. It sounds like a Laudatio to amorality for a
       | S&P500 behemoth whose goal is to enable other companies to purge
       | human from their workflow, pardon... to digitalize the business.
       | I'll give it a pass.
       | ak_111 wrote:
       | Note that Palantir's moral stature isn't as grey or debatable as
       | made in the article, it is basically clearly complicit in the
       | genocide in Gaza.
       | In other words, if you read the article I would add one more
       | bucket to the three categories the author provided to classify
       | palantir's work - genocide assistance.
       | from https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-jd-vance-peter-
       | thiel-f...
       | """ Not only did it provide information to the US military during
       | the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, but over the past 10
       | months in particular, Palantir has provided AI-powered military
       | and surveillance technology support to the Israelis in its war on
       | Gaza.
       | It has, in the words of Palantir's co-founder Alex Karp, been
       | involved in "crucial operations in Israel".
       | Palantir says it offers defence technologies that are "mission-
       | tested capabilities, forged in the field" to deliver "a tactical
       | edge - by land, air, sea and space".
       | These capabilities include supplying Israel's military and
       | intelligence agencies with the data to fire missiles at specific
       | targets in Gaza - be it inside homes or in moving vehicles. """
         | mulcahey wrote:
         | The war in Gaza _is_ a moral gray area
           | pphysch wrote:
           | To what extent is repeated mass-murder of civilians, total
           | destruction of healthcare and education systems, etc. part of
           | the "moral gray area"? That's just not a serious argument.
           | You can be pro-Israel without pretending to hold humanist
           | values and so on.
             | dralley wrote:
             | If you have a military enemy that blatantly hides itself
             | within civilian areas and builds its underground
             | infrastructure underneath civilian infrastructure, and that
             | military enemy kills 1200 of your citizens in an attack,
             | that creates a fair bit of moral ambiguity.
               | ks2048 wrote:
               | Imagine the reaction to Palestinians blowing up a
               | residential Israeli apartment building with hundreds of
               | civilians inside and justifying it by saying they wanted
               | to kill an IDF member inside.
               | shiroiushi wrote:
               | If the IDF member is shooting at them from the apartment
               | building, then it becomes a valid military target. This
               | is very clearly spelled out in the Geneva conventions.
               | pazimzadeh wrote:
               | You would start by not sending them money. Unless of
               | course you needed a justification for your
               | political/expansionist goals.
               | https://archive.ph/2023.10.14-033824/https://www.haaretz.
               | com...
               | https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/hamas-israels-own-
               | creation/
               | Anyway, the idea of embedding military targets within
               | civilian populations is also not exclusive to one side:
               | https://www.haaretz.com/2012-06-09/ty-
               | article/.premium/does-...
               | Neither is the use of terror:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing
               | https://web.archive.org/web/20121226235336/http://www.for
               | eig...
               | https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/02/no-
               | justifica...
               | https://www.thetorah.com/article/israels-incomplete-
               | conquest...
               | ArtixFox wrote:
               | sooo israel should use time travel? the situation right
               | now is a fucked up war between two bloodthirsty groups. I
               | dont think this is the right time to think of inventing
               | time machines...
         | samatman wrote:
         | That was covered in the article, a quote:
         | > _I can't speak to specific details here, but Palantir
         | software is partly responsible for stopping multiple terror
         | attacks. I believe this fact alone vindicates this stance._
         | Defeating Hamas is a moral imperative. I am sure the engineers
         | at Palantir sleep well at night knowing they are helping
         | achieve that goal, and I commend them for it.
           | bdjsiqoocwk wrote:
           | > Defeating Hamas is a moral imperative.
           | In that case what do you call the Netanyahu governament
           | strategy of propping up Hamas?
           | https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-
           | up...
             | slibhb wrote:
             | A mistake? The Israelis didn't understand the extent to
             | which Hamas views itself as engaged in a holy war. They
             | (and many others, including me) thought that Hamas would
             | prioritize building Gaza and providing services to its
             | people over murder/kidnapping raids.
           | monkaiju wrote:
           | If you think the goal of defeating Hamas justifies this
           | amount of civilian killing yiu have no moral basis to argue
           | with.
             | ArtixFox wrote:
             | What is the other solution?
             | create a separate state for palestine under the control of
             | hamas would only legitimise them, allow them to easily get
             | more weapons and go on another oct 7, which will again lead
             | to the bombings currently happening.
