       ..........#######.... ##......... All that is gold does not glitter ..
        ......####      #####  ####...... all that is long does not last   ...
        ....###                   ###..... All that is old does not wither ...
       ......###  Mateusz' gopher   ##..... not all that is over is past.  ..
        ....###          lair     ###.......                               ...
        ......##########       ####........................ J.R.R. Tolkien ...
   DIR The Observable Gopherspace Universe Project
   DIR My Guestbook (leave a note!)
   DIR Personal notes, probably useful only to me
   DIR Ancient software (games & programs I appreciated back in old days)
   DIR Ancient hardware (drivers & notes related to old computer hardware)
   DIR Programming (mostly *really* old technologies)
   DIR My Code Bastion: a place that mirrors all my open-source code
   DIR My Hangman game (apparently many people like it, so here it is)
   DIR The attic - stuff I don't know where else to put
   DIR About this server
   DIR This gopher node is powered by the Motsognir gopher server.
   DIR Looking for a light gopher client with a retro vibe? Meet Gopherus
       Wanne help keep the light on?
   DIR Donate some BTC bits
        This gopher lair belongs to Mateusz Viste.
        Running since 2009.