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  TEXT What's the latest on Canada's WEF Digital ID? 31 dec 2022
  TEXT The biggest WEF land grab in history, 31 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF to accelerate push for global Metaverse surveillance network, 31 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF Cancels Twitter, Directs Followers To Use Chinese Social Media, 31 dec 2022
  TEXT No Rise in Temperature or Rainfall in Bangladesh for 100 Years, 31 dec 2022
  TEXT Artificial bacteria with non natural DNA eating living organisms, 31 dec 2022
  TEXT The truth about Covid McCarthyism, 30 dec 2022
  TEXT Bill gates defend 80% adverse reactions to covid shot, 30 dec 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates Announces the Next Pandemic Date and Outbreak Location, 30 dec 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates Global Takeover Is Official by Dr. Joseph Mercola, 30 dec 2022
  TEXT The era of cloud colonialism in Latin America has begun, 30 dec 2022
  TEXT All Brazilian anticommi opposition will be arrested, 30 dec 2022
  TEXT Dr. Leana Wen: Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Was a Complete Lie, 29 dec 2022
  TEXT Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Vaxx Mortality, 29 dec 2022
  TEXT Bioengineers are close to creating a cure for aging, 29 dec 2022
  TEXT A strange object was captured near the Sun, 29 dec 2022
  TEXT A mysterious shock wave cracked Earth's magnetosphere 19 dec night, 29 dec 2022
  TEXT HICM: China Had Biological Weapons Ambitions Long Before Pandemic, 28 dec 2022
  TEXT Leak: TikTok tracked journalists and politicians, 28 dec 2022
  TEXT Eco-terrorists attack Washington state substations on Christmas Day? 28 dec 2022
  TEXT 469 USA MSM Journalists Funded By George Soros, 28 dec 2022
  TEXT Brazil: the political regime calls the Indians terrorists, 28 dec 2022
  TEXT Expert decries UN chief's claim that climate disasters are up 500%, 27 dec 2022
  TEXT Trudope is coming for your hunting rifle, 27 dec 2022
  TEXT Pedophilia Is What's Next, 27 dec 2022
  TEXT Prior to the pandemic in 2019 the medic predicted the vaxx holocaust, 27 dec 2022
  TEXT Prelude to the end of the world? Pyramids, Trumpets, in the sky, 27 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF lashes out at disinformation campaigns against its tyrannical ideas, 26 dec 2022
  TEXT Globalists propose to eat artificial human meat, 26 dec 2022
  TEXT FBI accuses 'conspiracy theorists' of weaponizing Twitter Files, 26 dec 2022
  TEXT Pandemic 2.0: the situation in China is already critical - review, 26 dec 2022
  TEXT Australian patriots rise aganist WEF puppets in Wieambilla, 26 dec 2022
  TEXT Many people fully vaxxed against COVID-19 are now going BLIND, 25 dec 2022
  TEXT Buyer's Remorse About the Vax, 25 dec 2022
  TEXT Higher Spheres and UFOs: Who Invisible Lives Above Our Heads, 25 dec 2022
  TEXT Australian Propaganda Silences the Truth About Vaccines, 25 dec 2022
  TEXT New anomalies in the sky above the planet (not a UFO), 25 dec 2022
  TEXT German-Chinese Lab in Wuhan at the Epicenter of the Covid Outbreak, 24 dec 2022
  TEXT Globalists are preparing to bring out a new race of superhumans, 24 dec 2022
  TEXT Deutsche Bank: Eco-Dictatorship Will Be Necessary, 24 dec 2022
  TEXT Soros evil antifa terror cell arrested, found with BOMBS, 24 dec 2022
  TEXT Former CIA pilot: Planet Earth is considered to be a prison planet, 24 dec 2022
  TEXT Ancient Arctic viruses can infect civilization, 23 dec 2022
  TEXT Gucci is a sick perverts occultists, 23 dec 2022
  TEXT Researchers: vaccinated emit BlueTooth and have Mac Adress, 23 dec 2022
  TEXT Two stars found that show signs of extraterrestrial civilizations, 23 dec 2022
  TEXT Leak: new terrible epidemic swept China, 23 dec 2022
  TEXT CIA chief warns of TikTok toxicity to childrens, 22 dec 2022
  TEXT Some people's personalities suddenly change after mRNA injections, 22 dec 2022
  TEXT Germany: green experiment becomes a disaster, 22 dec 2022
  TEXT In NZ demands denunciation of all those who are against vaccination, 22 dec 2022
  TEXT Hollywood was created so that the Antichrist would enslave the USA, 22 dec 2022
  TEXT Who hides the sky from people? Video evidences, 21 dec 2022
  TEXT Hundreds of UFO Reports Received by Pentagon's New Sighting Office, 21 dec 2022
  TEXT Bezos and Gates Back Synchron in Drive for Brain Implant Breakthrough, 21 dec 2022
  TEXT The labor shortage in the U.S. is due to injuries from the vaccines, 21 dec 2022
  TEXT Examples of intentional obfuscation via "stars" and movies, 21 dec 2022
  TEXT Pics of the main secret base of the Putin missile forces leaked to the web, 20 dec 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates explaining how we need to lower the population, 20 dec 2022
  TEXT WHO Declares That Unvaccinated Citizens Are Murderers, 20 dec 2022
  TEXT Dutch Template for Ecomodernism's Brave New World? 20 dec 2022
  TEXT Digital ID in the US promoted by 27 companies, 20 dec 2022
  TEXT Genocide In US Hospitals, 19 dec 2022
  TEXT Time traveller issues chilling warning about WW3, 19 dec 2022
  TEXT EU plans 10000 euro limit on cash payments, 19 dec 2022
  TEXT Evil spirits fly around the vaccinated - evidence from forum, 19 dec 2022
  TEXT Army of psychics Mikhail Gorbachev, 19 dec 2022
  TEXT Monopolies and Cartels Are "Communism for the Rich", 18 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF calls for end to private car ownership, 18 dec 2022
  TEXT Portal in the sky over San Marcos, Texas, 18 dec 2022
  TEXT What's the Covid Jab Doing to the Brain?, 18 dec 2022
  TEXT Somekind strange objects in the sky around the world! Review of video, 18 dec 2022
  TEXT Tsunami of Vax Deaths Coming in Next Two Years, 17 dec 2022
  TEXT The Soros Files Brazil: Biggest Corruption Scandal in Brazil's History, 17 dec 2022
  TEXT Ex-CIA on UFOs: There's a whole other reality that surrounds us, 17 dec 2022
  TEXT An Alternate Reality: How Russia's State TV Spins the Ukraine War, 17 dec 2022
  TEXT Huge drop in UFO Reports Coming Into MUFON In Last 3 Months, 17 dec 2022
  TEXT Germany: Unexpected Deaths Have Exploded, 16 dec 2022
  TEXT BlackRock warns about 'new world order', 16 dec 2022
  TEXT CIA report talks about space-time travel with the mind, 16 dec 2022
  TEXT New Evidence of the Antarctic Civilization of the Past, 16 dec 2022
  TEXT The Twitter Files, 16 dec 2022
  TEXT Over Ukraine saw angels and heard the trumpets of Jericho, 15 dec 2022
  TEXT Covid Policy Is a Tool of Social Control, 15 dec 2022
  TEXT The Veracity of Vaccine Makers, 15 dec 2022
  TEXT Exposure to 5G Frequencies Causes Depression, Official Study, 15 dec 2022
  TEXT Coming to terms: The COVID lockdowns were all for naught, 14 dec 2022
  TEXT Deleted from media: COVID Vaccines Glow Blue and killing people, 14 dec 2022
  TEXT Canadian quarantine cops fined close to 5000 children, 14 dec 2022
  TEXT DeSantis promises to hold Pfizer, Moderna accountable, 14 dec 2022
  TEXT Vaccine shedding is NOT a conspiracy theory, 14 dec 2022
  TEXT Toxicology expert warns mRNA COVID jabs, 14 dec 2022
  TEXT Vaccines against Covid 19 is biological weapon? 13 dec 2022
  TEXT Unvaccinated girl denied transplant due to lack of vaccination, 13 dec 2022
  TEXT EU chooses digital ID contractor, 13 dec 2022
  TEXT Gates pledges $7 billion to promote abortion in Africa, 13 dec 2022
  TEXT Russians published shocking statistics about numbers of Internet users, 13 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF Declares 'Jesus Is Fake News' and 'God Is Dead', 12 dec 2022
  TEXT The 'China Model' and the WEF, 12 dec 2022
  TEXT 21st Century Robber Barons: the WEF, 12 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF Wants To Slaughter Millions of Pets To Fight Climate Change, 12 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF Activists Caught Destroying America's Power Plants, 12 dec 2022
  TEXT From Covid to CBDC: The Path to Full Control, 11 dec 2022
  TEXT Ontario: two students die "suddenly and unexpectedly", 11 dec 2022
  TEXT Italian Constitutional Court Upholds the Vax Mandate, 11 dec 2022
  TEXT Booster vaccines do not protect recovered Covid-19 patients, 11 dec 2022
  TEXT Australia: Supreme Court finds Covid fines illegal, 11 dec 2022
  TEXT Nurse who saved 8600 elderly from vaccines released from prison, 10 dec 2022
  TEXT NZ To Remove Baby From Parents After They Request Pure Blood Surgery, 10 dec 2022
  TEXT Flu Is Back, 10 dec 2022
  TEXT Covid Propaganda - The South African Variant, 10 dec 2022
  TEXT SARS-Cov-2 Readily Mutates and Thrives in the Vaccinated, 10 dec 2022
  TEXT International blood bank for the unvaccinated, 10 dec 2022
  TEXT ER doctor exposes the lie of antichrist behind the COVID pandemic, 10 dec 2022
  TEXT Scientists debate discovery of Nanotech found in COVID Jabs, 10 dec 2022
