   DIR Floodgap File Archives and Mirrors
       These are mirrored from ftp.software.ibm.com and contain their
       brief efforts at porting games to AIX 4. Abuse and Quake will run
       on any AIX 4.1.5 system, including the ThinkPad 800 series and the
       Apple Network Server 500 or 700, but require Ultimedia to be
       installed. Quake 2 requires AIX 4.3. See documentation for
       hardware requirements.
       Game files are demo versions only. You will need a full copy of
       Abuse, Quake or Quake 2 to play the full game (don't ask me for
       one, I won't provide it).
       source: ftp.software.ibm.com/aix/freeSoftware/games
   DIR abuse
   DIR quake
   DIR quake2