Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Convention Democrats Discuss Support for Clinton by Sean Maroney Many Democrats believe former president Bill Clinton has a lot to offer to President Barack Obama's reelection bid. There was no shortage of support for the former president among delegates who packed the convention hall on Wednesday. Many were excited to see him in Charlotte. Loading... Rodney McFarland is a delegate from the southern state of Louisiana. "I'm a Bill Clinton fan, so a lot of people love Bill Clinton. If Bill Clinton would run for president again, I think they would vote for him," McFarland said. Clinton remains popular, in part because he presided over an era of economic expansion and has been active in global philanthropic efforts since leaving office. Doris Crouse-Mays is a delegate from the southern state of Virginia - a state targeted by both campaigns in this year's presidential election. She says she believes Clinton has the trust of the voters, which can help Obama on the campaign trail. "The former president can lay that out and really let people know and explain to everyone that President Obama is doing the right things, and that if President Clinton was still in office, he would be doing the same things," Crouse-Mays said. But Loretta Harper, a delegate from the western state of Nevada, says it is the personal appeal that the former president brings to the Obama campaign that remains his biggest strength. "Clinton... he's a 'fire-upper' person. You know how you have cake and ice cream? He is going to put the ice cream on the cake," Harper said. And she hopes that will be an irresistible combination for undecided voters in this year's tight race. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/bill-clinton-democratic-convention/15 02597.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/bill-clinton-democratic-convention/1502597.html