       Results ordered by number of selectors found.
       Number may be artificially inflated by symbolic
       links or loops in the host's filesystem, or
       decreased by resources the robot declined to
       index for technical reasons.
   DIR Other gopher servers
   DIR mirrors.apple2.org.za:70 (116749 selectors)
   DIR freeway.apana.org.au:70 (40084 selectors)
   DIR maistre.uni.cx:70 (4619 selectors)
   DIR gopher.erb.pw:70 (994 selectors)
   DIR gyr.sen.cx:70 (420 selectors)
   DIR chate.io:70 (260 selectors)
   DIR sectordisk.pw:70 (239 selectors)
   DIR pogemon.pw:70 (138 selectors)
   DIR gopher.mills.io:70 (26 selectors)
   DIR erb.pw:70 (2 selectors)
   DIR gopher.sen.cx:70 (2 selectors)
   DIR sen.cx:70 (2 selectors)