Date: Mon, 29 Jan 90 01:32:06 EST From: (Jeff Wasilko) Subject: Batch Unbinhexing/Unstuffing (SUMMARY and SOURCE) Quite a while ago, I requested info on batch un-binhexing/ un-stufing software available for the mac. I received a few replies about this, all of them but one suggesting a solution centered around a mainframe. One person suggested that Ray Lau's commercial version of Stuffit might do batch work. What I found was a trio of programs from the archives at in the /info-mac/unix directory. The combination of these three programs allow almost-batch operation (I'll get into why it's 'almost' later). The three programs are: -rw-r--r-- 1 macmod info-mac 54554 Jan 16 18:18 mcvert-15.shar mcvert converts a .hqx (BinHex 4.0) file to a .bin (MacBinary file) that can be read by unsit. This program allows wildcard operations. Additionally, mcvert will unpack PackIt files. Files in: *.hqx Files out: *.bin (generally *.sit.bin) -rw-r--r-- 1 macmod info-mac 26067 Jan 1 1989 unsit.shar unsit will decompress .sit.bin (MacBinary Stuffit files) I am enclosing a new version of unsit that Allen sent me to allow input from MacBinary files. Previously, it was only possible to input from macput/macget formatted files. The new version also adds compatiblity with Stuffit 1.5.1 and the new HMF folder scheme. At present, unsit can only output files in macput/macget format, but the author Allan Weber ( said that he may add the option to output directly to MacBinary format. Files in: *.sit.bin Files out: foo.rsrc,, -rw-r--r-- 1 macmod info-mac 4184 Jan 1 1989 macbinary.shar macbinary (macbin) converts macput/macget type files to MacBinary files. This allows easy downloading with progams such as Kermit or ZTerm. macbin does NOT support wildcards, so this part of the conversion must be done manually. Files in: foo.rsrc,, Files out: foo.bin (Unstuffed and in Binary format) The combination of programs works very well and is extremely fast on our vax, especially when comparied to Stuffit's performance on a Plus. Since this process requires the use of three different programs, I'm writing a shell script to tie everything together. When I get it running, I'll send it along too. I'm including a new version of unsit that reads macbinary files. Jeff | RIT VAX/VMS Systems: | Jeff Wasilko | RIT Ultrix Systems: | |BITNET:| |UUCP: {psuvax1, mcvax}!ritvax.bitnet!JJW7384 +___UUCP:jjw7384@ultb.UUCP____+ |INTERNET: |'claimer: No one cares. | ------cut here for source for unsit 1.5------ >From Wed Jan 10 17:35:07 1990 Received: by (5.57/5.2 (Postmaster DPMSYS)) id AA28138; Wed, 10 Jan 90 17:34:45 EST Received: from by (5.59/SMI-3.0DEV3) id AA26388; Wed, 10 Jan 90 14:34:03 PST Received: by brand (5.61/SMI-3.0DEV3) id AA08278; Wed, 10 Jan 90 14:33:20 -0800 Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1990 14:33:17 PST >From: Allan G. Weber >To: (Jeff Wasilko) In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 10 Jan 90 16:32:38 EST >Subject: unsit Message-Id: Status: RO The problem is probably that unsit is expecting the file to be just the data fork of the Mac file, and Macbinary format has the data and resource forks together along with a header. I've include the lastest version of unsit below in case you don't have it. Some time ago I added a option to the program to make it skip the Macbinary header by using a "-m" switch on the command line. Try the version below with the -m and hopefully it will work. Allan Weber #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files: # README # Makefile # unsit.c # stuffit.h # updcrc.c # getopt.c # unsit.1 # This archive created: Wed Jan 10 14:25:12 1990 export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH if test -f 'README' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'README'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README' Unsit, version 1.5 These are the souces for "unsit", a Unix program for breaking apart StuffIt archive files created on a Macintosh into separate files on the Unix system. See the documentation at the beginning of "unsit.c" or the man page "unsit.1" for more information. To build the program, compile unsit.c and updcrc.c and link together. If your system doesn't have the getopt() routine in its standard library, also compile getopt.c and include it in the link. This program opens a pipe to the "compress" program for doing the