   DIR Floodgap Systems gopher root
       Welcome to Bucktooth, the miniature Gopher server for Perl.
       Bucktooth is serving you this document right now! Easy, simple,
       small and open source, Bucktooth is a great way to get your own
       gopher server up and running for the world or just to exchange
       files on your home network.
       - Support for inetd, xinetd and launchd
       - Experimental support for IPv6
       - Easy menus with "gophermap" files
       - Executable scripts a la CGIs ("moles")
       - Automated menus with gopher globbing and gophertags
       - Built-in hURL support for Web links and other URLs
       Last modify 17 February 2024. The current version is 0.2.10.
   DIR License -- READ ME FIRST!
  TEXT Change log
   DIR Download
   DIR Installing and configuring Bucktooth
   DIR Interactive user's guide to Bucktooth
   DIR Browse the Bucktooth glossary
   DIR Gopher-related RFCs, technical documents
       Once you've downloaded Bucktooth, grab the Toybox:
   BIN Toybox: Link to the entire contents of toybox/
       This contains a sample gophermap and files for you to modify
       and play with.
       For user questions, we recommend subscribing to the general
       gopher advocacy list.
  TEXT Subscription information