  TEXT 100 scientists call on WHO to ban 'globalists chemicals' in food, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT Mysterious company with government ties plays key internet role, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT One Else Central Bank Implements ID WEF Program, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF and Bill Gates eugenics plan published, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates to dictate US government health priorities for the future, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT Australia launches biometric and QR app that grants access to services, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT They go to your farms: WEF declares war on global agriculture, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT COP27: Global Meeting to Destroy America, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT Germany: Planned Famine As WEF Demands END of Farming, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT Germany: revolutionaries preparing an uprising against the WEF arrested, 9 dec 2022
  TEXT Spike-Induced Clumping in the Absence of Platelets, 8 dec 2022
  TEXT 20% of Sudden Deaths Caused by Myocarditis, 8 dec 2022
  TEXT Vaccinated infect unvaccinated people with spike proteins during sex, 8 dec 2022
  TEXT MI5 on lookout for recruit who is able to see into the future, 8 dec 2022
  TEXT Dozens of cattle slaughtered by mystery creature that left no tracks, 8 dec 2022
  TEXT SECRET CDC REPORT: 1,1 million Americans have died suddenly, 7 dec 2022
  TEXT You never before seen this photos of beyond the ice wall in Antartica, 7 dec 2022
  TEXT Strange close-up images of the Moon taken by the Artemis-1 mission, 7 dec 2022
  TEXT NZ Government Has Backdoor Access to Censor Content on FB, 7 dec 2022
  TEXT Google to introduce behavioral "interventions", 7 dec 2022
  TEXT Emails show Trudeau staffers were shocked the Freedom Convoy, 6 dec 2022
  TEXT New Zealand Seizing Unvaxxed Babies Loving Parents, 6 dec 2022
  TEXT Racism is a Weapon in the Push towards the WEF Great Reset, 6 dec 2022
  TEXT WEF reveals agenda for Davos 2023 ruling class gathering, 6 dec 2022
  TEXT Dutch farmers protest WEF Rutte's forced farm buyouts, 6 dec 2022
  TEXT General relativity may need tweaking on the grand scale of the Universe, 5 dec 2022
  TEXT Micro-Clotting: One of the Primary Lifespan Decreasing Vaxx Vectors, 5 dec 2022
  TEXT At least 750000 people in 38 countries have died suddenly after vaxx, 5 dec 2022
  TEXT Mosquito infects woman's cheek with worms in Russia, 5 dec 2022
  TEXT Before the eruption, something attacked a volcano in Hawaii, 5 dec 2022
  TEXT Swiss: Doctor jailed for anti-vaxxing position, 4 dec 2022
  TEXT How WEF are Playing GOD with Global Depopulation, 4 dec 2022
  TEXT Globalist utopia is driving mankind to self-extinction, 4 dec 2022
  TEXT If We Stop 5G We'll Stop Transhumanism - 5G Radiation Poisoning, 4 dec 2022
  TEXT Bird Flu Wipes out Half of UK's Christmas Free-Range Turkeys, 4 dec 2022
  TEXT Dissident accounts arrested in Canada, 3 dec 2022
  TEXT New York Times Says Balenciaga Pedo Scandal Is Fake News, 3 dec 2022
  TEXT Balenciaga apologizes for BDSM-themed childs ads, 3 dec 2022
  TEXT USA: Teachers Continue to Groom Small Children, 3 dec 2022
  TEXT Russia: tactical nuclear weapon exploded in Chelyabinsk? 3 dec 2022
  TEXT Medical clinic treating people injured by COVID shot opens in Italy, 2 dec 2022
  TEXT Berlin: Is the "Pandemic" Over? Maybe, Maybe Not, 2 dec 2022
  TEXT C19 is there to fulfill the depopulation agenda, 2 dec 2022
  TEXT USA: Lobbyists demand to build ID infrastructure, 2 dec 2022
  TEXT Pfizer CEO Blasted By UK Pharma Watchdog, 2 dec 2022
  TEXT CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People, 1 dec 2022
  TEXT New normal: 33 people were hospitalized during the marathon, 1 dec 2022
  TEXT Dutch Government To Seize And Close 3000 Farms, 1 dec 2022
  TEXT 1.8M Chickens Slaughtered In Nebraska As Bird Flu, 1 dec 2022
  TEXT Germany began preparations for direct war with Putin, 1 dec 2022
  TEXT The CEO of Balenciaga's owns an auction site selling pedo sex toys, 30 nov 2022
  TEXT New study blames VAXXED deaths on the UNVAXXED, 30 nov 2022
  TEXT Prominent FDA Virologist Who Voted for CV Vaccine Has Suddenly Died, 30 nov 2022
  TEXT Drones spray unknown substances in China amid protests, 30 nov 2022
  TEXT While you are afraid of Covid, there is an outbreak of other diseases, 30 nov 2022
  TEXT 58% of Wuflu fatalities are vaxxed, 29 nov 2022
  TEXT We have to stop these shots - experts warn, 29 nov 2022
  TEXT The tragic story of a 14-year-old vaccine myocarditis victim, 29 nov 2022
  TEXT Suddenly Changed? Personality Changes After MRNA-Injection, 29 nov 2022
  TEXT Died Suddenly film review, 29 nov 2022
  TEXT Fighting COVID Tyranny in Canada, 28 nov 2022
  TEXT New Zealand grocery chain to introduce facial recognition tech, 28 nov 2022
  TEXT Trudeau testifies he never called unvaccinated disparaging names, 28 nov 2022
  TEXT The mask is off: WEF's Klaus Schwab declares China a role model, 28 nov 2022
  TEXT Leak: WEF Smart Cities Transformed Into Concentration Camps, 28 nov 2022
  TEXT Only 28% of Americans are worried about COVID anymore, 27 nov 2022
  TEXT CV19 AI Bioweapon from Infection to Injection, 27 nov 2022
  TEXT Pizzagate 2.0? 27 nov 2022
  TEXT Balenciaga Pedos Exposed, 27 nov 2022
  TEXT Vaccine Date All Fell on Satanic Sacrificial Holidays!, 27 nov 2022
  TEXT Why Hasnt WEF Penetration of Cabinets Triggered National Security Alerts? 26 nov 2022
  TEXT NZ Prime Minister Partners with Bill Gates to Rollout Digital IDs, 26 nov 2022
  TEXT German court declares COVID lockdown was disproportionate, 25 nov 2022
  TEXT The new bivalent boosters are outdated and targeting the wrong strains, 25 nov 2022
  TEXT COVID-19: "The Big Kill" and "Died Suddenly", 25 nov 2022
  TEXT Shocking 19k Excess Deaths in Australia, 25 nov 2022
  TEXT Toxic by Design: Big Pharma Experts Speak Out, 25 nov 2022
  TEXT CERN has caused mass animal frenzy around the world. This is end? 24 nov 2022
  TEXT Child trafficking for adrenochrome - continuation of the story, 24 nov 2022
  TEXT Every baby born will be issued with Digital ID, 24 nov 2022
  TEXT Ayatollahs use chemical weapons against Iranian civilians, 24 nov 2022
  TEXT Pfizer boss threatens Alex Jones with murder, 23 nov 2022
  TEXT Study: vaccinated seek medical help more often, 23 nov 2022
  TEXT 4 years boy the face of Argentina's covid jab rollout DIES suddenly, 23 nov 2022
  TEXT Vax Pushing Dutch Politician Claims Her Bells Palsy Is Stress, 23 nov 2022
  TEXT Autopsy: post-jab (review), 23 nov 2022
  TEXT COVID-19 Death - With, From or Assumed? 23 nov 2022
  TEXT Astrologers-hypnotists of Putin, secret documents leaked to media! 22 nov 2022
  TEXT Portals have opened in the sky over CERN, residents are in a panic, 22 nov 2022
  TEXT Fakecine causing organ transplant rejections, 22 nov 2022
  TEXT IDme accused of exaggerating info to push for Digital ID, 22 nov 2022
  TEXT A bright unknown object flew over Canada, 21 nov 2022
  TEXT Hell: Ayatollahs bomb cities with protesters, 21 nov 2022
  TEXT Life In Our Solar System May Have Started On Mars, Not Earth, 21 nov 2022
  TEXT The Strange Case of Dr. Salvatore Pais and the Navy's UFO's, 21 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF funded coronopsychosis through the FTX crypto exchange, 21 nov 2022
  TEXT Australia sees 63% drop in births after introduction vaccines, 20 nov 2022
  TEXT Warning over contagious virus in possible tripledemic, 20 nov 2022
  TEXT Blood transfusions from vaxxed individuals are dangerous for you, 20 nov 2022
  TEXT G20 countries take another step towards totalitarianism WEF, 20 nov 2022
  TEXT New very strange UFOs have been spotted all over the world, 19 nov 2022
  TEXT The Russians stole the bones of Prince Potemkin from Kherson, 19 nov 2022
  TEXT Russia attacked Ukraine missile with a simulated nuclear warhead, 19 nov 2022
  TEXT Biblical Mosquito Invasion in Australia, 19 nov 2022
  TEXT Lightning kills 12 sheep on farm in New Zealand, 18 nov 2022
  TEXT COVID-19 vaccines linked to sudden deaths, 18 nov 2022
  TEXT Pfizer and moderna to investigate their own vaccines, 18 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF and EU ignores pushback, plots digital ID for 2024, 17 nov 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates: Death Panels Will Soon Be Required, 17 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF remove FTX crypto exchange website to hide partnership, 17 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF: Need To Restructure The World, 17 nov 2022
  TEXT Russian missile strike kills two in NATO member Poland, 16 nov 2022
  TEXT 4.2 million lightning strikes in 48 hours in Australia. This is war? 16 nov 2022
  TEXT More than 200 burn witch alive in India: 14 arrests made, 16 nov 2022
  TEXT TV Presenters Collapse During Live Broadcasts, 16 nov 2022
  TEXT Deadly AstraZeneca fails US certification, 15 nov 2022
  TEXT YouTube removed movie about shocking the changes after vaccination, 15 nov 2022
  TEXT Lab-grown meat & nuclear yeast vats: COP27 reignites the war on food, 15 nov 2022
  TEXT Canada tosses over 24 million expired COVID shots, 15 nov 2022
  TEXT A wave of deaths among the vaccinated flooded the planet, 14 nov 2022
  TEXT Ufologists record military skirmishes in orbit, one ufologist arrested, 14 nov 2022
  TEXT The same type of ring-shaped signs in the skies around the world, 14 nov 2022
  TEXT Putin former massage therapist turned out to be the head of Masonic lodge, 14 nov 2022
  TEXT The most recent UFO incidents - media review, 13 nov 2022
  TEXT Globalists extort money from billionaires for climate protection, 13 nov 2022