uncompression of some of the files in the archive. Most Unix sites probably already have "compress". If not, it can be found in the comp.sources.unix archives. Comments and bug reports should be send to Allan G. Weber Signal and Image Processing Institute University of Southern California Powell Hall 306, MC-0272 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0272 (213) 743-5519 SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'Makefile' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Makefile'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile' GETOPT = #GETOPT = getopt.o unsit : unsit.o updcrc.o $(GETOPT) cc -o unsit unsit.o updcrc.o $(GETOPT) unsit.o : unsit.c stuffit.h getopt.o : getopt.c unsit.shar : README Makefile unsit.c stuffit.h updcrc.c getopt.c unsit.1 shar README Makefile unsit.c stuffit.h updcrc.c getopt.c unsit.1 \ >unsit.shar SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'unsit.c' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'unsit.c'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'unsit.c' /* unsit - Macintosh StuffIt file extractor Version 1.5c, for StuffIt 1.5 August 3, 1989 This program will unpack a Macintosh StuffIt file into separate files. The data fork of a StuffIt file contains both the data and resource forks of the packed files. The program will unpack each Mac file into separate .data, .rsrc., and .info files that can be downloaded to a Mac using macput. The program is much like the "unpit" program for breaking apart Packit archive files. ***** IMPORTANT ***** To extract StuffIt files that have been compressed with the Lempel-Ziv compression method, unsit pipes the data through the "compress" program with the appropriate switches, rather than incorporate the uncompression routines within "unsit". Therefore, it is necessary to have the "compress" program on the system and in the search path to make "unsit" work. "Compress" is available from the comp.sources.unix archives. The program syntax is much like unpit and macput/macget, with some added options: unsit [-rdulvqfm] The -r and -d flags will cause only the resource and data forks to be written. The -u flag will cause only the data fork to be written and to have carriage return characters changed to Unix newline characters. The -l flag will make the program only list the files in the StuffIt file. The -v flag causes the program to list the names, sizes, type, and creators of the files it is writing. The -q flag causes it to list the name, type and size of each file and wait for a 'y' or 'n' for either writing that file or skipping it, respectively. The -m flag is used when the input file in in the MacBinary format instead of three separate .data, .info, and .rsrc files. It causes the program to skip the 128 byte MacBinary header before looking for the StuffIt header. Version 1.5 of the unsit supports extracting files and folders as implemented by StuffIt 1.5's "Hierarchy Maintained Folder" feature. Each folder is extracted as a subdirectory on the Unix system with the files in the folder placed in the corresponding subdirectory. The -f option can be used to "flatten" out the hierarchy and unsit will store all the files in the current directory. If the query option (-q) is used and a "n" response is given to a folder name, none of the files or folders in that folder will be extraced. Some of the program is borrowed from the macput.c/macget.c programs. Many, many thanks to Raymond Lau, the author of StuffIt, for including information on the format of the StuffIt archives in the documentation. Several changes and enhancements supplied by David Shanks (cde@atelabs.UUCP) have been incorporated into the program for doing things like supporting System V and recognizing MacBinary files. I'm always glad to receive advice, suggestions, or comments about the program so feel free to send whatever you think would be helpful Author: Allan G. Weber ...sdcrdcf!usc-oberon!brand!weber Date: April 3, 1989 */ #include #include #include typedef long OSType; #include "stuffit.h" /* * Define the following if your Unix can only handle 14 character file names * (e.g. Version 7 and System V). */ /* #define SHORTNAMES */ /* * The following defines the name of the compress program that is used for the * uncompression of Lempel-Ziv compressed files. If the path is set up to * include the right directory, this