   DIR Floodgap Systems gopher root
             _|_|_  _       _     _ _         +------------------------+
              |_| |(/_     | |   (_) |        |                        |
         _____   _____ _ __| |__  _| |_ ___   |  Bringing gopher back  |
        / _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| '_ \| | __/ _ \  |  to today's operating  |
       | (_) \ V /  __/ |  | |_) | | ||  __/  |  systems and browsers  |
        \___/ \_/ \___|_|  |_.__/|_|\__\___|  |                        |
                         ._ .__ o _  __|_     +------------------------+
                         |_)|(_)|(/_(_ |_ 
                         |     _|             Hosted by Floodgap Systems
       Welcome to the Overbite Project @ Floodgap Systems, bringing
       gopher to your modern operating system or browser! Continue to
       access current and legacy resources in Gopherspace right from
       your modern computer, within your favourite browser, and even
       on your compatible mobile phone! Overbite client software is
       designed to be cross-platform and fully integrated.
       All Overbite software is free and open-source.
       ** Why should you still use Gopher? We explain:
  TEXT Why is Gopher still relevant?
   DIR Look at Overbite gopher client screenshots!
  HTML Install OverbiteWX from Mozilla Add-ons
       OverbiteWX is available for Mozilla Firefox 58+.
       This is a signed add-on available from Mozilla Addons.
       This extension forwards Gopher requests to the Floodgap
       HTTP proxy.
  HTML Install OverbiteNX from Mozilla Add-ons
       OverbiteNX is available for Mozilla Firefox 59+.
       This is a signed add-on available from Mozilla Addons.
       This extension is EXPERIMENTAL and requires an open-source
       component to be installed on your computer, but enables
       native connections to Gopher servers from Firefox.
   DIR Install Overbite Android
       Overbite Android is a native Gopher client for Android 4.0+.
       It also handles Gopher intents from Google Chrome and
       Firefox for Android on any Android device.
   DIR All Overbite installation options
       Overbite is also available as OverbiteFF for Mozilla Firefox
       56 and lower, TenFourFox and SeaMonkey. It is no longer
   DIR Browse all Overbite files and skins
       (unsupported files included)
       Use of Overbite Project software indicates your acceptance of
       all specified license terms.
  HTML Overbite Project web page (WWW)