             | Bombing them to death would lead to deaths of many, many
             | women and children cuz gaza is 75% children.
             | You cannot have peace with hamas, only ceasefire, and even
             | then they havnt stopped launching homemade missiles.
             | The most sane solution is defeating hamas, establishing a
             | third party control over it to stabilise the region and
             | then return it to democracy, but israel is too trigger
             | happy to do any progress on this field and hamas wants all
             | of israel.
             | You cannot have peace on the land without destroying hamas.
             | Not even for moral reasons. Maybe there is another solution
             | in ur mind?
           | arczyx wrote:
           | Defeating Israel is moral imperative. There was no Hamas on
           | 1948 but they massacre people anyway. See:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre
           | > The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when
           | Zionist paramilitaries attacked the village of Deir Yassin
           | near Jerusalem, Mandatory Palestine, killing at least 107
           | Palestinian villagers, including women and children.[1] The
           | attack was conducted primarily by the Irgun and Lehi, who
           | were supported by the Haganah and Palmach.[3] The massacre
           | was carried out despite the village having agreed to a non-
           | aggression pact.
           | Another example for 20 years ago (way before October 7).
           | Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/nov/16/israel2
           | > An Israeli army officer who fired the entire magazine of
           | his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl and
           | then said he would have done the same even if she had been
           | three years old was acquitted on all charges by a military
           | court yesterday.
         | kevinventullo wrote:
         | Them and every American taxpayer
           | monkaiju wrote:
           | Pretty obvious difference between choosing to work towards
           | the goals of a genocide and being threatened to pay taxes or
           | have your property and wages seized...
         | slibhb wrote:
         | > Note that Palantir's moral stature isn't as grey or debatable
         | as made in the article, it is basically clearly complicit in
         | the genocide in Gaza.
         | That there's a genocide in Gaza is objectively debatable. In
         | the sense that people debate it.
       | xrd wrote:
       | As someone who has always dismissed Palantir, I really loved
       | this. It's very powerful and makes me reconsider what I felt
       | about them.
       | But, I'm really stuck on the point about Trump being a capable
       | meme generator. I mean, this feels like someone saying that a
       | monkey produces lots of BS. It is close to technically accurate,
       | monkeys do produce feces, and the cosine distance between that
       | and true bullshit is small. But, it misses the larger vibe-
       | stench.
         | bdjsiqoocwk wrote:
         | > It's very powerful
         | If you bought that garbage I have some ice to sell you.
         | vundercind wrote:
         | I found TFA to frequently juke in weird directions, and for the
         | text to at times be at-odds with what I believed the subtext of
         | what I had just read--a notable early one is where the author
         | describes the intellectual atmosphere at the company in a
         | series of examples that definitely read to me like
         | performative, LARPing intellectualism... then sums that up by
         | claiming you can't copy their vibe by LARPing intellectualism,
         | which is what I though I was just reading a description of.
         | The selection of the list of people and the reason they were
         | being mentioned, in the section you're referring to, was
         | another point where the piece threw me.
         | I wouldn't say it changed my mind about the company, but it,
         | uh, gave some new shading to my existing impression.
       | Cloud98 wrote:
       | This was a refreshing read! I like to think Software is eating
       | the world, but it's unable to digest the data and use it
       | effectively. Perhaps the shift from services to a product
       | business adds a layer of RWE (real-world evidence) to solving
       | hard engineering problems.
       | bongodongobob wrote:
       | Palantir was working on my companies data for months getting
       | ready to show us what AI could do for us. Internally I was asking
       | "what could they possibly show us that we don't already know,
       | even theoretically?" No one really had any idea either, but we
       | were skeptically optimistic. Palantir said just wait, this AI
       | shit is amazing and we'll have so many new insights for you.
       | The day finally came and the execs were all in the office for the
       | big presentation. I wasn't there, but from what I heard, it was
       | basically a handful of unfinished, incomplete Power BI type
       | reports outlining information that we already had/knew. They were
       | literally laughed out of the room and the meeting was cut short.
       | It was a huge waste of time. I wish I could have been there, from
       | what I heard it was hilarious.
         | ninetyninenine wrote:
         | I agree, the business use case was zero. Was it impressive
         | though?
         | In the sense that Palantir found out information that you guys
         | already knew... but how much time did it take? How much man
         | power and how much money? What is that compared to the
         | resources your company spent to build that internal knowledge?
         | Also what company was it if you feel comfortable revealing?
