Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Nigerian Schoolgirls Who Escaped Recall Horrifying Moments by VOA News Nigerian schoolgirls who escaped last month's mass abductions by the Islamist Boko Haram group say they endured horrifying moments before managing to flee their captors. A 19-year-old science student, Sarah Lawan, described the armed kidnapping as "too terrifying for words." Lawan said Sunday she was anguished more of her classmates "could not summon the courage" to escape, and cries when she sees some of the parents of 276 girls who remain missing. A 16-year-old girl, among 53 who fled, said she was ordered by men wielding AK-47 assault weapons to cook stolen food, before escaping with two other girls. Pope Francis prayed for the release of the girls Sunday, while British Prime Minister David Cameron called the abduction a part of "violent, extremist Islamism" in Nigeria and elsewhere. During a broadcast appearance, Cameron held up the "Bring Back Our Girls" sign seen in protests throughout the world. "What I would really like to say is that we recognize this is not just a problem in Nigeria," he said. "We are seeing this really violent, extremist Islamism. We see it with problems in Pakistan, we see problems in other parts of Africa, problems in the Middle East. Also, let's be frank, here in the UK. There is still too much of support for extremism that we have to tackle, and whether it is in schools, or colleges, or universities or wherever." The United States and several other countries have sent intelligence and military experts to Nigeria to assist in the search for the girls. U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel told ABC television the United States would do all it could to help, but acknowledged "it will be very difficult. It is a vast country." Hagel said the United States has no plans to send troops to Nigeria. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/nigerian-schoolgirls-who-escaped-capt ors-recall-horrifying-moments/1912346.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/nigerian-schoolgirls-who-escaped-captors-recall-horrifying-moments/1912346.html