should work. */ #define COMPRESS "compress" #define IOBUFSIZ 4096 #define MACBINHDRSIZE 128L #define INIT_CRC 0L extern unsigned short updcrc(); #define INFOBYTES 128 #define BYTEMASK 0xff #define S_SIGNATURE 0 #define S_NUMFILES 4 #define S_ARCLENGTH 6 #define S_SIGNATURE2 10 #define S_VERSION 14 #define SITHDRSIZE 22 #define F_COMPRMETHOD 0 #define F_COMPDMETHOD 1 #define F_FNAME 2 #define F_FTYPE 66 #define F_CREATOR 70 #define F_FNDRFLAGS 74 #define F_CREATIONDATE 76 #define F_MODDATE 80 #define F_RSRCLENGTH 84 #define F_DATALENGTH 88 #define F_COMPRLENGTH 92 #define F_COMPDLENGTH 96 #define F_RSRCCRC 100 #define F_DATACRC 102 #define F_HDRCRC 110 #define FILEHDRSIZE 112 #define F_NAMELEN 63 #ifdef SHORTNAMES /* short file names */ # define I_NAMELEN 15 /* 14 char file names + '\0' terminator */ #else # define I_NAMELEN 69 /* 63 + strlen(".info") + 1 */ #endif /* The following are copied out of macput.c/macget.c */ #define I_NAMEOFF 1 /* 65 <-> 80 is the FInfo structure */ #define I_TYPEOFF 65 #define I_AUTHOFF 69 #define I_FLAGOFF 73 #define I_LOCKOFF 81 #define I_DLENOFF 83 #define I_RLENOFF 87 #define I_CTIMOFF 91 #define I_MTIMOFF 95 #define INITED_BUG #define INITED_OFF I_FLAGOFF /* offset to byte with Inited flag */ #define INITED_MASK (~1) /* mask to '&' with byte to reset it */ #define TEXT 0 #define DATA 1 #define RSRC 2 #define FULL 3 #define DUMP 4 #define NODECODE 0 #define DECODE 1 #define H_ERROR -1 #define H_EOF 0 #define H_WRITE 1 #define H_SKIP 2 struct node { int flag, byte; struct node *one, *zero; } nodelist[512], *nodeptr, *read_tree(); /* 512 should be big enough */ struct sitHdr sithdr; char f_info[I_NAMELEN]; char f_data[I_NAMELEN]; char f_rsrc[I_NAMELEN]; char info[INFOBYTES]; char mname[F_NAMELEN+1]; char uname[F_NAMELEN+1]; char iobuf[IOBUFSIZ]; int mode, txtmode, listonly, verbose, query, flatten; int bit, chkcrc, numfiles, depth; FILE *infp; long get4(); short get2(); unsigned short write_file(); main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int status; int c; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int errflg; int macbin; mode = FULL; errflg = 0; macbin = 0; flatten = 0; numfiles = 0; depth = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dflmqruvx")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'r': mode = RSRC; break; case 'd': mode = DATA; break; case 'u': mode = TEXT; break; case 'l': listonly++; break; case 'q': query++; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'x': mode = DUMP; break; case 'm': macbin = 1; break; case 'f': flatten = 1; break; case '?': errflg++; break; } if (errflg) { usage(); exit(1); } if (optind == argc) { usage(); exit(1); } else { if ((infp = fopen(argv[optind], "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open input file \"%s\"\n",argv[optind]); exit(1); } } if (macbin) { if (fseek(infp, MACBINHDRSIZE, 0) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't skip over MacBinary header\n"); exit(1); } } if (readsithdr(&sithdr) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read file header\n"); exit(1); } /* printf("numfiles=%d, arclength=%ld\n", sithdr.numFiles, sithdr.arcLength); */ status = extract("", 0); exit((status < 0) ? 1 : 0); } usage() { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: unsit [-rdulvqmf] filename\n"); } /* extract(parent, skip) - Extract all files from the current folder. char *parent; name of parent folder int skip; 1 to skip all files and folders in this one 0 to extract them returns 1 if came an endFolder record 0 if EOF -1 if error (bad fileHdr, bad file, etc.) */ extract(parent, skip) char *parent; int skip; { struct fileHdr filehdr; struct stat sbuf; int status, rstat, sstat, skipit; char name[256]; while (1) { rstat = readfilehdr(&filehdr, skip); if (rstat == H_ERROR || rstat == H_EOF) { status = rstat; break; } /* printf("compr=%d, compd=%d, rsrclen=%ld, datalen=%ld, rsrccrc=%d, datacrc=%d\n", filehdr.compRMethod, filehdr.compDMethod, filehdr.compRLength, filehdr.compDLength, filehdr.rsrcCRC, filehdr.dataCRC); */ skipit = (rstat == H_SKIP) ? 