        Rubén Llorente's Gopherhole
       This is my personal gopherhole. It is offered through the domains
       gopher.operationalsecurity.es and gopher.corrin.gopher. The
       second one requires you to have access to Opennic's namespace.
   DIR Posts - Entries posted on my regular website
   DIR Archives - Entries kept for historical reasons
   DIR Software - My software projects
   DIR Richard Falken - My Gopherhole for literary activities
       The following external links might be useful. By following them,
       you are stepping out of my gopherhole.
   DIR Gopherddit - Gopher interface to Reddit
   DIR Gopherpedia - Gopher interface to Wikipedia
       Vertrauen is a Synchronet instance. You can read messages posted
       on DOVE-NET, FidoNet, SciNet and other BBS networks using its
       gopher interface.
       You can also access full BBS fucntionality over telnet and ssh.
   DIR Vertrauen - Synchronet Bulletin Board System
                          Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 7.6