  TEXT Masseur Putin's son killed under mysterious circumstances, 13 nov 2022
  TEXT The ideologue of Russian fascism Dugin called to kill Putin, 13 nov 2022
  TEXT Deadly outbreak of listeriosis among Russians in the US, 12 nov 2022
  TEXT Are We Living In A Simulation? There Is Only One Way To Check It, 12 nov 2022
  TEXT 1 in every 310 people died within 1.5 months after Vaxx Booster, 12 nov 2022
  TEXT Big Tech stands ready to penalize intolerant political heretics, 12 nov 2022
  TEXT The MEP's recognized the former Covid dissident as illegally repressed, 11 nov 2022
  TEXT 42% of Gen Z diagnosed with a mental health condition, 11 nov 2022
  TEXT The WEF Stakeholder Capitalism Is Global Fascism By Another Name, 11 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF: Eco-anxiety a Driver of the Mental Health Pandemic, 11 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF transcommunism is coming! 11 nov 2022
  TEXT The catastrophic deindustrialization of the European Union has begun, 10 nov 2022
  TEXT Soros and evil leftists networks boycott twitter, 10 nov 2022
  TEXT Globalists eat meat, but you are offered to eat bugs, 10 nov 2022
  TEXT Former CIA agent believes that Republicans and Islamists are the same, 10 nov 2022
  TEXT 80 Canadian Doctors Have Died Suddenly after COVID Vaccines, 9 nov 2022
  TEXT Artificial intelligence could trigger nuclear war, scientists say, 9 nov 2022
  TEXT German MEP shocked by EU plans to tyranny of AI, 9 nov 2022
  TEXT New Yorkers freak out over secret 5G installation, 9 nov 2022
  TEXT Big Tech blocks the truth about Covid for WEF money, 8 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF Tyranny of digital IDs and currencies roll out around the world, 8 nov 2022
  TEXT Scientists demand that Gates stop creating new viruses, 8 nov 2022
  TEXT FBI: Giant Aliens Visit Earth From Another Dimension, 8 nov 2022
  TEXT Ex Russian President Medvedev claims to be at war with Satan, 7 nov 2022
  TEXT German interior minister accused of covering up migration collapse, 7 nov 2022
  TEXT Spy drones are secretly spraying unknown substances, 7 nov 2022
  TEXT Nanochips in vaccines cause sudden death in 5G radiation field, 6 nov 2022
  TEXT There are 42% more miscarriages in the EU after mass vaccination, 6 nov 2022
  TEXT Journalist David Icke Banned From EU, Labeled a 'Terrorist', 6 nov 2022
  TEXT US Marine Claims He Spent 15+ Years in Space and on Mars, 6 nov 2022
  TEXT The U.S. Army secretly monitors the unvaccinated, 5 nov 2022
  TEXT Christianity Must Be Erased From Berlin, 5 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF in Turkey Will Be Integrating CB Digital Currency with ID System, 5 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF Plans to Embed Human Tracking Chips in Batteries, 5 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF accuses new Alberta premier of conspiracy theories, 5 nov 2022
  TEXT Student Infected With Virus in Undisclosed Biolab Accident, 4 nov 2022
  TEXT DEATH BY VAX: Excess mortality up 17% among the fully vaccinated, 4 nov 2022
  TEXT Asteroid Found In Sun's Glare and Moving to Earth's Path, 4 nov 2022
  TEXT Shock: Video of Micro Machinery in Pfizer's Vaccine, 4 nov 2022
  TEXT Culture-Enriching Gang Rape at a Swedish Playground, 3 nov 2022
  TEXT Human Bodies Scanned At Airports For Proof of Vaccination, 3 nov 2022
  TEXT Black fog of Chernobyl: alien form of life? 3 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF Greta Thunberg Calls For Overthrow of Whole Capitalist System, 2 nov 2022
  TEXT DHS (Homeland Securuty) LEAKS, 2 nov 2022
  TEXT The authorities of India called the real goal of 5G, 2 nov 2022
  TEXT Finland REFUSES to Recommend Bivalent Boosters, 2 nov 2022
  TEXT WEF calls for 'mass extinction event' to usher in Great Reset, 1 nov 2022
  TEXT Global Digital IDs Are Coming, 1 nov 2022
  TEXT Justin Trudeau and His Comrades Seek to Abolish Internet Freedom, 1 nov 2022
  TEXT Insanity by MODERNA, 1 nov 2022
  TEXT Angola reports more than 2000 measles cases in three weeks, 31 oct 2022
  TEXT In Germany is persecuting a doctor for the truth about vaccines, 31 oct 2022
  TEXT Biotech Giants Using GMOs to Build Food Tyranny, 31 oct 2022
  TEXT Serial killer nurse murdered 85 patients, 31 oct 2022
  TEXT Toxic Stress - the deadly epidemic, 30 oct 2022
  TEXT President of CLINTEL says 'There is No Climate Emergency', 30 oct 2022
  TEXT Australian Begins Linking Customer Transactions to Carbon Footprint, 30 oct 2022
  TEXT The 19th century could only last 45 years, 30 oct 2022
  TEXT Mutilated Farm Animals Most Likely Victims of UFO Experiments, 29 oct 2022
  TEXT Graphene from vaccinated infects unvaccinated people, 29 oct 2022
  TEXT WHO: Potentially deadly fungal infections climb during COVID pandemic, 29 oct 2022
  TEXT Triangular UFO hiding in the clouds above White Sands Missile Range, 29 oct 2022
  TEXT Data centers of globalist social networks deprived Ireland of electricity, 28 oct 2022
  TEXT Third Time's a Charm: "Vaccine" - Induced Lupus, 28 oct 2022
  TEXT Wind farm in Germany is being dismantled to expand coal mine, 28 oct 2022
  TEXT Illuminati uses stable wormholes to travel time and fix problems, 28 oct 2022
  TEXT Measles cases up 200% this year in the Philippines, 27 oct 2022
  TEXT Post-jab prion disease case history in Sunnyvale, 27 oct 2022
  TEXT Insider: Xi humiliates Putin, 27 oct 2022
  TEXT Russia conducted exercises to launch a nuclear strike on the US, 27 oct 2022
  TEXT Another recorded fact of the resurrection of the dead man, 26 oct 2022
  TEXT Recent UFO Incidents - Press Review, 26 oct 2022
  TEXT Scientists have been tracking UFOs flying over Antarctica for decades, 26 oct 2022
  TEXT Insider claims: Putin suffering coughing fits and constant nausea, 26 oct 2022
  TEXT People are complaining en masse about the rise of insane nightmares, 25 oct 2022
  TEXT Nearly 1000 schoolchildren get sick with abnormal flu in the US, 25 oct 2022
  TEXT Children die en masse from atypical kidney failure, 25 oct 2022
  TEXT Uganda Ebola outbreak rises to 75 confirmed cases, 25 oct 2022
  TEXT CDC Director Infected With COVID, Despite Max Vax And Boosters, 24 oct 2022
  TEXT The myth of stopping Covid-19 transmission via vaccination, 24 oct 2022
  TEXT US launches mobile abortion factories, 24 oct 2022
  TEXT Official: Aliens on trial in Italy, 24 oct 2022
  TEXT I work for NOAA. Aliens are under the oceans, 23 oct 2022
  TEXT Signs of extraterrestrial civilization may be more than 90000 years old, 23 oct 2022
  TEXT Big review of recent UFO incidents, 23 oct 2022
  TEXT Putin and his doubles, 22 oct 2022
  TEXT 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA vaccination, 22 oct 2022
  TEXT The Netherlands is switching to artificial meat, 22 oct 2022
  TEXT Bilderberg Group and the ancient artifact of the Atlanteans, 21 oct 2022
  TEXT Almost all of Siberia saw a UAP fall and heard explosions, 21 oct 2022
  TEXT Thousands More UK Deaths Than Usual and they Don't Know Why, 21 oct 2022
  TEXT The Dark World of Witchcraft and Sorcery in Africa, 21 oct 2022
  TEXT More UFO Hearings Are Coming As Whistleblowers, 20 oct 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates: Energy Crisis is Good, 20 oct 2022
  TEXT How the New Normal Authorities Have Been Able to Gaslight the Masses, 20 oct 2022
  TEXT Voodoo Vaccine, 20 oct 2022
  TEXT By order of the WEF: Dutch Government Plans To Seize Up To 600 Farms, 19 oct 2022
  TEXT WEF prepares global euthanasia, 19 oct 2022
  TEXT Developed a new strain of Covid that kills 80% of the population, 19 oct 2022
  TEXT FBI: Chinese hackers are scanning state political party headquarters, 19 oct 2022
  TEXT Ecoterrorists: Vegan Teens Pour Milk on Store Floors, 18 oct 2022
  TEXT MP of EP believes the purchase of vaccines in the EU is corruption, 18 oct 2022
  TEXT EU introduces social credit for travelers. You are next in line! 18 oct 2022
  TEXT Overview of Recent UFO Incidents, 18 oct 2022
  TEXT The Antichrist is already here. Signs in Jerusalem, 17 oct 2022
  TEXT Ebola Outbreak: Bill Gates have plans end the Uganda? 17 oct 2022
  TEXT Schools in the Netherlands are now force-feeding children mealworms, 17 oct 2022
  TEXT Why The Globalist Elite Had To Destroy the Georgia Guidestones, 17 oct 2022
  TEXT How to easy defeat the end of world of globalists? 16 oct 2022
  TEXT Official: 18 million vaccine victims in the US, 16 oct 2022
  TEXT West EU people are living in a collapsing artificial world, 16 oct 2022
  TEXT Soros Money Pushing Big Tech To Purge Independent Media, 16 oct 2022
  TEXT Insurers: vaccinated get infected with Covid 3 times more often, 16 oct 2022
  TEXT Philippines dengue tally tops 170K!!! 15 oct 2022
  TEXT Macron and most MPs are not vaccinated, 15 oct 2022
  TEXT 5G exposure may cause cancer, infertility and developmental defects, 15 oct 2022
  TEXT Insider: Cancer Deaths From the Toxic COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden, 15 oct 2022
  TEXT Extraterrestrial DNA found in the oldest bones human ancestor, 14 oct 2022
  TEXT WEF's believes the world does not need so many people, 14 oct 2022
  TEXT Europe officials report increase in diphtheria cases in migrants, 14 oct 2022
  TEXT TikTok users think Trump and his son are time travelers, 14 oct 2022