1 : 0; if (filehdr.compRMethod == endFolder && filehdr.compDMethod == endFolder) { status = 1; /* finished with this folder */ break; } else if (filehdr.compRMethod == startFolder && filehdr.compDMethod == startFolder) { if (!listonly && rstat == H_WRITE && !flatten) { sstat = stat(uname, &sbuf); if (sstat == -1) { /* directory doesn't exist */ if (mkdir(uname, 0777) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create subdirectory %s\n", uname); return(-1); } } else { /* something exists with this name */ if ((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) { fprintf(stderr, "Directory name %s already in use\n", uname); return(-1); } } if (chdir(uname) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't chdir to %s\n", uname); return(-1); } sprintf(name,"%s:%s", parent, uname); } depth++; status = extract(name, skipit); depth--; if (status != 1) break; /* problem with folder */ if (depth == 0) /* count how many top-level files done */ numfiles++; if (!flatten) chdir(".."); } else { if ((status = extractfile(&filehdr, skipit)) != 1) break; if (depth == 0) /* count how many top-level files done */ numfiles++; } if (numfiles == sithdr.numFiles) break; } return(status); } extractfile(fh, skip) struct fileHdr *fh; int skip; { unsigned short crc; FILE *fp; f_data[0] = f_rsrc[0] = f_info[0] = '\0'; /* assume no output files */ /* figure out what file names to use and what to do */ if (!listonly && !skip) { switch (mode) { case FULL: /* do both rsrc and data forks */ sprintf(f_data, "%.*", I_NAMELEN - 6, uname); sprintf(f_rsrc, "%.*s.rsrc", I_NAMELEN - 6, uname); sprintf(f_info, "%.*", I_NAMELEN - 6, uname); break; case RSRC: /* rsrc fork only */ sprintf(f_rsrc, "%.*s.rsrc", I_NAMELEN - 6, uname); break; case DATA: /* data fork only */ case TEXT: sprintf(f_data, "%.*s", I_NAMELEN - 1, uname); break; case DUMP: /* for debugging, dump data as is */ sprintf(f_data, "%.*s.ddump", I_NAMELEN - 7, uname); sprintf(f_rsrc, "%.*s.rdump", I_NAMELEN - 7, uname); fh->compRMethod = fh->compDMethod = noComp; break; } } if (f_info[0] != '\0' && check_access(f_info) != -1) { fp = fopen(f_info, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { perror(f_info); exit(1); } fwrite(info, 1, INFOBYTES, fp); fclose(fp); } if (f_rsrc[0] != '\0') { txtmode = 0; crc = write_file(f_rsrc, fh->compRLength, fh->rsrcLength, fh->compRMethod); if (chkcrc && fh->rsrcCRC != crc) { fprintf(stderr, "CRC error on resource fork: need 0x%04x, got 0x%04x\n", fh->rsrcCRC, crc); return(-1); } } else { fseek(infp, (long) fh->compRLength, 1); } if (f_data[0] != '\0') { txtmode = (mode == TEXT); crc = write_file(f_data, fh->compDLength, fh->dataLength, fh->compDMethod); if (chkcrc && fh->dataCRC != crc) { fprintf(stderr, "CRC error on data fork: need 0x%04x, got 0x%04x\n", fh->dataCRC, crc); return(-1); } } else { fseek(infp, (long) fh->compDLength, 1); } return(1); } readsithdr(s) struct sitHdr *s; { char temp[FILEHDRSIZE]; int count = 0; for (;;) { if (fread(temp, 1, SITHDRSIZE, infp) != SITHDRSIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read file header\n"); return(0); } if (strncmp(temp + S_SIGNATURE, "SIT!", 4) == 0 && strncmp(temp + S_SIGNATURE2, "rLau", 4) == 0) { s->numFiles = get2(temp + S_NUMFILES); s->arcLength = get4(temp + S_ARCLENGTH); return(1); } if (++count == 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Not a StuffIt file\n"); return(0); } if (fread(&temp[SITHDRSIZE], 1, FILEHDRSIZE - SITHDRSIZE, infp) != FILEHDRSIZE - SITHDRSIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read file header\n"); return(0); } if (strncmp(temp + I_TYPEOFF, "SIT!", 4) == 0 && strncmp(temp + I_AUTHOFF, "SIT!", 4) == 0) { /* MacBinary format */ fseek(infp, (long)(INFOBYTES-FILEHDRSIZE), 1); /* Skip over header */ } } } /* readfilehdr - reads the file header for each file and the folder start and end records. returns: H_ERROR = error H_EOF = EOF H_WRITE = write file/folder H_SKIP = skip file/folder */ readfilehdr(f, skip) struct fileHdr *f; int skip; { unsigned short crc; int i, n, write_it, isfolder; char hdr[FILEHDRSIZE]; char ch, *mp, *up; char *tp, temp[10]; for (i = 0; i < INFOBYTES; i++) info[i] = '\0'; /* read in the next file header, which could be folder start/end record */ n = fread(hdr, 1, FILEHDRSIZE, infp); if (n == 0) /* return 0 on EOF */ return(H_EOF); else if (n != FILEHDRSIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read file header\n"); return(H_ERROR); } /* check the CRC for the file header */ crc = INIT_CRC; crc = updcrc(crc, hdr, FILEHDRSIZE - 2); f->hdrCRC = get2(hdr + F_HDRCRC); if (f->hdrCRC != crc) { fprintf(stderr, "Header CRC mismatch: got 0x%04x, need 0x%04x\n", f->hdrCRC, crc); return(H_ERROR); } /* grab the name of the file or folder */ n = hdr[F_FNAME] & BYTEMASK; if (n > F_NAMELEN) n = F_NAMELEN; info[I_NAMEOFF] = n; copy(info + I_NAMEOFF + 1, hdr + F_FNAME + 1, n); strncpy(mname, hdr + F_FNAME + 1, n); mname[n] = '\0'; /* copy to a string with no illegal Unix characters in the file name */ mp = mname; up = uname; while ((ch = *mp++) != '\0') { if (ch <= ' ' || ch > '~' || index("/!