       | asdasdsddd wrote:
       | I worked there in the weird era. A couple things.
       | 1. As per usual, the things that make palantir well known not
       | even close to being the most dubious things.
       | 2. I agree that the rank and file of palantir is no different
       | from typical sv talent.
       | 3. The services -> product transition was cool, I didn't weigh it
       | as much as should've, but I did purchase fomo insurance after
       | they ipo'd
       | 4. The shadow hierarchy was so bad, it's impossible to figure out
       | who you actually needed to talk to.
         | avmich wrote:
         | It would also be interesting to hear thoughts on the company of
         | somebody like Cory Doctorow.
         | Edit: aha, found. https://doctorow.medium.com/how-palantir-
         | will-steal-the-nhs-...
         | "Palantir is one of the most sinister companies on the global
         | stage, a company whose pitch is to sell humans rights abuses as
         | a service. The customers for this turnkey service include
         | America's most corrupt police departments, who use Palantir's
         | products to monitor protest movements.
         | Palantir's clients also include the Immigration and Customs
         | Enforcement, a federal agency who rely on Palantir's products
         | for their ethnic cleansing..."
           | lmz wrote:
           | I wonder why Americans are so against cracking down on
           | illegal immigration. Is it all that repressed guilt from
           | invading Indian lands or something?
             | carom wrote:
             | It is because corporations benefit from exploitable labor
             | and competition among workers. For this reason they promote
             | a narrative that opposing illegal immigration is racist.
             | The counter narrative would be that preventing it gives
             | power to American workers (of all races) but no one seems
             | to discuss that.
             | IgorPartola wrote:
             | Basically because everyone here is an immigrant of some
             | sort just maybe not first generation. Also because the vast
             | majority of people who show up at the Mexican border are
             | fleeing horrific violence and when you are fleeing horrific
             | violence it is difficult to always do things by the book.
             | And also it is a reaction to just how poorly these people
             | that otherwise would be classified as refugees get treated.
             | Under Trump in particular family separation became the norm
             | and courts who oversaw immigration cases had kids as young
             | as 4 brought before a judge without family or legal
             | representation.
               | mc32 wrote:
               | The majority are in no way fleeing "horrific violence."
               | That's made up. The great majority come for jobs. Lots of
               | job figures by the Fed are inflated by jobs going to
               | illegals. They're not coming from violent war zones --but
               | even in war zones people go on living their lives, though
               | interrupted by war. By and large it's not the janjaweed
               | or isil as Obama calls the other baddies.
               | chipotle_coyote wrote:
               | [citation needed]
               | worstspotgain wrote:
               | They're fleeing Putin's strategically-created crises in
               | Syria, Venezuela and elsewhere. He gives you the flu,
               | blames the aspirin, and sells you the Ivermectin.
               | mc32 wrote:
               | Maduro shat the bed himself with perhaps the aid of his
               | indoctrinated chavistas. They used to get help from Cuba.
               | In any case, it's their problem. Even Columbia, their
               | neighbors and co-Bolivarians don't like them going into
               | their country illegally. They also want them out.
               | Man up and do what we did. Armed resistance and overthrow
               | the repressive government and create a new beautiful
               | shining beacon in the southern cone.
               | An implication of your statement is that Putin does this
               | to undermine the US thus bolstering the position that
               | these people weaken rather than strengthen us.
               | worstspotgain wrote:
               | Maduro is a 100% Russian product and service.
               | mc32 wrote:
               | Then kick him out of office. Do a Panama and turn it
               | around.
               | MrLeap wrote:
               | A week ago Alejandro Arcos was decapitated right after he
               | took office as mayor of the city of Chilpancingo, a city
               | of around 280,000 people.
               | Some approximate stats:
               | Mexico has 45,000~ murders a year. The United States has
               | about 25k a year.
               | The population of Mexico is 130m. The population of the
               | US is 350m.
               | One can't derive the distribution of motivations that
               | bring immigrants from these statistics. That said, I'd
               | call that an alarming about of horrific violence. It's
               | safe to say it's not evenly distributed over the whole of
               | Mexico. It's easy to imagine being motivated to move by
               | those statistics/events.
               | Like everything, it's probably a spectrum of motivations.
               | More opportunities, better schools, fewer decapitations?
               | mc32 wrote:
               | People get murdered in the US too. We had a presidential
               | candidate who had two attempts on his life this election
               | cycle. Dems glaze over that.