  TEXT Putin's chief shaman blessed the bloody satanic genocide of Ukrainians, 13 oct 2022
  TEXT PayPal will take $2500 from anyone it suspects of anti-globalism, 13 oct 2022
  TEXT Philippines: Typhoid cases top 10000 in 2022, 13 oct 2022
  TEXT Aliens, UFOs, Conspiracies, and Human Mutilations, 13 oct 2022
  TEXT Scientists of MIT officially study the impact of chemtrails on climate, 12 oct 2022
  TEXT Signs of Antichrist seen in skies around the world. People in panic, 12 oct 2022
  TEXT Pfizer director admitted in the EP that no one has tested vaccines, 12 oct 2022
  TEXT Proof of the falsification of history in the 19th century, 12 oct 2022
  TEXT The professor admitted the existence of a conspiracy in world history, 11 oct 2022
  TEXT Canada Gov confesses to $105M WEF Digital ID contract, 11 oct 2022
  TEXT Politico&Welt uncovered a globalist conspiracy of the Covid pandemic, 11 oct 2022
  TEXT UFO landing at Holloman AFB in 1974 documentary, 11 oct 2022
  TEXT 30000 Bots on Twitter Use Applied Psychology to Push The Great Reset, 10 oct 2022
  TEXT German "allies" capitalize on Germany's gas crisis, 10 oct 2022
  TEXT Record number of children hospitalized with colds after lockdowns, 10 oct 2022
  TEXT The CIA made contact with the Martians 1 million years ago, 10 oct 2022
  TEXT Humans Could Be Living In A Simulated Universe Beyond Perception, 9 oct 2022
  TEXT Bangladesh dengue cases top 20,000 in 2022, 9 oct 2022
  TEXT Groups of Putin's saboteurs terrorize Germany and Norway? 9 oct 2022
  TEXT Nuclear war in the 19th century, 9 oct 2022
  TEXT Russian Citizens Flooding Into Mongolia to Evade Conscription, 8 oct 2022
  TEXT 700 million people will DIE from COVID injections, 8 oct 2022
  TEXT Doctors: from vaccines, mortality in Israel is 40 times higher, 8 oct 2022
  TEXT Maine on the verge of an epidemiological catastrophe, 8 oct 2022
  TEXT Two huge metal spheres found in the forests of Russia, 7 oct 2022
  TEXT CDC hide the V-safe data from people for almost 2 years, 7 oct 2022
  TEXT UK Porn Stars Halt Work Amid STD Outbreak, 7 oct 2022
  TEXT Named the shaman who providing occult services to Putin, 7 oct 2022
  TEXT Will social credit be introduced in Germany in autumn? 6 oct 2022
  TEXT Overview of UFO incidents, 6 oct 2022
  TEXT Virus kills 100000 cattle in India, 6 oct 2022
  TEXT Over 500 headless goats dumped in river, 6 oct 2022
  TEXT Putin's mega-submarine "Nautilus" went to sea for a nuclear strike? 5 oct 2022
  TEXT USA steps up intel, surveillance after Putin's nuke threats, 5 oct 2022
  TEXT Putin "orders nuclear military train to Ukraine", 5 oct 2022
  TEXT RAF to move in to regional airports in first time since WW2, 5 oct 2022
  TEXT Insiders: Putin and his concubines moved into a nuclear bunker, 5 oct 2022
  TEXT Mysterious Spheres are Falling From the Sky Around the World, 4 oct 2022
  TEXT WEF and Google collude against dissenters, 4 oct 2022
  TEXT Cholera swept our planet, 4 oct 2022
  TEXT Fully vaccinated Germany goes to war against Covid-19, 3 oct 2022
  TEXT Recent UFO Incidents - Media Review, 3 oct 2022
  TEXT Vaccinated Australia breaks death records, 3 oct 2022
  TEXT Brainwashed mass induced genetically modified humans, 2 oct 2022
  TEXT Federal Reserve announces major pilot exercise social credit, 2 oct 2022
  TEXT Earth is being pummeled by derelict alien spacecraft left to rot in space, 2 oct 2022
  TEXT Society Must Be Defen-estrated, 2 oct 2022
  TEXT Mysterious Rain Of Fish Falls Every Year In Honduras, 2 oct 2022
  TEXT We Could Be Living Inside the Matrix, 1 oct 2022
  TEXT Anomalous fish rain in the Arabian Desert, 1 oct 2022
  TEXT The Taliban Work To Put Bagram Back Into Action, 1 oct 2022
  TEXT Could the TWA 800 Cover-Up Finally Come Undone? 1 oct 2022
  TEXT CIA warned Germany about Nord Stream pipeline attack, 30 sept 2022
  TEXT Vaccine holocaust, 30 sept 2022
  TEXT Overview of current media reports on UFO topic, 30 sept 2022
  TEXT Chaos in England as Muslim gangs hunt down Hindus, 29 sept 2022
  TEXT Missourian Says Diamond UFO Spied on Them & Have Pic to Prove It, 29 sept 2022
  TEXT People massively complain about the purple moon in the sky, 29 sept 2022
  TEXT Mass exodus of mobilized men from Russia, 28 sept 2022
  TEXT The decisive historical stage of the defeat of the Russian Horde is coming, 28 sept 2022
  TEXT New Peer Reviewed Study Calls For Pause Global COVID-19 Vaccination, 28 sept 2022
  TEXT Why did the globalists blow up Putin's rusty pipelines? 28 sept 2022
  TEXT UFO sighting in Cottingham, 28 sept 2022
  TEXT NZ PM calls for freedom of speech ban speaking, 27 sept 2022
  TEXT Four times vaccinated head of Pfizer again fell ill with Covid, 27 sept 2022
  TEXT Italy: anti-globalists win elections. WEF called they fascists, 27 sept 2022
  TEXT Brain-eating amoeba now active around the world, 27 sept 2022
  TEXT Mexican scientist discovers alien mummy and huge alien skull, 27 sept 2022
  TEXT Review of Recent UFO Incidents - Big Media Review, 26 sept 2022
  TEXT It's Not A Conspiracy Theory That WEF Wants A One World Government, 26 sept 2022
  TEXT The Jab Is a Bioweapon: Diana West Warns, 26 sept 2022
  TEXT USA warns Putin of catastrophic consequences if nuclear weapons used, 26 sept 2022
  TEXT Recent incidents involving the UAP, press review, 25 sept 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates Accused of Premeditated Murder of a 23 old boy throuth Injection, 25 sept 2022
  TEXT In China trying to overthrow Xi? 25 sept 2022
  TEXT Recent UFO Incidents - Media Review, 24 sept 2022
  TEXT California legalizes 'human composting', 24 sept 2022
  TEXT WEF creates mind-reading brain implant program, 24 sept 2022
  TEXT Official: Dutch MP Challenges Globalists, 24 sept 2022
  TEXT Dozens of Pedophiles Arrested in Massive US Child Sex Trafficking Sting, 23 sept 2022
  TEXT Globalists hunt by force World Bank Chief Over Climate Skepticism, 23 sept 2022
  TEXT Covid-19 weapons of extermination of the black race? 23 sept 2022
  TEXT New UFO sightings - media review, 23 sept 2022
  TEXT Kaimanawa mystery ancient wall - New Zealand, 23 sept 2022
  TEXT Mobilization: Last Putin's bluff, 22 sept 2022
  TEXT Globalists are preparing a "social rating" for the vaccinated, 22 sept 2022
  TEXT China Reveals Digital Yuan with Expiry Date! 22 sept 2022
  TEXT UFO sightings in Manipur - India, 22 sept 2022
  TEXT CO2 in Air Increased in 2 Centuries by 1 Molecule in 10000, 21 sept 2022
  TEXT Uganda Declares First Ebola Death Since 2019, 21 sept 2022
  TEXT Extraterrestrial Intelligence Is More Likely To Be Artificial, 21 sept 2022
  TEXT With 400+ dying every day in US, 20 sept 2022
  TEXT New Virus Breakout Raises Question of Bioterrorism, 20 sept 2022
  TEXT Official: Bill Gates criminal plans exposed by a U.S trial lawyer, 20 sept 2022
  TEXT Official: Bill Gates Exposed in Italian Parliament, 20 sept 2022
  TEXT Proof: Israel knew about serious safety problems with covid jabs, 19 sept 2022
  TEXT Twitter users believe that the queen died a month ago, 19 sept 2022
  TEXT After Merkel's policy: goverment simulate 400 deaths in first 96 hours, 19 sept 2022
  TEXT The Islamic State Is Back, 19 sept 2022
  TEXT NEJM study confirms that covid jabs destroy natural immunity, 18 sept 2022
  TEXT Dystopia DEATHVAXX(TM) - press review, 18 sept 2022
  TEXT Facebook Spied On Private Messages of Conservators, 17 sept 2022
  TEXT Opinion: The Great Reset will turn the West into China, 17 sept 2022
  TEXT Co-founder: Greenpeace is a racket peddling junk science, 17 sept 2022
  TEXT The Lancet commission considers the man-made origin of Covid-19, 17 sept 2022
  TEXT Banksters seize power in Britain, 16 sept 2022
  TEXT The New World Order is already here, 16 sept 2022
  TEXT A huge set of rotating lights filmed in the sky of Tequila Mexico, 16 sept 2022
  TEXT Globalists have proposed to cool the planet with the help of chemtrails, 16 sept 2022
  TEXT WEF has built a technological Noah's Ark for its adherents, 15 sept 2022
  TEXT Was the Big Bang Really an Explosion? 15 sept 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates admits everyone hates him, 15 sept 2022
  TEXT Portal opened in the sky over Missouri, 14 sept 2022
  TEXT Police arrest man who accused Prince Andrew's of pedophilia, 14 sept 2022
  TEXT Report Of UFO Cluster Along I-84 West Of Twin Falls, 14 sept 2022
  TEXT CDC Admits Post-Jab Myocarditis. Who will be responsible this deaths? 14 sept 2022
  TEXT 17-Year-Old High School Football Player Died in His Sleep, 13 sept 2022
  TEXT Of WHAT did Queen Elizabeth die? 13 sept 2022
  TEXT US Navy Admits It Has More UFO Videos, 13 sept 2022
  TEXT Why Some People Don't Get Covid? 13 sept 2022
  TEXT Angela Merkel was a KGB Asset, 12 sept 2022
  TEXT 57000 Cattle Suddenly Died in India. Globalists have declared war on cows? 12 sept 2022
  TEXT Germany: GreenPeace want to kill 75% of cows and people need eat insects, 12 sept 2022
  TEXT A group of globalist-militants terrorize milk trucks in London, 12 sept 2022
  TEXT Triangular UFO was filmed during thunderstorm in Pekin, Illinois, 11 sept 2022
  TEXT Recording information in your DNA is no longer a conspiracy theory, 11 sept 2022
  TEXT ALL UFO Videos Are Classified And Exempt From Release, 10 sept 2022
  TEXT Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Metal Objects in 94% of Jabbed People, 10 sept 2022
