   DIR Floodgap File Archives and Mirrors
       This is the Info-Mac mirror at floodgap.com. Read
  TEXT 00readme.txt
       for information. Please note that the mirror list in
  HTML mirror-list.html
  TEXT mirror-list.txt
       is probably inaccurate and is only here for historical interest.
       Each directory has an "abstracts" file, usually at the top.
       Refer to that file for a description of its contents.
       NB: Certain files may be compressed with methods modern
       StuffIt Expanders may no longer understand. You may need to use
       one of the archived versions offered under Classic or OS 9.
   DIR _Anti-Virus
   DIR _Application
   DIR _Art_&_Info
   DIR _Communication
   DIR _Compress_&_Translate
   DIR _Configuration
   DIR _Data_Management
   DIR _Development
   DIR _Disk_&_File
   DIR _Education
   DIR _Font
   DIR _Game
   DIR _Graphic_&_Sound_Tool
   DIR _Info-Mac_Help
   DIR _Information
   DIR _Internet
   DIR _Newton
   DIR _Periodical
   DIR _Printing
   DIR _Science_&_Math
   DIR _Text_Processing
   DIR _User_Interface