Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Witnesses Say Warships Fired on al-Shabab Somalia Stronghold In Somalia, witnesses say warships have fired on a key port town controlled by the Islamist militant group al-Shabab. The witnesses told VOA's Somali Service the two warships, believed to be Kenyan, began firing at the coastal town of Kismayo early Tuesday. The attack continued after sunrise, with one shell hitting a house and wounding a child. Al-Shabab militants returned fire with 106-millimeter recoilless rifles. A spokesman for Kenya's military said he had no knowledge of the incident. If confirmed, the attack would open a new front against the al-Qaida-allied rebel group. Last week, African Union and Somali forces began pushing al-Shabab militants out of another key stronghold -- the Afgoye corridor located west of Mogadishu. Officials with AU and Somali forces say they have successfully moved the rebels out of the corridor, which includes a sprawling camp for about 400,000 refugees. Military officials said al-Shabab rebels were preventing aid organizations from operating in the region. Reports from southern Somalia indicated on Monday that al-Shabab leaders were mobilizing fighters in the south, including in Port Kismayo. Al-Shabab is fighting to overthrow Somalia's transitional government and impose a strict form of Islamic law. Last year, Kenyan and Ethiopian troops entered Somalia to pursue the rebels. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/warships-fire-on-al-shabab-stronghold -in-somalia/1120702.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/warships-fire-on-al-shabab-stronghold-in-somalia/1120702.html