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       Originally posted by the Voice of America.
       Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
       a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
       the public domain.
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       Headlines are current as of the date listed.
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Clinton Discusses Island Dispute With Leaders of Japan, South Korea
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Nigerian President Visits Malawi Monday
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: US to Transfer Bagram Prison to Afghans
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Indian Case Could Impact Availability of Generic Drugs
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Fugitive Iraqi VP Says Death Sentence a Sham
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: More than 30 People Killed in Kenyan Ethnic Clashes
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: IAEA Demands Access to Iranian Military Site
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: New Syria Envoy to Meet Morsi, Arab League
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Al-Qaida's Second in Command Killed in Yemen
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: In Hong Kong Election, Democrats Gain Despite Pro-Beijing Rebound
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Mali Army: Lone Soldier Killed 16 Islamic Preachers
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Obama Edges Romney in Latest Opinion Polls
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: 'War of 1812' Flag Still Inspires After 200 Years
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Japan Decision Raises Stakes in Island Dispute
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Thousands Strike at Johannesburg Mine
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Indian Cartoonist's Arrest Sparks Protests, Free Speech Debate
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Insecure Land Tenures Hobble DRC Farmers
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Somalia Parliament Votes for New President
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Ethiopia Pardons Two Swedish Journalists
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Burmese Migrants in Thailand Await Changes Back Home
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Greece Struggles to Reach Austerity Deal With Lenders
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Burmese AIDS Patients Face Treatment Obstacles
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Amnesty International Condemns Prisoner Treatment in Chad
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Witnesses: Mali Extremists Amputate Limbs of Suspected Thieves
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Experts Explain Absence of Socialism in America
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Teachers Go On Strike in Chicago
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Syrian Rebel Video Appears to Show 20 Executed Soldiers
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Supervised Independence Ends in Kosovo
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: DRC Official Hails Regional Summit Outcome
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Chinese VP Xi Misses Another Meeting, Fueling Rumors
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: Ethiopia Pardons Jailed Swedish Journalists
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 10, 2012: A Home Away From Home for Displaced Northerners in Bamako