       ### Switching SVN authentication from clear-text to ssh+svn ###
       SVN is a truly awesome beast when it comes to keeping track of any software
       development (yes, I know kids these days prefer git - probably because it's
       more "cool" for some reason. I don't care. I use svn).
       But to the point. SVN is an extraordinary tool, but unfortunately, it doesn't
       come with native support for any form of encryption nor serious
       authentication. I know two solutions to this shortcoming:
       a) funnel all svn operations into an (SSL-enabled) apache web server, relying
          on its webdav extension.
       b) tunnel all svn operations through a SSH tunnel
       I shortly investigated option a) and quickly came to the conclusion that I do
       not like it. Too much of a mess, too much (apache) overhead, having to trust a
       wonky http extension (webdav)... Other people may disagree - but I let them
       have the fun with the apache/ssl/webdav contraption.
       My choice is to go the SSH route. SSH is a perfectly standard, extremely
       secure and very lightweight protocol. Plus, the vast majority of SVN clients
       know how to talk svn-over-ssh.
       First thing - I do not want subversion to listen on a raw TCP socket any more.
       On most Linux distributions, subversion is pre-configured through either inetd
       or xinetd. This needs to be removed (check with 'netstat -antp' to make sure
       it does not listen any more).
       Then, create a system user that will accept svn queries and relay them to the
       local 'svnserve' binary. Let's call this user "svnuser" for the sake of
       simplicity. All (actual) svn users will need to authenticate as 'svnuser', but
       without any rights that could allow them to fiddle with the system. This can
       be set up through a proper authorized_keys file, as shown in the example
       command="/usr/bin/svnserve -t -r /srv/svn --tunnel-user=mateusz",no-port-forw
       arding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA
       9u/Q== Mateusz
       The above line will allow me to authenticate as 'svnuser' using my ssh key,
       and execute svnserve feeding it with a virtual user named 'mateusz'.
       Basically, the ssh system will see 'svnuser' authenticating, while svn will
       see 'mateusz' doing svn operations.
       now use:
       svn checkout svn+ssh://svnuser@svnserver/project
       It is worth noting that all passwords declared in the svn configuration
       (conf/passwd) become meaningless, since they won't be ever used anyway.
       A variant of this configuration is to create separate system users for each
       and every svn user. The principle is strictly the same, it's just more work
       each time a new svn user needs to be added.