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         For those, who really loves their computers
       Welcome to PCLovers' official gopher server.
       We have created this server just for fun after discussing 
       the future of the Internet. What will happen if Microsoft will
       use Netscape's patents the worst way? Not easy to predict.
       So, it is a try to keep content we have created available to
       the world.
       And yes, fat HTML with images, Flash, JavaScript sucks.
       Plain text forever!
       We run Bucktooth 0.2.9 on xinetd as our server system.
       gopher.pclovers.ru is a virtual machine with
       Intel Core 2 Quad CPU and 256 MB of RAM, running FreeBSD.
   DIR Bucktooth development site
       THIS IS A NEW SERVER -- bugs are to be expected.
       Contact us: odmin@pclovers.ru
       Recommended client software:
       - Lynx
       - Overbite (addon for Mozilla Firefox)
       Our content (in russian language):
   DIR For true UNIX fans and dialup users (KOI8-R encoding)
   DIR For SUPER MEGA TRUE UNIX fans and really poor men (translit)
   DIR For all others (UTF-8 encoding)