Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. US Targets Businesses for Evading Iran Sanctions by Reuters The Obama administration targeted a host of businesses across Europe and the Middle East on Thursday for evading sanctions against Iran, a signal that Washington aims to keep pressure on Tehran over its nuclear program. The announcement marks the second time the United States has designated sanctions evaders since reaching an interim deal with Tehran in November. Washington has said it will continue to enforce existing sanctions until a more comprehensive deal is reached to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. "We strongly believe that sustaining sanctions pressure will be critical," a senior U.S. Treasury official told journalists. Under the current agreement between Iran and six major powers, including the United States, Tehran has agreed to curb sensitive nuclear activities in exchange for some limited sanctions relief, including the gradual transfer back to Iran of $4.2 billion in oil funds held abroad. Iran maintains that its nuclear program is peaceful and denies Western and Israeli accusations that it is seeking the means and expertise to assemble a nuclear warhead. It has also said that Israel's reputed atomic arsenal threatens peace. The actions taken on Thursday prohibit companies and individuals from carrying out financial transactions under U.S. jurisdiction. The U.S. Treasury said the targeted businesses and individuals operated in Turkey, Spain, Germany, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iran, Liechtenstein and the United Arab Emirates. Some were helping Iran evade sanctions on oil exports as well as aiding its efforts to acquire prohibited nuclear and military technologies, according to the Treasury. They included a Spanish firm that the United States said was helping Iran's nuclear industry. The United States targeted a Turkish citizen for allegedly helping Iran try to acquire and reverse engineer a "weapons-capable" speedboat. Washington also accused German firm Deutsche Forfait of helping "facilitate oil deals" with Iran. Other violators named were associated with Iran-sponsored activities in Syria and Afghanistan, the Treasury said in a statement. Some U.S. lawmakers want new sanctions laws imposed on the Islamic state, but the Obama administration has campaigned to hold off on new measures to give diplomatic efforts a chance to settle the nuclear dispute. The Treasury last imposed Iran sanctions in December, shortly after the interim deal was struck, blacklisting several companies and individuals for supporting Iran's nuclear program. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-us-targets-businesses-evading-ira n-sanctions/1846352.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-us-targets-businesses-evading-iran-sanctions/1846352.html