()[]*<>?\\\"$\';&`", ch) != NULL) ch = '_'; *up++ = ch; } *up = '\0'; /* get lots of other stuff from the header */ f->compRMethod = hdr[F_COMPRMETHOD]; f->compDMethod = hdr[F_COMPDMETHOD]; f->rsrcLength = get4(hdr + F_RSRCLENGTH); f->dataLength = get4(hdr + F_DATALENGTH); f->compRLength = get4(hdr + F_COMPRLENGTH); f->compDLength = get4(hdr + F_COMPDLENGTH); f->rsrcCRC = get2(hdr + F_RSRCCRC); f->dataCRC = get2(hdr + F_DATACRC); /* if it's an end folder record, don't need to do any more */ if (f->compRMethod == endFolder && f->compDMethod == endFolder) return(H_WRITE); /* prepare an info file in case its needed */ copy(info + I_TYPEOFF, hdr + F_FTYPE, 4); copy(info + I_AUTHOFF, hdr + F_CREATOR, 4); copy(info + I_FLAGOFF, hdr + F_FNDRFLAGS, 2); #ifdef INITED_BUG info[INITED_OFF] &= INITED_MASK; /* reset init bit */ #endif copy(info + I_DLENOFF, hdr + F_DATALENGTH, 4); copy(info + I_RLENOFF, hdr + F_RSRCLENGTH, 4); copy(info + I_CTIMOFF, hdr + F_CREATIONDATE, 4); copy(info + I_MTIMOFF, hdr + F_MODDATE, 4); isfolder = f->compRMethod == startFolder && f->compDMethod == startFolder; /* list the file name if verbose or listonly mode, also if query mode */ if (skip) /* skip = 1 if skipping all in this folder */ write_it = 0; else { write_it = 1; if (listonly || verbose || query) { for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) putchar(' '); if (isfolder) printf("Folder: \"%s\"", uname); else printf("name=\"%s\", type=%4.4s, author=%4.4s, data=%ld, rsrc=%ld", uname, hdr + F_FTYPE, hdr + F_CREATOR, f->dataLength, f->rsrcLength); if (query) { /* if querying, check with the boss */ printf(" ? "); fgets(temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, stdin); tp = temp; write_it = 0; while (*tp != '\0') { if (*tp == 'y' || *tp == 'Y') { write_it = 1; break; } else tp++; } } else /* otherwise, terminate the line */ putchar('\n'); } } return(write_it ? H_WRITE : H_SKIP); } check_access(fname) /* return 0 if OK to write on file fname, -1 otherwise */ char *fname; { char temp[10], *tp; if (access(fname, 0) == -1) { return(0); } else { printf("%s exists. Overwrite? ", fname); fgets(temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, stdin); tp = temp; while (*tp != '\0') { if (*tp == 'y' || *tp == 'Y') { return(0); } else tp++; } } return(-1); } unsigned short write_file(fname, ibytes, obytes, type) char *fname; unsigned long ibytes, obytes; unsigned char type; { unsigned short crc; int i, n, ch, lastch; FILE *outf; char temp[256]; crc = INIT_CRC; chkcrc = 1; /* usually can check the CRC */ if (check_access(fname) == -1) { fseek(infp, ibytes, 1); chkcrc = 0; /* inhibit crc check if file not written */ return(-1); } switch (type) { case noComp: /* no compression */ outf = fopen(fname, "w"); if (outf == NULL) { perror(fname); exit(1); } while (ibytes > 0) { n = (ibytes > IOBUFSIZ) ? IOBUFSIZ : ibytes; n = fread(iobuf, 1, n, infp); if (n == 0) break; crc = updcrc(crc, iobuf, n); outc(iobuf, n, outf); ibytes -= n; } fclose(outf); break; case rleComp: /* run length encoding */ outf = fopen(fname, "w"); if (outf == NULL) { perror(fname); exit(1); } while (ibytes > 0) { ch = getc(infp) & 0xff; ibytes--; if (ch == 0x90) { /* see if its the repeat marker */ n = getc(infp) & 0xff; /* get the repeat count */ ibytes--; if (n == 0) { /* 0x90 was really an 0x90 */ iobuf[0] = 0x90; crc = updcrc(crc, iobuf, 1); outc(iobuf, 1, outf); } else { n--; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) iobuf[i] = lastch; crc = updcrc(crc, iobuf, n); outc(iobuf, n, outf); } } else { iobuf[0] = ch; crc = updcrc(crc, iobuf, 1); lastch = ch; outc(iobuf, 1, outf); } } fclose(outf); break; case lzwComp: /* LZW compression */ sprintf(temp, "%s%s", COMPRESS, " -d -c -n -b 14 "); if (txtmode) { strcat(temp, "| tr \'\\015\' \'\\012\' "); chkcrc = 0; /* can't check CRC in this case */ } strcat(temp, "> '"); strcat(temp, fname); strcat(temp, "'"); outf = popen(temp, "w"); if (outf == NULL) { perror(fname); exit(1); } while (ibytes > 0) { n = (ibytes > IOBUFSIZ) ? IOBUFSIZ : ibytes; n = fread(iobuf, 1, n, infp); if (n == 0) break; fwrite(iobuf, 1, n, outf); ibytes -= n; } pclose(outf); if (chkcrc) { outf = fopen(fname, "r"); /* read the file to get CRC value */ if (outf == NULL) { perror(fname); exit(1); } while (1) { n = fread(iobuf, 1, IOBUFSIZ, outf); if (n == 0) break; crc = updcrc(crc, iobuf, n); } fclose(outf); } break; case hufComp: /* Huffman compression */ outf = fopen(fname, "w"); if (outf == NULL) { perror(fname); exit(1); } nodeptr = nodelist; bit = 0; /* put us on a byte boundary */ read_tree(); while (obytes > 0) { n = (obytes > IOBUFSIZ) ? IOBUFSIZ : obytes; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) iobuf[i] = gethuffbyte(DECODE); crc = updcrc(crc, iobuf, n); outc(iobuf, n, outf); obytes -= n; } fclose(outf); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown compression method\n"); chkcrc = 0; /* inhibit crc check if file not written */ return(-1); } return(crc & 0xffff); } outc(p, n, fp) char *p; int n; FILE *fp; { register char *p1; register int i; if (txtmode) { for (i = 0, p1 = p; i < n; i++, p1++) if ((*p1 & BYTEMASK) == '\r') *p1 = '\n'; } fwrite(p, 1, n, fp); } long get4(bp) char *bp; { register int i; long value = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { value <<= 8; value |= (*bp & BYTEMASK); bp++; } return(value); } short get2(bp) char *bp; { register int i; int value = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { value <<= 8; value |= (*bp & BYTEMASK); bp++; } return(value); } copy(p1, p2, n) char *p1, *p2; int n; { while (n-- > 0) *p1++ = *p2++; } /* This routine recursively reads the Huffman encoding table and builds and decoding tree. */ struct node *read_tree() { struct node *np; np = nodeptr++; if (getbit() == 1) { np->flag = 1; np->byte = gethuffbyte(NODECODE); } else { np->flag = 0; np->zero = read_tree(); np->one = read_tree(); } return(np); } /* This routine returns the next bit in the input stream (MSB first) */ getbit() { static char b; if (bit == 0) { b = getc(infp) & 0xff; bit = 8; } bit--; return((b >> bit) & 1); } /* This routine returns the next 8 bits. If decoding is on, it finds the byte in the decoding tree based on the bits from the input stream. If decoding is not on, it either gets it directly from the input stream or puts it together from 8 calls to getbit(), depending on whether or not we are currently on a byte boundary */ gethuffbyte(decode) int decode; { register struct node *np; register int i, b; if (decode == DECODE) { np = nodelist; while (np->flag == 0) np = (getbit()) ? np->one : np->zero; b = np->byte; } else { if (bit == 0) /* on byte boundary? */ b = getc(infp) & 0xff; else { /* no, put a byte together */ b = 0; for (i = 8; i > 0; i--) { b = (b << 1) + getbit(); } } } return(b); } SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'stuffit.h' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'stuffit.h'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'stuffit.h' /* StuffIt.h: contains declarations for SIT headers */ typedef struct sitHdr { /* 22 bytes */ OSType signature; /* = 'SIT!' -- for verification */ unsigned short numFiles; /* number of files in archive */ unsigned long arcLength; /* length of entire archive incl. hdr. -- for verification */ OSType signature2; /* = 'rLau' -- for verification */ unsigned char version; /* version number */ char reserved[7]; }; typedef struct fileHdr { /* 112 bytes */ unsigned char compRMethod; /* rsrc fork compression method */ unsigned char compDMethod; /* data fork compression method */ unsigned char fName[64]; /* a STR63 */ OSType fType; /* file type */ OSType fCreator; /* er... */ short FndrFlags; /* copy of Finder flags. For our purposes, we can clear: busy,onDesk */ unsigned long creationDate; unsigned long modDate; /* !restored-compat w/backup prgms */ unsigned long rsrcLength; /* decompressed lengths */ unsigned long dataLength; unsigned long compRLength; /* compressed lengths */ unsigned long compDLength; unsigned short rsrcCRC; /* crc of rsrc fork */ unsigned short dataCRC; /* crc of data fork */ char reserved[6]; unsigned short hdrCRC; /* crc of file header */ }; /* file format is: sitArchiveHdr file1Hdr file1RsrcFork file1DataFork file2Hdr file2RsrcFork file2DataFork . . . fileNHdr fileNRsrcFork fileNDataFork */ /* compression methods */ #define noComp 0 /* just read each byte and write it to archive */ #define rleComp 1 /* RLE compression */ #define lzwComp 2 /* LZW compression */ #define hufComp 3 /* Huffman compression */ #define encrypted 16 /* bit set if encrypted. ex: encrypted+lpzComp */ #define startFolder 32 /* marks start of a new folder */ #define endFolder 33 /* marks end of the last folder "started" */ /* all other numbers are reserved */ SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'updcrc.c' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'updcrc.c'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'updcrc.c' /* updcrc(3), crc(1) - calculate crc polynomials * * Calculate, intelligently, the CRC of a dataset incrementally given a * buffer full at a time. * * Usage: * newcrc = updcrc( oldcrc, bufadr, buflen ) * unsigned int oldcrc, buflen; * char *bufadr; * * Compiling with -DTEST creates a program to print the CRC of stdin to stdout. * Compile with -DMAKETAB to print values for crctab to stdout. If you change * the CRC polynomial parameters, be sure to do this and change * crctab's initial value. * * Notes: * Regards the data stream as an integer whose MSB is the MSB of the first * byte recieved. This number is 'divided' (using xor instead of subtraction) * by the crc-polynomial P. * XMODEM does things a little differently, essentially treating the LSB of * the first data byte as the MSB of the integer. Define SWAPPED to make * things behave in this manner. * * Author: Mark G. Mendel, 7/86 * UUCP: ihnp4!umn-cs!hyper!mark, GEnie: mgm */ /* The CRC polynomial. * These 4 values define the crc-polynomial. * If you change them, you must change crctab[]'s initial value to what is * printed by initcrctab() [see 'compile with -DMAKETAB' above]. */ /* Value used by: CITT XMODEM ARC */ #define P 0xA001 /* the poly: 0x1021 0x1021 A001 */ #define INIT_CRC 0L /* init value: -1 0 0 */ #define SWAPPED /* bit order: undef defined defined */ #define W 16 /* bits in CRC:16 16 16 */ /* data type that holds a W-bit unsigned integer */ #if W <= 16 # define WTYPE unsigned short #else # define WTYPE unsigned long #endif /* the number of bits per char: don't change it. */ #define B 8 static WTYPE crctab[1<>(W-B)) ^ *cp++]; #else crc = (crc>>B) ^ crctab[(crc & ((1< main() { initcrctab(); } initcrctab() { register int b, i; WTYPE v; for( b = 0; b <= (1<= 0; ) v = v & ((WTYPE)1<<(W-1)) ? (v<<1)^P : v<<1; #else for( v = b, i = B; --i >= 0; ) v = v & 1 ? (v>>1)^P : v>>1; #endif crctab[b] = v; printf( "0x%lx,", v & ((1L< #include #define MAXBUF 4096 main( ac, av ) int ac; char **av; { int fd; int nr; int i; char buf[MAXBUF]; WTYPE crc, crc2; fd = 0; if( ac > 1 ) if( (fd = open( av[1], O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) { perror( av[1] ); exit( -1 ); } crc = crc2 = INIT_CRC; while( (nr = read( fd, buf, MAXBUF )) > 0 ) { crc = updcrc( crc, buf, nr ); } if( nr != 0 ) perror( "reading" ); else { printf( "%lx\n", crc ); } #ifdef MAGICCHECK /* tack one's complement of crc onto data stream, and continue crc calculation. Should get a constant (magic number) dependent only on P, not the data. */ crc2 = crc ^ -1L; for( nr = W-B; nr >= 0; nr -= B ) { buf[0] = (crc2 >> nr); crc = updcrc(crc, buf, 1); } /* crc should now equal magic */ buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = buf[3] = 0; printf( "magic test: %lx =?= %lx\n", crc, updcrc(-1, buf, W/B)); #endif MAGICCHECK } #endif SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'getopt.c' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'getopt.c'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'getopt.c' /* * getopt - get option letter from argv */ #include char *optarg; /* Global argument pointer. */ int optind = 0; /* Global argv index. */ static char *scan = NULL; /* Private scan pointer. */ extern char *index(); int getopt(argc, argv, optstring) int argc; char *argv[]; char *optstring; { register char c; register char *place; optarg = NULL; if (scan == NULL || *scan == '\0') { if (optind == 0) optind++; if (optind >= argc || argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0') return(EOF); if (strcmp(argv[optind], "--")==0) { optind++; return(EOF); } scan = argv[optind]+1; optind++; } c = *scan++; place = index(optstring, c); if (place == NULL || c == ':') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option -%c\n", argv[0], c); return('?'); } place++; if (*place == ':') { if (*scan != '\0') { optarg = scan; scan = NULL; } else if (optind < argc) { optarg = argv[optind]; optind++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -%c argument missing\n", argv[0], c); return('?'); } } return(c); } SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'unsit.1' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'unsit.1'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'unsit.1' .TH UNSIT L "Septermber 28, 1988" .UC .SH NAME unsit \- extract/list files in a Macintosh Stuffit archive file .SH SYNOPSIS .B unsit [ .B \-dflmqruv ] file .br .SH DESCRIPTION For the Stuffit archive file listed, .I unsit extracts the files in the archive into separate files. This makes it possible, for example, to separate a large StuffIt file into component files for selective downloading, rather than downloading the larger archive file just to extract a single, small file. It also allows the use of StuffIt to compress a group of files into a single, smaller archive that can be uploaded to a Unix system for storage, printing, etc. .PP In the normal mode, both the data and the resource forks of the component Macintosh files in the archive are extracted and stored in Unix files with the extension .I .data and .I .rsrc appended to the end of the Macintosh file name. In addition, a .I .info file will be created with the Finder information. These three file are compatible with the .I macput program for downloading to a Mac running Macterminal. If only the data or resource fork is extracted, no addition extension is appended to the Mac file name. Characters in the Mac file name that are illegal (or unwieldy, like spaces) are changed to underscores in the Unix file name. The true Mac file name is retained in the .I .info file and is restored when the file is downloaded. .PP StuffIt version 1.5 has the ability to archive a group of files and folders in such a way that the hierarchical relationship of the files and folders is maintained. .I Unsit version 1.5 can unpack files archived in this manner and place them in corresponding subdirectories so as to maintain the hierarchy. As an option, the hierarcy can be flattened out and all the files stored in the current directory. .PP The options are similar to those for .I macput and .I unpit. .TP .B \-f For StuffIt files containing a "Hierarchy Maintained Folder" entry, extract the files into a "flat" organization (all in the current directory) rather than maintaining the hierarchy by creating new directories, etc. Default is to maintain the hierarchical folder organization. .TP .B \-l List the files in the archive but do not extract them. The name, size, type, and creator of each file is listed. .TP .B \-m Assumes the input file in MacBinary format rather than macput/macget format and skips over the MacBinary header. .TP .B \-r Extract resources forks only. .TP .B \-d Extract data forks only. .TP .B \-u Extract data fork and change into a Unix text file. This only works if the file is really a text file. .TP .B \-q Query user before extracting files and folders. If a "n" answer is given for a folder, none of the files or folders in that folder will be extracted. .TP .B \-v Verbose option. Causes .I unsit to list name, size, type, and creator of each file extracted. .SH BUGS Files that were compressed by StuffIt with the Lempel-Ziv method and are extracted with the .B \-u switch (text files) are not checked for a correct CRC value when .I unsit uncompresses them. This is because .I unsit pipes the data through .I compress and .I tr to extract the file and never has a chance to do the CRC check. .PP The .I compress program has been observed to go into strange states when uncompressing a damaged file. Often it will get stuck writing out bogus data until the disk fills up. Since .I unsit sends data through .I compress, the same problem could occur when extracting files from a damaged Stuffit archive. .SH FILES For archives that have been compressed with the Lempel-Ziv method, the .I compress program must be present on the system and in the search path since .I unsit uses it for the uncompressing. .I Compress is available from the comp.sources.unix archives. .SH AUTHOR Allan G. Weber ( SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check # End of shell archive exit 0 .