Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Prosecution Continues Questioning Pistorius in Murder Trial by VOA News Oscar Pistorius returns to the witness stand Thursday, as the prosecution continues its cross-examination of the South African runner charged with murdering his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Lead prosecutor Gerrie Nel began questioning Pistorius on Wednesday in a tough manner that, at some points, reduced the athlete to tears. Nel pressed Pistorius to take responsibility for killing Steenkamp, and told him to look at a graphic picture of her bloodied head displayed on a monitor in the courtroom. "I know you don't want to because you don't want to take responsibility, but it's time that you look at it. Take responsibility for what you've done, Mr. Pistorius," said Nel. "My lady, I've taken responsibility by me waiting and not wanting to live my life, but waiting for my time on this stand to tell my story for the respect of Reeva and for myself, I've taken responsibility, but I will not look at a picture where I'm tormented by what I saw and felt that night. As I picked Reeva up, my fingers touched her head. I remember. I don't have to look at a picture, I was there," said Pistorius. The judge called for a break so that Pistorius could compose himself. Later in the day, Nel accused Pistorius of focusing on the implications of his answers. "If I was sitting here and I wouldn't think of any implication of what I say it would be reckless, my life is on the line, of course I think of every single word that I say when I am sitting," said Nel. "Reeva doesn't have a life anymore, because of what you've done, she's not alive anymore, so please listen to the questions and give us the truth and not think of implications for you, Mr. Pistorius." Prosecutors say Pistorius intentionally shot Steenkamp at his home last year. If convicted, he faces 25 years to life in prison. The athlete claims he thought he was shooting an intruder when he fired shots through a locked backroom door. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/prosecution-continues-questioning-pis torius-in-murder-trial/1890201.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/prosecution-continues-questioning-pistorius-in-murder-trial/1890201.html