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       Originally posted by the Voice of America.
       Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
       a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
       the public domain.
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       Headlines are current as of the date listed.
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Pakistan Cleric Arrested for Evidence Tampering in Blasphemy Case
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Training Suspended for New Afghan Recruits
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Bush, Blair Should Face Trial for Iraq Actions, Says Archbishop Tutu
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Clinton Facing Deadline on Terrorist Designation for Haqqani
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Mourners Attend Funeral of Ethiopia's Meles
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Israeli Settlers Evacuate West Bank Outpost
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: South Africa Drops Murder Charges Against Miners
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Angola Says Dos Santos' Ruling Party Has Big Election Lead
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: US Democrats Prepare for National Convention
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Platinum Markets Rocked After South Africa Mining Strike, Shootings
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Unification Church Founder Sun Myung Moon Dies at 92
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Voters in Appalachia Struggling to Identify With Presidential Candidates
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Democrats Gather for National Convention
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: UNICEF: 1,600 Killed in Syria's Civil War Last Week
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Ghana's Opposition Splits over Presidential Candidate
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Democrats Questioned by Some for Choosing Charlotte For Convention
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Kenya Teachers Strike to Begin Monday
  TEXT Voice of America Headlines September 02, 2012: Hundreds of Women said to be Confined to Ghana's Witch Camps