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        -- Palm Device-related --------------------------------------------
        If you simply can't bear to part company with that old, original Palm
        Pilot device that you found lurking in your junk box/draw then this 
        section is for you. We have a fine selection of eBooks and probably 
        the best eReading app, Plucker, to read them with. I'll add more
        (free) software and titles as I find them, but this should keep you 
        happy for a while! 
        * Disclaimer: we don't knowingly host copyrighted material, so if you
          ----------  find some, please let us know and we'll take it down.
        Palm/Plucker-format eBooks (native .pdb format) 
   BIN Palm eBook: Actions and Reactions  
   BIN Palm eBook: Anthem; Ayn Rand
   BIN Palm eBook: The Art of War; Sun Tzu
   BIN Palm eBook: Challenging Destiny 
   BIN Palm eBook: The Communist Manifesto  
   BIN Palm eBook: The Flood; Emile Zola
   BIN Palm eBook: The Hamas Covenant 
   BIN Palm eBook: Love Among the Chickens; PG Wodehouse 
   BIN Palm eBook: Restless Shades - Tales of Lurking Horro; Paul Melniczek 
   BIN Palm eBook: One Man and His (Bivi) Bag
   BIN Palm eBook: Dead to the Max; JB Skully 
   BIN Palm eBook: SQL for Web Nerds
   BIN Palm eBook: Three Men in a Boat; Jerome K Jerome  
   BIN Palm eBook: Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness..; Various
   BIN Palm eBook: Daddy's World; Walter Jon Williams 
   BIN Palm eBook: Witch Crafting 
   BIN Palm eBook: Letter to John Donne and Others
        Palm Software - works with my Palm OS Garnet v.5.4.7 - YMMV
   DOS Plucker: probably the best eReader for the Palm platform
   BIN Zlib library: needed by many Palm apps
        Metro: the best guide to the World's Metro transport systems
  HTML Metro: The ultimate public transport guide for your PDA or Smartphone