   DIR The Overbite Project: Gopher clients for mobile and desktop (OverbiteWX, OverbiteNX, Overbite Android)
       This directory contains the most recent versions of Overbite
       and the various Overbite add-ons.
       For OverbiteWX and OverbiteNX, you can obtain them directly from
       Mozilla Add-ons.
  HTML OverbiteWX @ Mozilla Add-ons
  HTML OverbiteNX @ Mozilla Add-ons
       The most current version of Overbite Android is 0.2.6 for Android
       4.0 and up, released on 4 February 2022.
       The most current version of OverbiteFF for SeaMonkey, Firefox 38-56
       and TenFourFox is 3.1.1695, released 25 January 2016. For versions
       supporting Firefox 2 through 37, see the old/ folder. This version
       is no longer maintained, but is still made available.
       Overbite Chrome is no longer supported and will not work with
       current versions of Chrome. Historical versions can be found in the
       old/ folder.
       Downloading and use of a particular package indicates your
       acceptance of all license terms. OverbiteFF is released under
       Tri-License GPL/MPL/LGPL. Overbite Android is released under
       the New BSD License.
   DIR Install Overbite on your platform
       -- APKs for Overbite Android --
   BIN OverbiteAndroid026.apk
       -- Add-on Files for Mozilla Firefox --
   BIN overbiteff.xpi
       -- All Files and Folders --
   BIN OverbiteAndroid026.apk
   DOS OverbiteAndroid026src.zip
   DIR old
   BIN overbiteff.xpi