  TEXT Tech billionaires are buying up large bunkers, 9 sept 2022
  TEXT The First Nurse to Receive AstraZeneca in 2021 DIED 24 Hours Later, 9 sept 2022
  TEXT CDC - starts a new wave of psychosis, 9 sept 2022
  TEXT Aborted American babies being sold to China for experiments, 8 sept 2022
  TEXT Swedish companies go bankrupt by going green tech, 8 sept 2022
  TEXT The consequences of vaccination in Israel, 8 sept 2022
  TEXT Soccer star: deaths of vaccinated athletes need to be investigated, 7 sept 2022
  TEXT Recent incidents involving UAP, 7 sept 2022
  TEXT Vaccine manufacturers under pressure from romanian MEP told the truth, 7 sept 2022
  TEXT Mysterious lights in Texas sky, 6 sept 2022
  TEXT WEF demands independent media and journalists to shut up, 6 sept 2022
  TEXT Canadian Prime Minister demands 90% vaccination, observers are shocked, 6 sept 2022
  TEXT Renz says there is evidence of laboratory origin of Covid, 6 sept 2022
  TEXT 5G not in demand in Asia - scandal, 5 sept 2022
  TEXT The federal government in 2008 funded the funds for child castration means, 5 sept 2022
  TEXT BLM Chapters Accuse Parent Organization's Leader Of Millions In Fraud, 5 sept 2022
  TEXT Recent Incidents Involving UFO/UAP - Media Review, 5 sept 2022
  TEXT Russian cosmonauts filmed a UFO on the ISS, 4 sept 2022
  TEXT mRNA covid spike proteins found in skin lesions MONTHS after vaccination, 4 sept 2022
  TEXT Moderna created Covid-19 and sued Pfizer, 4 sept 2022
  TEXT Some cancers have exploded by 1000% since the release of vaccines, 3 sept 2022
  TEXT Exorcists warn of rise in demonic activity following Indigenous rituals, 3 sept 2022
  TEXT Leak about Russia's digital espionage system published, 3 sept 2022
  TEXT 5G poses health risks; humans must limit exposure to EMF/RF, 2 sept 2022
  TEXT New Fatal Disease That Causes Bilateral Pneumonia Detected In Argentina, 2 sept 2022
  TEXT Second strain of monkeypox found in UK, 2 sept 2022
  TEXT Latest News About UFO - Media Review, 2 sept 2022
  TEXT The Lab-Leak Theory And What We Know About The Cover-Up, 1 sept 2022
  TEXT UK government paying covid "vaccine" victims up to $141000 for injuries, 1 sept 2022
  TEXT The Biotech Plan To Destroy Us, 1 sept 2022
  TEXT The NAVY has published a new video featuring UFO and USS Zumwalt, 1 sept 2022
  TEXT General accuses Israel of stealing Iran's rain clouds, 31 august 2022
  TEXT Google Barring Truth Social From Play Store, 31 august 2022
  TEXT Globalist-associated corporations are depriving Americans of cheap housing, 31 august 2022
  TEXT 74 vaccinated marathon participants hospitalized in South Africa, 31 august 2022
  TEXT New ufo incidents, 31 august 2022
  TEXT Glitchs in the Matrix - evidences review, 30 august 2022
  TEXT WEF Proposes Sound Waves For Mind Control, Then Deletes Page, 30 august 2022
  TEXT Sweden's Leftist Leader Vows To Put A Stop To Islamic Ghettos, 30 august 2022
  TEXT It has already started in Sweden. Migrants from the East under attack! 30 august 2022
  TEXT Russian propagandist made a show with the severed head of a Ukrainian, 29 august 2022
  TEXT Pennsylvania High School to Host "After School Satan Club" Event, 29 august 2022
  TEXT New Normal Germany's Geisterfahrer Geist, 29 august 2022
  TEXT New incidents involving UFOs - media review, 29 august 2022
  TEXT RNA for Moderna's Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company, 28 august 2022
  TEXT Overview of recent anomalous atmospheric phenomena, 28 august 2022
  TEXT Lukashenko threatens to launch a massive nuclear strike on NATO, 28 august 2022
  TEXT Smartphone covid aportheid in China - shocking review, 28 august 2022
  TEXT Anomalies recorded all over the world - media review, 27 august 2022
  TEXT Germany: vaccinated people show symptoms of Covid quickly, 27 august 2022
  TEXT Twitter people think they're living in a new universe, 27 august 2022
  TEXT Covid vaccines REPROGRAM the immune system to destroy vital organs, 27 august 2022
  TEXT Indians demand arrest of Bill Gates for experiments on childrens, 27 august 2022
  TEXT Macron Warns of End of Abundance For Common People, 26 august 2022
  TEXT Globalists: Cockroach milk is more nutritious than cow's milk, 26 august 2022
  TEXT Germany: globalist demand "right" to have sex with anything animals, 26 august 2022
  TEXT Mass resurrections of the dead recorded around the world - media review, 26 august 2022
  TEXT Kazakhstan was attacked by clouds of insects who covering the sun, 25 august 2022
  TEXT Megaelectric storm in Mexico, 25 august 2022
  TEXT WEFsays it's time to start microchipping humans with "augmented reality", 25 august 2022
  TEXT Vaxxed man tests positive for monkeypox, COVID and HIV, 25 august 2022
  TEXT Dan Bongino explains "my worst decision" to get Vaxx, 25 august 2022
  TEXT Aerosol vaccines as a means of global depopulation, 24 august 2022
  TEXT 15-year-old girl killed her family for pratice, 24 august 2022
  TEXT Tomographic imaging of blood after Covid-19 vaccine injection, 24 august 2022
  TEXT Young people addicted to getting high on condoms in bizarre new trend, 24 august 2022
  TEXT Graphene can be used to assemble radio electronics in biological systems, 23 august 2022
  TEXT Mass vaccinations responsible for 1 in 30 children now having autism, 23 august 2022
  TEXT World drought arranged by globalists, 23 august 2022
  TEXT French Govt to Recruit 3000 Green Police over Climate Change, 22 august 2022
  TEXT Smartphone dystopia - proof that the smartphone is your enemy, 22 august 2022
  TEXT China's Trillion-Dollar Strartups Funds Squandered On Travel and Leisure, 22 august 2022
  TEXT NATO prepares troops for the battle with Putin's Reich, 22 august 2022
  TEXT Scientists Resurrect the Spanish Flu - Stop the Idiots!, 21 august 2022
  TEXT Disturbing Proof Globalists Quietly Deleting the Internet, 21 august 2022
  TEXT Globalists Published Digital ID Tracking Scheme, 21 august 2022
  TEXT Overview of Recent UFO Incidents, 21 august 2022
  TEXT Largest hospital involved in conspiracy of silence about vaccines, 20 august 2022
  TEXT Shocking statistics on cancer growth after vaccination published, 20 august 2022
  TEXT Doctor breaks conspiracy of silence over vaccine deaths, 20 august 2022
  TEXT 5G - an experement on humanity, new facts, 19 august 2022
  TEXT Overview of recent UFO incidents, 19 august 2022
  TEXT Outbreak of inappropriate behavior among animals in the world, 19 august 2022
  TEXT CDC admit that altered mRNA persists in the body, 18 august 2022
  TEXT U.N. Staff Impregnated Girls as Young as 10 in Congo, 18 august 2022
  TEXT Former WB official shocked the world with her revelations, 18 august 2022
  TEXT Sudden cows death syndrome, 18 august 2022
  TEXT London Sex Change Clinic For Kids Shut Down And Sued By 1000 Families, 17 august 2022
  TEXT Shock in Germany: Insurance company reports rise in vaccine side effects, 17 august 2022
  TEXT Overview of recent UFO incidents, 17 august 2022
  TEXT Putin threatened to blow nuclear plants in EU and Ukraine, 17 august 2022
  TEXT Boosted Lloyd Austin and Albert Bourla positive for Covid-19, 16 august 2022
  TEXT Nurses Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols, 16 august 2022
  TEXT Denmark bans COVID vaccine for youth under 18, 16 august 2022
  TEXT Zimbabwe Blames Apostolic Sect Gatherings for Deadly Measles Outbreak, 16 august 2022
  TEXT Unknown forces shelled rocks in different parts of the world, 15 august 2022
  TEXT 30% of young people vaccinated against COVID suffer from heart disease, 15 august 2022
  TEXT Rex Lee revealed the truth about spying by smartphones, 15 august 2022
  TEXT The dystopia of the carbon dictatorship of the globalists - investigation, 15 august 2022
  TEXT Globalists are building a future without people - confession, 14 august 2022
  TEXT German covid dystopia, 14 august 2022
  TEXT Interview with a Pfizer Vaccine Victim, 14 august 2022
  TEXT Overview of recent UFO incidents, 13 august 2022
  TEXT Globalists plan to disable Gopher, BBS, P2P with the help of AI, 13 august 2022
  TEXT Mass castration of youth by globalists is true, 13 august 2022
  TEXT Covid jabs linked to surge in demonic possessions exorcists say, 13 august 2022
  TEXT Children died from the most expensive drugs, 12 august 2022
  TEXT Globalists agenda defends pedophilia, 12 august 2022
  TEXT Globalists says humans need to eat other humans to fight climate change, 12 august 2022
  TEXT Putin's Poisons: A history of Russian assassination attempts, 11 august 2022
  TEXT The length of Earth's days has been mysteriously increasing, 10 august 2022
  TEXT Langya henipavirus identified in China, 9 august 2022
  TEXT Story about Putin's $1.3 Billion Palace, 9 august 2022
  TEXT Yuval Noah announced WEF plans about to take over the world, 9 august 2022
  TEXT Putin - sex machine, 8 august 2022
  TEXT US Gov DB Reveals 10000% increase in cancer following jab rollout, 8 august 2022
  TEXT Amazonian jungle is planted artificially, 8 august 2022
  TEXT 10% of Americans Regret Taking COVID Vaccine, 7 august 2022
  TEXT Covid deaths hit new record in hyper-vaccinated Australia, 7 august 2022
  TEXT The victim of the vaccinators wanted to kill the doctor, 7 august 2022
  TEXT EMA confirms Novavax shot causes cardiac inflammation, 7 august 2022
