Instructions for using automated FTP Sun 24-May-92 ==================================== This file is an ascii file Batchftp is (c) by Shawn Cooper These instructions are (c) by Prof. Timo Salmi If you have a BSD Unix host then first download 29520 Oct 31 1990 Then make an executable as follows: uncompress batchftp102.tar.Z tar -vxf batchftp102.tar cc batchftp.c -o batchftp Usage: batchftp -[di] input_file [remote_host username password] Consider the following example. You first want to get the directory list with file sizes and dates of the /pc/ts directory at garbo. Make the following file (let's call in input_file). The brackets {} are essential. { lcd YourLocalDownloadDirectory (optional) ascii (optional) dir /pc/ts your.log } Give the following command batchftp input_file & You can, but need not enter the username and password since batchftp fills them in for you. Scan your.log at your own host at your leasure. Let's say that you then decide to get (my educational flag games). Prepare another input_file like this: { lcd YourLocalDownloadDirectory (optional) binary cd /pc/ts get } Again give the following command batchftp input_file & Simple, convenient, and efficient. .................................................................. Prof. Timo Salmi Moderating at anonymous FTP archives Faculty of Accounting & Industrial Management; University of Vaasa Internet: Bitnet: salmi@finfun ; SF-65101, Finland .