               | Should kids in Chicago get a pass to move to buenos Aires
               | because Chicago is so violent? That's our problem to
               | solve. Mexicans have their own problems to solve. Of
               | course electing a socialist probably won't help. They
               | need their own Milei.
               | Early in our history we had a violent Wild West. We fixed
               | it ourselves. They can fix their own things too. They're
               | not incapable.
               | MrLeap wrote:
               | > People get murdered in the US too. We had a
               | presidential candidate who had two attempts on his life
               | this election cycle. Dems glaze over that
               | I included stats in my post acknowledging the existence
               | of murder in the United States. To your point, if Trump
               | decided to flee to Mexico to escape the violence, I don't
               | believe dems would gloss over that.
               | > Should kids in Chicago get a pass to move to buenos
               | Aires because Chicago is so violent?
               | I would applaud Buenos Aires if they made a compassionate
               | allowance for hypothetical people fleeing Chicago
               | violence.
               | > Early in our history we had a violent Wild West. We
               | fixed it ourselves. They can fix their own things too.
               | They're not incapable.
               | Everyone is doing the best they can for those within
               | their radius of compassion. It is the way it is.
               | worstspotgain wrote:
               | Everything you wrote is correct. However, Mexico is
               | actually an immigration success story. The net migration
               | flow is around zero [1].
               | The big picture comes down to supply and demand. Today's
               | supply is from specific countries: Venezuela, Guatemala,
               | Honduras, El Salvador, Brazil, a few others. Each country
               | has a different rationale, but generally it boils down to
               | violence, poverty, and Putin. Not necessarily in that
               | order, and often it's all three.
               | "Demand" is due to the congestion backlog in the US
               | immigration courts. A prospective refugee might not see a
               | judge for a year or two. During this period they have to
               | be paroled in and granted work authorization.
               | Most applicants today aren't genuine refugees. This was
               | not the case in prior decades because there was no
               | backlog. Awareness of this loophole makes the US a much
               | more practical and appealing destination than it used to
               | be.
               | The backlog, in turn, stems from the congressional
               | paralysis on immigration. For 20 years the nativists
               | blocked bill after bill, despite large bipartisan support
               | for reform. They did so because every compromise also
               | included a guest-worker program and other immigration
               | benefits.
               | More recently, there was a deal on the table with no GWP
               | and no immigration benefits. In previous years, it would
               | have been a nativist's dream. It was blocked by the Trump
               | campaign in order to "run on the issue." [2]
               | A large fraction of the 2024 immigration numbers is due
               | to Trump, maybe as much as 50% or 80%.
               | For the bigger picture, consider the fact that the exodus
               | in Venezuela and Syria was started by Putin. He gives you
               | the flu (waves of fleeing migrants,) blames the aspirin
               | (the "globalist" Western governments who are forced to
               | handle them,) then sells you the Ivermectin (Trump,
               | Orban, Le Pen, AfD, etc.)
               | [1] https://www.pewresearch.org/short-
               | reads/2021/07/09/before-co...
               | [2] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-
               | republicans...
             | avmich wrote:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Colossus
             | The immigration has always existed, laws of it shifted, and
             | AFAIK the current level of illegal immigration is not that
             | high. So it's not really a large economical or humanitarian
             | problem, and looks like it's much bigger political one.
             | mc32 wrote:
             | Not really, Bill Clinton was famously against it and so was
             | Bernie Sanders, and, arguably so was Obama. It's the
             | progressives who took over the vanguard of the Dem party
             | that espouse the position of open/porous borders. Not even
             | a majority of regular democrats want illegal aliens coming
             | in unfiltered.
             | Of course some would like to forget that prior to the
             | progressives taking over policy, Bill, Bernie and Barrack
             | were all against illegal immigration. We have the
             | interviews, the statements, speeches, etc.
               | Octoth0rpe wrote:
               | > It's the progressives who took over the vanguard of the
               | Dem party that espouse the position of open borders
               | There are no federally elected democrats who espouse the
               | position of open borders. None. Zero. Every single member
               | of the democratic party in office today in federal office
               | supports some degree of border control, and frankly the
               | degree that they want is not worlds apart from what most
               | republicans want.
               | The GOP has successfully planted the idea that they are
               | for a wall that lets no one through and the dems will let
               | everyone in, but it's much more like two sides bickering
               | over whether the wall should be 10m or 15m tall, whether
               | or not there should be razors at the top, and exactly how
               | many palantir/anduril terminators should be purchased for
               | intercepting people, 1000 or 1200.