  TEXT Billions of Putin's ex-wife, 6 august 2022
  TEXT 72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols, 5 august 2022
  TEXT Putin hides his real mother from Georgia, 4 august 2022
  TEXT New proof of the acceleration of time compared to the 50s, 3 august 2022
  TEXT A strange disease mows down professional cyclists, 30 july 2022
  TEXT BlackRock capital is curtailing support for "left" globalism, 27 july 2022
  TEXT About the role of IIASA in the destruction of the USSR, 24 july 2022
  TEXT New victims of the Pfizer vaccine, 29 june 2022
  TEXT The ex-CEO of Nestle said that people have no right to water, 29 june 2022
  TEXT On the march for the right to abortion, journalists filmed a demon, 29 june 2022
  TEXT Big UFO spotted on the island of Java, 29 june 2022
  TEXT Because of the actions of Putin in the world began a global famine, 28 june 2022
  TEXT Hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Uzbekistan, 28 june 2022
  TEXT Russians set fire to Turkey's grain fields? 28 june 2022
  TEXT Eye Witness Snaps Silver Disk As Clear As Day Over His Home, 27 june 2022
  TEXT Julian Assange is deliberately humiliated by anal pat-down, 27 june 2022
  TEXT New worm parasite discovered in Russia in humans, 27 june 2022
  TEXT Two fighter jets chasing a UFO over Mount Desert Island in Maine, 27 june 2022
  TEXT Fish epidemic outbreak in California, 26 june 2022
  TEXT Overview of evidence exist about TR-3B, 26 june 2022
  TEXT COVID-19 vaxx are reactivating the chickenpox virus in the vaccinated, 26 june 2022
  TEXT Why is 5G a weapon? Information leak, 26 june 2022
  TEXT Yoon, Bill Gates discuss pandemic response, 25 june 2022
  TEXT Super gonorrhoea warning, 25 june 2022
  TEXT Australia's top doctor says vaping is more dangerous than COVID, 25 june 2022
  TEXT COVID Jabs INCREASE Risk of Infection, 24 june 2022
  TEXT Spain announces first case of cholera since 1979, 24 june 2022
  TEXT After India, globalists destroy Sri Lanka? 24 june 2022
  TEXT Polymeolithic outbreak in Britain - media review, 24 june 2022
  TEXT Overview of New UFO Sightings, 23 june 2022
  TEXT First case of tularemia infection recorded in Russia, 23 june 2022
  TEXT Anthrax outbreak in Russia, 23 june 2022
  TEXT Leak of Sibur mails about Putin published, 23 june 2022
  TEXT Abnormal epidemics continue in North Korea, 22 june 2022
  TEXT New cases of observation of portals in the sky, 22 june 2022
  TEXT Cholera outbreak in Putin-occupied Mariupol, 22 june 2022
  TEXT Iraq fights cholera outbreak, 22 june 2022
  TEXT Weather anomalies hit China, 21 june 2022
  TEXT Global-Scale COVID-19 Fraud Is Designed to Control People, 21 june 2022
  TEXT Post-mortem examinations find massive blood clots of the vaccinated, 20 june 2022
  TEXT India on fire, globalists have declared war on trains, 20 june 2022
  TEXT New wave of Covid-19 begins in fully vaccinated Israel, 20 june 2022
  TEXT Childrens in China Diagnosed Diabetes After COVID-19 Vaccines, 19 june 2022
  TEXT Vaccinated showed a 2000% increase in traumatic brain injuries, 19 june 2022
  TEXT All declassified US military videos featuring UFOs, 19 june 2022
  TEXT Socking Guangzhou Tornado, 18 june 2022
  TEXT China have detected signals from an ALIEN CIVILISATION? 18 june 2022
  TEXT WTF? 400 cattle die in Kansas, 18 june 2022
  TEXT More Than 151000 Cattle in Indonesia Infected With Foot and Mouth, 18 june 2022
  TEXT Mass CATTLE deaths send shockwaves through food supply, 18 june 2022
  TEXT Fully vaccinated Germany breaks Covid-19 infection record, 17 june 2022
  TEXT Russian scientists do not exclude the man-made origin of smallpox, 17 june 2022
  TEXT Monkeypox outbreak could be a result of failed vaxx of COVID-19, 17 june 2022
  TEXT Shocking photos of nanoclots after vaccination Covid-19, 17 june 2022
  TEXT Russia will announce mobilization in 1-3 days? 16 june 2022
  TEXT Morgellons: The 'Craziest' Disease You've Never Heard of, 16 june 2022
  TEXT Globalists cut off electricity in Australia, 16 june 2022
  TEXT Iran started a war with Turkey, Israel and India? 16 june 2022
  TEXT Pedophile castration drugs and "trans" children, 15 june 2022
  TEXT Manufactured weather in NZ as over 110000 lightning! 15 june 2022
  TEXT A portal appeared in the sky over Texas, 15 june 2022
  TEXT Russian doctors do not rule out the laboratory origin of Covid-19, 15 june 2022
  TEXT Sudden adult death syndrome new name for vaccinated deaths, 14 june 2022
  TEXT NASA Launches Real Study Into UFOs, 14 june 2022
  TEXT George Soros Buys Up All Spanish-Speaking Radio in USA, 14 june 2022
  TEXT Vaccinated Justin Bieber Struck By Facial Paralysis, 13 june 2022
  TEXT Scientists told how globalists monitor people via Bluetooth, 13 june 2022
  TEXT Obama and Soros want to kill all independent media, 13 june 2022
  TEXT SHOCK: WHO admits laboratory origin of Covid-19? 12 june 2022
  TEXT Putin's main henchman in Ukraine is a adept of black magic, 12 june 2022
  TEXT Attempts by liberals to intimidate federal judges in the USA, 11 june 2022
  TEXT In Australia, vaccinated adults die suddenly like flies, 11 june 2022
  TEXT Get ready for the Gene-edited Zombies, 11 june 2022
  TEXT Young Healthy People Are Dying from Mysterious Syndrome, 10 june 2022
  TEXT Nine elderly jabbed 6 dead at Palo Alto Commons?, 10 june 2022
  TEXT The WEF Talks About Mind Control Using Sound Waves, 10 june 2022
  TEXT Monkeypox designated a notifiable disease, 9 june 2022
  TEXT Monkeypox outbreak to be used to justify spying, 9 june 2022
  TEXT Fake Vaccination of Elite - New Evidence, 9 june 2022
  TEXT Incurable prion disease linked to covid jabs, 8 june 2022
  TEXT Solar cycle 25 could turn off electronics, 8 june 2022
  TEXT Fresh review of UFO incidents, 8 june 2022
  TEXT NASA confirms it is joining investigation into UFO, 7 june 2022
  TEXT The Mysterious Case of the Vampire Vine of Nicaragua, 7 june 2022
  TEXT Official health authorities caught lying about monkeypox, 6 june 2022
  TEXT Secret chemtrails of globalists in Spain in 2020, 6 june 2022
  TEXT Genetic research of monkeypox virus, 6 june 2022
  TEXT Recent UFO Incidents, 6 june 2022
  TEXT Thomas Renz suing the globalists who perpetrated the COVID-19, 5 june 2022
  TEXT Unknown structure in galaxy revealed by high contrast imaging, 5 june 2022
  TEXT 1028 days until the end of the world? 5 june 2022
  TEXT Catholic exorcists complain they face long lines of possessed people, 5 june 2022
  TEXT 97% of Pregnant Women Injected with Pfizer Jab Lost Their Babies, 4 june 2022
  TEXT Putin Has Advanced Cancer, U.S. Intelligence Report Says, 4 june 2022
  TEXT A new duality solves a physics mystery, 4 june 2022
  TEXT Chinese scientists produce world's first pigs cloned entirely by robot, 4 june 2022
  TEXT Globalists move into the KILL PHASE of humanity, 3 june 2022
  TEXT Monkeypox Epidemic Evolving Rapidly, 3 june 2022
  TEXT Climate weapon used in Wyoming? 3 june 2022
  TEXT Millions of Covid vaccines headed for the garbage, 3 june 2022
  TEXT Chinese Media And Influencers Blame US For Spread Of Monkeypox, 2 june 2022
  TEXT Canada Ordered 500k Smallpox Vaccines Just Weeks Ahead Of Monkeypox, 2 june 2022
  TEXT New virus hits children en masse in India, 2 june 2022
  TEXT Is Earth's Core Rusting? 2 june 2022
  TEXT How Cell Phones Affect Cognitive Function? 1 june 2022
  TEXT Davos Reveals Building-Blocks For "Green" Social-Credit System, 1 june 2022
  TEXT Four powerful earthquakes in 24 hours! 1 june 2022
  TEXT What's wrong with monkeypox? 1 june 2022
  TEXT PRC Defense: Starlink Countermeasures, 31 may 2022
  TEXT WEForum: Smartphones Will Be Forced into Your Body by 2030, 31 may 2022
  TEXT A fresh media review on the topic of UFOs, 31 may 2022
  TEXT MI6 believes that Putin is dead and a doppelganger rules the world, 31 may 2022
  TEXT Bacteria with antibiotic resistant genes discovered in Antarctica, 30 may 2022
  TEXT The COVID-19 vaccine pandemic, 30 may 2022
  TEXT Is there alien life in the shadow biosphere? 30 may 2022
  TEXT Unknown hepatitis in children: 650 cases WHO, 30 may 2022
  TEXT Is a revolution in Iran? 29 may 2022
  TEXT Monkeypox is a coverup for vaccine adverse events, including AIDS? 29 may 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates new book shocked experts and journalists, 29 may 2022
  TEXT FBI Files: Cattle & Animal Mutilations, 29 may 2022
  TEXT The French rebelled against the windfarms, 28 may 2022
  TEXT Bulgaria is being terrorized by mutant ticks, 28 may 2022
  TEXT Scandal among the promoters of vaccination, 28 may 2022
  TEXT CNN Finally Admits mRNA Jabs Destroy Immunity, 27 may 2022
  TEXT Information On The NHS Monkeypox Page Edited, 27 may 2022
  TEXT New Official UFO Contact Evidence - Media Review, 27 may 2022
  TEXT Pills and vaccines with chips are not fantasy, but the truth, 26 may 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates predicted a smallpox outbreak in 2021, 26 may 2022
  TEXT Canada bans Huawei and ZTE from using 5G network, 26 may 2022
  TEXT Alex Jones have evidence linking Covid-19 vaccines to smallpox, 26 may 2022
  TEXT Ex-Cop Killed By Buffalo Shooter Had Invented new Water Engine, 25 may 2022
  TEXT Whoa! Tau Herculid meteors might be intense! 25 may 2022
  TEXT China's footprint in the smallpox epidemic - media review, 25 may 2022
