   DIR Floodgap File Archives and Mirrors
       This is a more-or-less direct mirror of the userserve.ucsd.edu
       archive before its demise. Certain redundant mirrors have been
       eliminated and the filesystem has been minimally cleaned up, but
       the contents are otherwise offered as-is.
       -- Cameron Kaiser, who used userserve over AppleTalk on a Mac
          IIci as a linguistics undergrad at the University of
          California San Diego "many" years ago
       NB: Certain files may be compressed with methods modern
       StuffIt Expanders may no longer understand. You may need to use
       one of the archived versions offered under Classic or OS 9.
   DIR  recent items
  TEXT About Gopher.txt
  TEXT About this menu.txt
   DIR Adobe Acrobat Reader
   DIR Apple PR files
   DIR AppleScript
   DIR CommercialDemo
   DIR Communications Programs
   DIR Compression Utilities
   DIR Current stuffit expander
   DIR DAs
   DIR DTP- Pagemaker utils
   DIR Disk Copier programs
   DIR Disk Tools
   MAC Eudora Settings.hqx
   DIR Filemaker stuff
   DIR Fonts
   DIR Forms
   DIR Frequently Asked Question's
   DIR Games
   DIR Gatekeeper 1.3 Distribution
   DIR Graphics-Software_Utils_Art
   DIR HTML Tools
   DIR INITs-Extensions
   DIR Information -other
   DIR Internet Explorer
   DIR Lock-unlock utils
   DIR MI-X - Free X Window Server
   DIR Mac BBS related files
   DIR Mac lab or Security items
   DIR MacLayers folder
   MAC MacSSHPPC.sit.hqx
   DIR NCSA Programs
   MAC NetDICT12(68k).sit.hqx
   MAC NetDICTppc Folder.sit.hqx
   DIR Netscape WWW Browser
   DIR NewsWatcher System 7
   DIR Newton
   DIR OzTeX 1.9
   DIR PGPfreeware602Folder
   DIR PowerBook specific Utils
   DIR PowerPC Specific
   DIR Printer stuff
  TEXT Q&A how to stop- Shared folders.txt
   DIR Quicktime stuff
   DIR Sound utils
   DIR Sounds
   DIR Stackware
   DIR TN3270-brown
   DIR TagLink
   DIR Updaters
   DIR Utilities
   DIR Vendor Support
   DIR Virex Virus Definition Updates
   DIR Virus-other
   DIR Word Processing
  TEXT aaa README.txt
   DIR cdevs-Control Panels
   DIR eudora lite
   DIR languages-programming
   MAC niftytelnet-1.1-ssh-r3.hqx
   DIR old-ACS_Software_Dist_Info
   DIR old-recent From infomac
   DIR un-Sorted Grab Bag
   DIR unix tools
   DIR winmediaplayer 7
   DIR zzz