Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. UN Relocates Some Staff in Pakistan VOA News 31 December 2009 The United Nations says it is temporarily relocating at least 20 percent of international staff members in Pakistan because of security concerns. U.N. spokeswoman Ishrat Rizvi says the staff members will either leave the country or be moved to safer areas in Pakistan. News organizations quote Rizvi and a U.N. staffer in Pakistan as saying the relocation measures will last about six months. At least 11 U.N. workers have been killed in Pakistan this year including five in an October bombing at the U.N. World Food Program headquarters in Islamabad. The Wall Street Journal newspaper says only "nonessential" U.N. staff members are being moved and the relocations will not affect efforts to help people displaced by fighting between Pakistan's army and militants. Meanwhile, Pakistani security forces have raided a hospital used by militants in the South Waziristan tribal region, killing at least four foreign fighters. Officials said Pakistani forces also arrested more than 20 suspected militants in Wana, the main town in the region that is a stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban. On Wednesday, the Taliban's main faction in Pakistan claimed responsibility for Monday's attack on a Shi'ite religious procession the southern city of Karachi that killed at least 43 people. A spokesman warned of more attacks in the coming days. Elsewhere, Pakistani officials say they have arrested the senior Taliban leader in Punjab province. Police said Khalil Ullah was the mastermind of a bombing at a busy market on December 7 in the provincial capital of Lahore that killed at least 48 people. They say an accomplice was also taken into custody. The Pakistani military has been carrying out a campaign against the Pakistani Taliban in South Waziristan. Militants have retaliated with bomb and shooting attacks across the country. Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters. .