               | knowaveragejoe wrote:
               | The distinction you're drawing is called being
               | intellectually honest about the subject. For people
               | predisposed to the fox news cinematic universe, this is
               | not something they will want to substantively engage
               | with.
             | knowaveragejoe wrote:
             | "Cracking down" isn't what's needed, it's reform of the
             | immigration system in the first place.
           | saturn8601 wrote:
           | Man his speaking and writing _style_ get so annoying after a
           | while and I speak as someone who has seen him talk at DEFCON
           | and HOPE multiple times. He has got this god like reputation
           | among the hacker community. Might there be someone who isn 't
           | as attention seeking and who isn't just trying to make catchy
           | speeches talking about the same ideas?
             | BryantD wrote:
             | I tend to agree with you on this, but it's kind of an
             | amusing comment given the linked article's comment on
             | memes:
             | "the most talented people tend to develop their own
             | vocabularies and memes, and these serve as entry points to
             | a whole intellectual world constructed by that person."
             | Doctorow is not one of the examples he provides, but I'm
             | not sure that any of this negates the point.
               | hitekker wrote:
               | Reminds of this quote from
               | https://www.gutenberg.org/files/9105/9105-h/9105-h.htm:
               |  _Above all things we should avoid often talking of
               | ourselves and giving ourselves as an example; nothing is
               | more tiresome than a man who quotes himself for
               | everything._
           | asdasdsddd wrote:
           | as I said, ICE is not even close to the spiciest thing it
           | worked on
             | monkaiju wrote:
             | Are you ashamed of that or proud?
           | serguzest wrote:
           | I think things are getting worse, JD Vance is Peter Thiel's
           | high-rank implant to possible upcoming Trump administration.
           | Will evil techno-cons replace neocons?
         | worstspotgain wrote:
         | Let's hypothesize that a would-be administration in a Western
         | country would like to accomplish full Russian-style autocracy
         | relatively quickly. Let's say they have stated publicly that
         | their plan is to go after immigrants first, opposition leaders
         | second. Numerically, these are two small categories, relatively
         | speaking.
         | The first question is, what about the third and fourth
         | categories? Would they be dissenters in general, or specific
         | kinds (judged to be riskier for the autocratization process)
         | and which?
         | The second question is, how would they go about identifying
         | them? Are there products and services at Palantir that may have
         | been designed for this goal?
         | throwaway2037 wrote:
         | This:                   > I did purchase fomo insurance after
         | they ipo'd
         | Sorry, my English is a bit weak. What is the meaning here? Did
         | you buy shares post-IPO?
       | trenchgun wrote:
       | This wad also a great read on Palantir, from 2020:
       | https://logicmag.io/commons/enter-the-dragnet/
       | ks2048 wrote:
       | The age old tale of "libertarians" getting filthy rich on
       | taxpayer dollars.
         | jongjong wrote:
         | That's the story of the entire big tech sector and they can't
         | deny it.
         | If tech leaders actually believed that they were adding value
         | and receiving fair proceeds, they wouldn't spend so much energy
         | trying to control the media. They wouldn't be increasingly
         | distrusted. Society wouldn't be so divided. They wouldn't need
         | a monetary system based on unlimited money creation.
         | It's interesting that morality is often mentioned when
         | discussing such companies. It must be a significant challenge
         | for them to find people who are both intelligent enough and
         | immoral (or amoral) enough to do the kind of work which still
         | yields profits in a system such as ours. They now have to
         | signal their moral status far and wide to every corner of the
         | globe attract the 'right' candidates.
         | EFreethought wrote:
         | This is even better than that: "Libertarians" getting rich on
         | government contracts to run surveillance for governments.
       | whaaaaat wrote:
       | > During the 2016-2020 era especially, telling people you worked
       | at Palantir was unpopular. The company was seen as spy tech, NSA
       | surveillance, or worse.
       | I mean, it is those things. I think just because it's listed on a
       | market doesn't change those things. People are just like, "I
       | value the money it makes me more than the ethical qualms I have
       | about what Palantir is".
       | aidenn0 wrote:
       | > Every time you see the government give another $110 million
       | contract to Deloitte for building a website that doesn't work, or
       | a healthcare.gov style debacle, or SFUSD spending $40 million to
       | implement a payroll system that - again - doesn't work, you are
       | seeing politics beat substance.