  TEXT NASA says something strange is happening with our universe, 24 may 2022
  TEXT Physicists argue that there may be a reality other than our reality, 24 may 2022
  TEXT What's Wrong with Smallpox? Media Review, 24 may 2022
  TEXT Overview of UFO Information, 24 may 2022
  TEXT China preparing for war with Russia? 23 may 2022
  TEXT Visa and Mastercard not working? 23 may 2022
  TEXT Russian doctors do not exclude the artificial origin of smallpox, 23 may 2022
  TEXT Nearly 270 cases of salmonella found in chocolate eggs, 23 may 2022
  TEXT The Next Plandemic?, 22 may 2022
  TEXT The Multiverse, CERN, and Inter-dimensional Portals, 22 may 2022
  TEXT The smallpox epidemic was planned in advance, 21 may 2022
  TEXT Mysterious Surge in Deaths of Newborn Babies in Scotland, 21 may 2022
  TEXT Weekly UFO Incident Review - Media Review, 21 may 2022
  TEXT UFO Congressional Hearing - Media Review, 21 may 2022
  TEXT Terrorists are preparing to create a dirty bomb for the vaccinated, 20 may 2022
  TEXT Another bright fireball over the UK, more than 800 reports received, 20 may 2022
  TEXT Researchers claim that Nibiru is approaching Earth, 20 may 2022
  TEXT The Most Important Things About UFO Hearings - Mega Media Review, 20 may 2022
  TEXT Pfizer Jab In Young People Only 20%, 19 may 2022
  TEXT Malaysia records 31661 HFMD (foot and mouth disease) cases, 19 may 2022
  TEXT Monkeypox: a bioweapon? 19 may 2022
  TEXT Chronicle of the New World Order - an overview of events, 19 may 2022
  TEXT Google Is Sharing Our Data at a Startling Scale, 18 may 2022
  TEXT New UFO Evidence - Media Review, 18 may 2022
  TEXT Excess mortality in the world after vaccination persists, 18 may 2022
  TEXT New data on the dangers of Covid vaccines, 18 may 2022
  TEXT Aliens are siphoning our sun - media review, 17 may 2022
  TEXT The Matrix was released in 1999. The year we entered a new simulation! 17 may 2022
  TEXT Hidden message found in Buffalo shooters manifesto, 17 may 2022
  TEXT Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses, 17 may 2022
  TEXT Pfizer accused of vaccine testing fraud, 16 may 2022
  TEXT UFO Flying Right Out Of Hurricane's Eye Of The Storm, 16 may 2022
  TEXT Two people diagnosed with monkeypox in London, 16 may 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates confirms: Covid is kind of like the flu, 15 may 2022
  TEXT Ultrathin fuel cell uses the body's own sugar to generate electricity, 15 may 2022
  TEXT The universe could stop expanding remarkably soon, study suggests, 15 may 2022
  TEXT Review of UFO incidents for the week, 15 may 2022
  TEXT Canadian military suddenly takes notice of UFOs, 14 may 2022
  TEXT UFOs: When the U.K. Government Admitted The Mystery Was Real, 14 may 2022
  TEXT Gates hires 3,000 trolls to promote vaccines, 14 may 2022
  TEXT Elites Prepare to Escape? 14 may 2022
  TEXT Fully Vaccinated Gorilla Dies of Multiple Organ Failure, 13 may 2022
  TEXT South Korean president refuses official residence because of a curse, 13 may 2022
  TEXT US Congress to hold first public hearing on UFOs, 13 may 2022
  TEXT UFO sighting - media review, 13 may 2022
  TEXT What's going on in North Korea? 12 may 2022
  TEXT One of the major managers of Russia died in the basement of a shaman, 12 may 2022
  TEXT Fear on the dance floor as disco needle attacks baffle France, 12 may 2022
  TEXT Mountains of corpses at the bottom of a dry lake in the USA, 12 may 2022
  TEXT UFO over North Carolina, 11 may 2022
  TEXT Canadian defence minister was briefed on UFOs, 11 may 2022
  TEXT UN, WEF to Accelerate Agenda 2030, 11 may 2022
  TEXT COVID-19 was manufactured in a Chinese lab and Moderna patented it, 11 may 2022
  TEXT Magnetic Pole Shift - 11 months from now - March or April 2023, 10 may 2022
  TEXT Cameras caught a space jellyfish fly over Georgia, 10 may 2022
  TEXT UFO That Disappeared Into Ocean Near Hawaii Investigated By Pentagon, 10 may 2022
  TEXT COVID-19 is the largest Asch Conformity Experiment ever conducted, 10 may 2022
  TEXT New NASA Black Hole Sonifications with a Remix, 9 may 2022
  TEXT Growth of Schumann resonances - darkness comes! 9 may 2022
  TEXT COVID jabs increase stroke risk by 11,3%, 8 may 2022
  TEXT Cause of coffee addiction - cocaine? 8 may 2022
  TEXT US restricts use of J&J Covid vaccine over rare blood clot risk, 8 may 2022
  TEXT The WHO Plans to Strip 194 Nations, and the US, of Sovereignty, 8 may 2022
  TEXT Medical media: CENSORING all vaccine adverse reactions, 7 may 2022
  TEXT Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Still Pushing UFO Disclosure, 7 may 2022
  TEXT NASA UAP/UFO Related Internal Communications, 7 may 2022
  TEXT Pieces of fireball meteor that exploded over USA are being found, 6 may 2022
  TEXT The Globalists Plans For 2022-2024, 6 may 2022
  TEXT Anomaly in Algiers, 6 may 2022
  TEXT Globalists want to depopulate all life forms, 6 may 2022
  TEXT India on the verge of a fiery doomsday, 5 may 2022
  TEXT By 30% of US pilots may have COVID-19 vaccine-induced heart conditions, 5 may 2022
  TEXT Ex representative Min. US defense: aliens moved into flies, 5 may 2022
  TEXT New UFO sightings - media review, 5 may 2022
  TEXT Bank Holiday weather leads to bizarre chemtrail theories, 4 may 2022
  TEXT Trump case whistleblower found dead, 4 may 2022
  TEXT Vaccinated Covid dead emit BlueTooth from graves, 4 may 2022
  TEXT Israeli scientists have shown an increase in heart attacks in vaccinated, 4 may 2022
  TEXT All BBS chats are the monopoly of StackVault MRC. Facebook for BBS, 4 may 2022
  TEXT Racism, hypocrisy of MRC/BBS system operators - evidence, 3 may 2022
  TEXT New denunciations of the lies of the vaccinators, 3 may 2022
  TEXT BlackRock and Vanguard take over the food market in America, 3 may 2022
  TEXT New UFO Incidents - Media Review, 3 may 2022
  TEXT Something dark is pumping out our sun again, 2 may 2022
  TEXT Pfizer vaccine had a shocking DEATH rate of 3.7% during early trial, 2 may 2022
  TEXT The globalists are building a DNA repository on the moon. For what? 2 may 2022
  TEXT CDC Reports First Human Case Of Avian Influenza in USA, 2 may 2022
  TEXT Greek miracle worker Aristaeus, who was resurrected before Jesus, 1 may 2022
  TEXT NASA Caught Blatantly Ignoring UFOs Rising In Formation Over Africa, 1 may 2022
  TEXT Astrophysicist Spoke About The Observation Of UFOs, 1 may 2022
  TEXT Human Microchip Implants and the Internet of Bodies, 1 may 2022
  TEXT Vaccine complications will soon COLLAPSE the healthcare system, 30 april 2022
  TEXT Geoengineering could cause malaria resurgence in tropical countries, 30 april 2022
  TEXT New UFO sightings - press review, 30 april 2022
  TEXT The New Pandemic: 5 Killer Candidates, 29 april 2022
  TEXT Triple-injected 500% more likely to "catch" covid, 29 april 2022
  TEXT Russian Defense Minister worshipeds Satan in his garage - evidence, 29 april 2022
  TEXT China reports first human case of H3N8 bird flu, 29 april 2022
  TEXT UN hides new disaster in Chernobyl? 28 april 2022
  TEXT MICROPLASTIC fibers from FACE MASKS lodged in human lungs, 28 april 2022
  TEXT Taliban seize airship and threaten world, 28 april 2022
  TEXT Huge Asteroid to Pass Earth Thursday May Be Over 2500 Feet Wide, 28 april 2022
  TEXT New UFO Evidence - Media Review, 28 april 2022
  TEXT Sex scandal helped expose the truth about UFOs, 27 april 2022
  TEXT McDonald's lover 'turned grey' when he had rare illness, 27 april 2022
  TEXT Big tech is watching you through your smartphone 24/7, 27 april 2022
  TEXT Poisoned milk from stores causes psychosis many people, 27 april 2022
  TEXT Covid vaccines cause miscarriages in women, 26 april 2022
  TEXT Physicists from CERN are preparing to open a portal to hell, 26 april 2022
  TEXT New UFO sightings - press review, 25 april 2022
  TEXT Congo declares new Ebola outbreak in Mbandaka, 25 april 2022
  TEXT New Shocking Data about Covid Vaccines - Press Review, 25 april 2022
  TEXT Mysterious geoglyphs found in Russia, 24 april 2022
  TEXT New breathtaking UFO footage - overview, 24 april 2022
  TEXT New mass sightings of portals in the sky - review, 24 april 2022
  TEXT New Scandal Over Open Society Foundations, 24 april 2022
  TEXT Unusual UFO in Florida 01.01.2018, 23 april 2022
  TEXT Something's happening in the sun again, 23 april 2022
  TEXT Gen X and Gen Z experience record 84% excess mortality in fall of 2021, 23 april 2022
  TEXT Is Putin covering his tracks with help Soviet hypnosis? 23 april 2022
  TEXT Devil's sarcophagus caused Covid-19 and war? 22 april 2022
  TEXT More Than a 100 Graduates of a Particular High School Got Rare Cancers, 22 april 2022
  TEXT Reports was proposed nuking the moon, newly released documents reveal, 22 april 2022
  TEXT New bad data about Covid vaccines - big media review, 22 april 2022
  TEXT Scotland: Vaccinated children began to die from an unknown virus, 21 april 2022
  TEXT Covid vaccines tool for ethnic cleansing, 21 april 2022
  TEXT Overview of UFO incidents caught on video, 21 april 2022
  TEXT Canada wants to use pandemic to bring country in line with WEF agenda, 20 april 2022
  TEXT UFO has landed in the downtown of Colombia, 20 april 2022
  TEXT Six companies control 90% of what you read. Why are they lying? 20 april 2022
  TEXT How Much Radiation Is Emitted By Popular Smartphones? 19 april 2022
