       ===============================================[ JonSharp.net:70 ]====
       My name is Jon Sharp.  I am a software developer.  I do embedded and
       other things -- sometimes creative.  This is JonSharp.net reborn on
       port 70, hosting various personal projects -- code I've written, art
       projects, etc.  
       Also featured is my gopher log -- the periodic missives of
                         [ an archaic technologist ] 
        ... concerning art, music, religion, retrocomputing, radio,
       personal computing, software development, network security, ...
       ------------------------------------------------------[Main Areas]----
   DIR Art
   DIR Projects
   DIR File area
   DIR More About Me
   DIR Gopher bookmarks
   DIR Gopher Log (phlog)
   DIR Non-gopher bookmarks
   DIR Nashville Plan 9 Users Group
   DIR Retrocomputing items for sale
   DIR "The Archive" - a ghost of JonSharp.net past
   DIR FRST Computer: From a Different Timeline
       ----------------------------------------------------[Me elsewhere]----
  TEXT Finger (jrsharp@sdf.org)
TELNET Wizard's Rainbow BBS
  HTML jrsharp's GitHub
  HTML Me on port 443
TELNET telehack