       | Dismissing it as politics beating substance is not useful, since
       | there is so little substance present. Figuring out which of the
       | bidders is incompetent is non-trivial when what they do is far
       | from your expertise, and if it's close to your expertise, you
       | wouldn't be hiring outsiders to do it. I have heard similar
       | things coming from DOTs where, when the infrastructure is
       | something that hasn't been done this generation, they get bent
       | over a barrel by the contractors.
       | TL; DR: when people who can't write software hire other people to
       | write software for them, what non-political signal do they have
       | to separate the sheep from the goats?
         | fnikacevic wrote:
         | Hire internal software folks who can judge the signals better?
           | knowaveragejoe wrote:
           | This is what the USDS is slowly but surely accomplishing.
           | It's just a hell of a beast to tackle.
       | botanical wrote:
       | There is no grey area working for a company like Palantir.
       | Palantir is as IBM was during the Holocaust.
       | Apartheid Israel has used the American military industrial
       | complex and companies like Palantir to kill a majority of
       | civilians in Apartheid Israel's genocide in Gaza. 65% killed have
       | been women and children; 50 children a day killed since Oct 7th.
       | 2% of the population have been culled. And all this to stay and
       | make money in a lucrative market.
       | If you listen to Peter Thiel, he uses the same propaganda talking
       | points that Apartheid Israel uses. There is zero morality
       | supporting or working for companies like Palantir or people like
       | Peter Thiel.
         | forgotoldacc wrote:
         | There was an interview somewhat recently where someone asked
         | his connection to Israel's military, and he squirmed and
         | rapidly stuttered in sheer terror for about 15 seconds before
         | he finally put together a sentence where he said something like
         | "I'm not allowed to criticize Israel." It was weird seeing one
         | of the richest men on earth suddenly have absolute fear in his
         | eyes and talking like he had a gun to his back.
         | Twitter has since had the videos wiped, but I'm sure they're
         | still out there somewhere. I've seen other people like
         | Zuckerberg dodge questions, but I've never seen a man with such
         | wealth and power suddenly become so completely terrified.
           | samrus wrote:
           | Link to the interview https://youtu.be/q1asavnl_o8
         | jiggawatts wrote:
         | It's interesting to watch these "talking points" bouncing
         | around when there's a politically charged topic like the war in
         | Gaza. (For reference: I have no skin in the game and support
         | neither side.)
         | Having said that:
         | 65% killed being women and children is _because of the
         | demographics of Gaza_ , not because of any specific behaviour
         | by Israel other than just "being at war" with their neighbours.
         | It's a _talking point_ used by a people supporting one of the
         | two sides, blithely ignoring the realities of a complex
         | situation.
         | The reality is that 50% of Gaza's adult population if female,
         | and nearly 50% of their population is below the age of 18! In
         | other words, their population is 75% "women and children".
         | In any other war, that 65% statistic would be a sign of
         | deliberate and malicious targetting of innocent non-combatants.
         | In the Gaza war it is the sad but usual level of collateral
         | damage that one might expect in urban fighting. Not to mention
         | that this number would be even lower, but is as high as it is
         | because of human-shield tactics used by HAMAS.
         | The people that use this 65% statistic often do so with the
         | knowledge that people listening to it don't know the
         | demographics of Gaza or the vile actions of HAMAS. They're
         | trying to convince those listening through deception. Their
         | cause may be just in their eyes, but does that justify this
         | kind of false debate? It's in the same category as claiming 500
         | people died when "Isreal bombed a hospital" mere _minutes_
         | after the incident, which turned out to be a failed HAMAS
         | rocket that landed in the parking lot and killed maybe half a
         | dozen people.
         | Yes, what Isreal is doing is bad, but not "murdering women and
         | babies on purpose" bad!
           | kuhewa wrote:
           | You appear to be making the case that the 65% statistic of
           | Gazans killed by Israel shouldn't be alarming since it merely
           | is converging on the demographic makeup of the population.
           | I'd argue that it is very alarming when military casualties
           | converge on the general populations demographics and not the
           | demographics of actual combatants.
             | jiggawatts wrote:
             | All I'm saying is that if _any other country_ attacked Gaza
             | using any normal means of war, they 'd end up with the same
             | statistic. Israel is not doing anything out of the ordinary
             | for war. The statistics you quoted is a side-effect of
             | Gaza's demographics.
