       [HN Gopher] About
       Server Information:
         - Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (2016)
         - Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
         - Gophernicus/2.4 "Millennium Edition" (with modifications)
         - Quad Cortex A53 @ 1.2 GHz
         - 400 MHz VideoCore IV
         - 1 GB SDRAM
         - 32 GB micro-SD card
       This server is running on a Raspberry Pi in the sysadmin's closet.
       As such, please be tolerant of occasional downtime and lag spikes.
       The code has been open-source'd and made available on Github
  HTML http://github.com/michael-lazar/hn-gopher
       View recent site changes (updated 2019-10-01)
  TEXT Server Log
       If you have questions or comments, you can contact me via email
  HTML lazar.michael22@gmail.com
       I also have a personal gopherhole that I actively maintain
   DIR gopher://mozz.us
       Thanks for using gopher!