             | Note that I don't condone Israel's actions in Gaza. I'm
             | just saying that those actions are _no worse_ than one
             | would expect, but this statistic is _purposefully
             | deceptive_ and is being trumpeted across the Internet
             | specifically to make Israel look worse than they are
             | actually acting.
             | You support one of the two sides above the other. That's
             | your right. But please don't support them through chosen
             | talking points intended to deceive the audience.
             | PS: One of the two sides in this war targeted civilians on
             | purpose and failed at doing so. The other site targeted
             | combatants and failed at doing so. Which would you say is
             | the more superior position?
               | amrocha wrote:
               | There's no deception done imo.
               | Your argument is that it's ok that Israel has killed this
               | many women and kids because they're over represented in
               | the population.
               | Most people's perspective is that you shouldn't kill kids
               | and women and target civilians, regardless of anything
               | else.
               | And you're ignoring the mountain of evidence of israel
               | deliberately targeting civilians. Just the other day the
               | times published a thorough report on israeli snipers
               | deliberately targeting toddlers. That truth does not
               | square with your "it's just collateral damage" argument.
               | kuhewa wrote:
               | Just based on your comment, I can promise you I have
               | payed attention to the conflict less than you and have
               | less of a 'dog in the fight' in terms of supporting a
               | side. I just noticed your comment begging the question
               | regarding mortalities that reflect makeup of a civilian
               | population being the null case in urban warfare that
               | needs no explanation.
               | It's a positive claim that requires empirical support,
               | which you aren't providing.
               | A quick squiz would suggest this women+children death
               | toll is the greatest in some time by some margin, despite
               | some quite bloody and urbanised conflicts in recent years
               | [1]. Perhaps you have justified knowledge that this case
               | is different than any other or just better-documented,
               | and the deaths are unavoidable insofar as urban warfare
               | is to be conducted.
               | But even if it is the case that urban warfare should be
               | expected to be conducted quite inefficiently (to the
               | point that combatants are successfully targeted at a rate
               | barely greater than random members of the population),
               | you are also taking it as a given that conducting it at
               | all is justified and shouldn't be alarming.
               | That doesn't appear to be a given by military standards
               | of developed countries:
               | > Destroying an urban area to save it is not an option
               | for commanders. The density of civilian populations in
               | urban areas and the multidimensional nature of the
               | environment make it more likely that even accurate
               | attacks with precision weapons will injure
               | noncombatants....If collateral damage is likely to be of
               | sufficient magnitude, it may justify avoiding urban
               | operations, which though tactically successful, would run
               | counter to national and strategic objectives.
               | United States Army and Marine Corps 2017 Manual on Urban
               | Operations, quoted in [2]
               | [1] https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/more-women-
               | and-child... [2] https://blogs.icrc.org/law-and-
               | policy/2021/04/27/urban-warfa...
           | arczyx wrote:
           | > Specifically, every one of us who worked in an emergency,
           | intensive care, or surgical setting treated pre-teen children
           | who were shot in the head or chest on a regular or even a
           | daily basis. It is impossible that such widespread shooting
           | of young children throughout Gaza, sustained over the course
           | of an entire year is accidental or unknown to the highest
           | Israeli civilian and military authorities.
           | https://www.gazahealthcareletters.org/usa-letter-oct-2-2024
           | > Israel has perpetrated a concerted policy to destroy Gaza's
           | healthcare system as part of a broader assault on Gaza,
           | committing war crimes and the crime against humanity of
           | extermination with relentless and deliberate attacks on
           | medical personnel and facilities,
           | https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/10/un-
           | commissio...
       | fijiaarone wrote:
       | Now that the surveillance state has won, people want to be on the
       | winning side.
       | anshulbhide wrote:
       | This is the first article on Palantir I've found that's
       | refreshing in its candour and actually exposes why its a such a
       | success.
       | Also, great learnings for everyone building AI driven services
       | companies.
         | smolder wrote:
         | Peter Theil is scum. People who work for him are also scum.
         | Evil has the ropes of society because evil worked harder at
         | getting them and didn't learn the lesson about sharing in
         | kindergarten.
         | anshulbhide wrote:
         | As someone who runs an IT services company, I can tell you how
         | uncommon it is to find engineers who can both code really well,
         | but also interact and sell to customers.
         | I always wondered why you needed BD / "business folk", but its
         | rare to find the ability to schmooze with customers and hustle
         | along with deep technical talent in the same individual.
         | So really surprising (and cool) to see how Palantir was able to
         | do this with their FDEs!
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