  TEXT Why do people not trust the official media? 19 april 2022
  TEXT UFO spotted in the skies over Guam, 19 april 2022
  TEXT New frightening revelations of Bill Gates - review, 18 april 2022
  TEXT Time might not exist, according to physicists and philosophers, 18 april 2022
  TEXT List of last information about UFO - media review, 18 april 2022
  TEXT Neptune is cooling down and scientists don't know why, 17 april 2022
  TEXT List of poisonous batches of Pfizer vaccines, with number of victims, 17 april 2022
  TEXT Germany: vaccinators will follow the road from the corpses? 17 april 2022
  TEXT Monthly UFO Video Review, 17 april 2022
  TEXT Wireless radiation from mobile devices causing REAL HARM to people, 16 april 2022
  TEXT Ex employee CIA confirms troops casualties after encounter with UFO, 16 april 2022
  TEXT Navy was releases 2020 UFO Information Memo, 16 april 2022
  TEXT The US Navy is constantly chasing UFOs - review, 16 april 2022
  TEXT Mysterious objects seen over Wales, 15 april 2022
  TEXT List of UFOs near the ISS, 15 april 2022
  TEXT Something unrelated to the epidemic is happening in China, 14 april 2022
  TEXT Weather anomaly in Texas, 14 april 2022
  TEXT Girls are developing GENITAL ULCERS after vaccines, 14 april 2022
  TEXT Pfizer knew about all the side effects, 14 april 2022
  TEXT Another 2014 UFO incident declassified, 13 april 2022
  TEXT Orb (UFO) Over Buildings In Hong Kong, 13 april 2022
  TEXT The Russian military acknowledged the problem of UFOs in orbit, 13 april 2022
  TEXT Warning! Nanotechnology Used in Covid Vaccines, 13 april 2022
  TEXT Moderna Recalls 764900 COVID-19 Vaccine, 12 april 2022
  TEXT Scary social experiment over Shanghai, 12 april 2022
  TEXT Dark disk spotted over Japan, 12 april 2022
  TEXT What the hell is going on in Alaska? 12 april 2022
  TEXT UFO: SkyCAM Searches the Sky, 12 april 2022
  TEXT China Is Taking Cats and Dogs for Extermination Due to COVID, 11 april 2022
  TEXT SC Senate Passes Legislation that Bans Covid-19 Vaccine, 11 april 2022
  TEXT New UAP Documents Published, 11 april 2022
  TEXT Injuries following reported UFO sightings, 10 april 2022
  TEXT New Details Emerge About Gimbal UAP, 10 april 2022
  TEXT UFO Explained, 10 april 2022
  TEXT Humans travelling back in time in UFOs, 9 april 2022
  TEXT The Flying Triangle UFO: From Here or Somewhere Else? 9 april 2022
  TEXT Two UFOs Near The Space Station, 9 april 2022
  TEXT Canadian Astronaut: If You Think UFOs Are Aliens, You're An Idiot, 9 april 2022
  TEXT Increasing UFO sightings in anticipation of the end of the world, 8 april 2022
  TEXT Vancouver Island hit by more than 4200 quakes! End is near! 8 april 2022
  TEXT Pentagon releases 1500 UFO documents, 8 april 2022
  TEXT The 2021 USS Kearsarge Sightings, 7 april 2022
  TEXT While UFOs are attacking the US fleet, S.E.T.I is looking for aliens, 7 april 2022
  TEXT CIA Docs Reveal That USSR was Developing Cybernetic Telepathy, 7 april 2022
  TEXT Repetitive marsquakes in Martian upper mantle, 6 april 2022
  TEXT How food manufacturers are cheating you, 6 april 2022
  TEXT The banksters unveiled they plans for a new digital totalitarianism, 6 april 2022
  TEXT Where can you hear sounds from Mars? 5 april 2022
  TEXT The effect of quantum teleportation gave birth to life, 5 april 2022
  TEXT New anomaly in the sky, 5 april 2022
  TEXT The Codex Seraphinianus is the strangest book in the world, 4 april 2022
  TEXT An unknown object entered the atmosphere over India, 4 april 2022
  TEXT On March 25, 2014, a UFO nearly hit a plane, 4 april 2022
  TEXT Professor: aliens on Earth are preparing an invasion, 3 april 2022
  TEXT Heart Abnormalities among Covid-19 Vaccinated Children, 3 april 2022
  TEXT One in 10 Americans are controlled by brain parasite, 3 april 2022
  TEXT The last 8% of the human gene has been deciphered, 2 april 2022
  TEXT New microorganisms discovered in the depths of the ocean, 2 april 2022
  TEXT Large dangerus sunspot AR2975, 2 april 2022
  TEXT Soon there will be a collision of two black holes, 1 april 2022
  TEXT Video: a huge UFO flew out of a volcano in Mexico, 1 april 2022
  TEXT Something's wrong with the sun again, 1 april 2022
  TEXT How many people actually died from vaccines? Evidences, 31 mar 2022
  TEXT The Fax of 1860 that everyone forgot about, 31 mar 2022
  TEXT Another mystical death of cattle recorded by the media, 31 mar 2022
  TEXT Random Vancouver attacks - a new form of cultural marxism. My opinion, 31 mar 2022
  TEXT Will the Taliban take over Central Asia in April? 30 mar 2022
  TEXT Three Fully Jabbed Top Cyclists Suffer Major Heart Attacks, 30 mar 2022
  TEXT Firing a Shotgun at Aliens is Not Always a Good Idea, 30 mar 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates thinks poor people eat a lot of beef, 29 mar 2022
  TEXT A Brave New World, Today's Clerisy and Mind Control, 29 mar 2022
  TEXT Video capture aliens from the sky, 29 mar 2022
  TEXT The mass death of birds as evidence of the collapse of the Antarctic, 28 mar 2022
  TEXT For what reason, NASA sends a new signal to aliens? 28 mar 2022
  TEXT Is no world hunger and never will be. The globalists are lying! 28 mar 2022
  TEXT Vaccinator went over to the side of antivaxers, 27 mar 2022
  TEXT Seattle Mazda drivers can't change the radio dial, 27 mar 2022
  TEXT Quantifying Information in Visible Matter, 27 mar 2022
  TEXT Have People Been Killed For What They Knew About UFOs? 27 mar 2022
  TEXT Android messages and dialer apps quietly send data to Google, 26 mar 2022
  TEXT New apocalyptic trumpets sounds from heaven, 26 mar 2022
  TEXT Another fire pillar spotted in the sky, 26 mar 2022
  TEXT Space Sounds, 26 mar 2022
  TEXT Covid-19 vaccine methodology is flawed, 25 mar 2022
  TEXT mRNA Vaccines Alter Human Liver DNA In Vitro, 25 mar 2022
  TEXT Hidden goal of the ongoing third world war, 24 mar 2022
  TEXT Earth's poles are both undergoing 'freakish' HEATWAVES, 24 mar 2022
  TEXT If You're a Ufologist, There is Probably a File on You, 24 mar 2022
  TEXT Big killer asteroid is approaching Earth, 24 mar 2022
  TEXT Putin's troll's factory uncovered, including in the US - investigation, 23 mar 2022
  TEXT Covid-19 was created in a lab back in 2013, 23 mar 2022
  TEXT In 1967, UFOs took over control of US nuclear weapons - evidence, 22 mar 2022
  TEXT The Azores are about to explode! 22 mar 2022
  TEXT Four Russian warships pravocated the Japanese, 22 mar 2022
  TEXT North Korea decided to attack South? 22 mar 2022
  TEXT Wall Street analyst: covid vaccines are the greatest fraud in history, 21 mar 2022
  TEXT Scientists trained AI to create chemical weapons, 21 mar 2022
  TEXT Evidence of nuclear technology before antiquity, 21 mar 2022
  TEXT Multiple studies show COVID vaccines don't protect kids, 20 mar 2022
  TEXT Strange Universe Where Time Runs Backwards, 20 mar 2022
  TEXT Newly infected deadly ticks in the USA, 20 mar 2022
  TEXT Mass UFO sightings in anticipation of the end of the world - review, 19 mar 2022
  TEXT China battles multiple outbreaks driven by stealth omicron, 19 mar 2022
  TEXT Scandal: Facebook approves scam, 19 mar 2022
  TEXT Proven: contact with a UFO damages the brain, 19 mar 2022
  TEXT An abnormal earthquake in Japan, 18 mar 2022
  TEXT American Putinists in hysterics, 18 mar 2022
  TEXT Chronicle of the collapse of Putin's Russia, 18 mar 2022
  TEXT Millions of people have died from Covid-19 vaccines, 18 mar 2022
  TEXT Barack Obama hides tens of thousands of UFO documents, 17 mar 2022
  TEXT Abnormal "Halifax hum", 17 mar 2022
  TEXT Millions of vaccinated people lost their health, 17 mar 2022
  TEXT Putin is a CIA and the world behind the scenes agent - investigation, 17 mar 2022
  TEXT Humans are alone in universe, 16 mar 2022
  TEXT US Navy Releases Heavily Redacted UAP/UFO in 2019, 16 mar 2022
  TEXT Kim humiliates Putin after Russia begs North Korea for help, 16 mar 2022
  TEXT An anomalous sandstorm covers Europe. What's happening? 16 mar 2022
  TEXT What's Hiding Underneath Antarctica? 15 mar 2022
  TEXT An abnormal sandstorm has covered Sydney, 15 mar 2022
  TEXT Russia has requested military assistance from China in Ukraine, 15 mar 2022
  TEXT Evidence of the futility of quarantine in Australia, 14 mar 2022
  TEXT China Is Hoarding Commodities, 14 mar 2022
  TEXT British Intelligence: Putin is rotting alive, 14 mar 2022
  TEXT Planet Nine could be a primordial black hole, 13 mar 2022
  TEXT Nanobes - a mysterious life form, 13 mar 2022
  TEXT Global control after Covid-19 is ramping up - investigation, 13 mar 2022
  TEXT Wormholes help resolve black hole information paradox, 12 mar 2022
  TEXT Scientists admit 18 million excess deaths are real, 12 mar 2022
  TEXT A Letter to Andrew Hill, 12 mar 2022
  TEXT New Evidence of the Harm of Vaccines in the US Army, 11 mar 2022
  TEXT Big Pharma admits mRNA injections are gene therapies, 11 mar 2022
  TEXT Kremlin occultism in the war with Ukraine - investigation, 11 mar 2022
  TEXT China passed a law to seize Taiwan? 10 mar 2022
  TEXT Mass demonic possession in schools in South Africa, 10 mar 2022
  TEXT Curve track Covid-19. Media review, 10 mar 2022
  TEXT Radio Signal From Deep Space Repeats on 157-Day Cycle, 9 mar 2022
  TEXT Brief summary of the situation around Russia, 9 mar 2022
  TEXT War in Ukraine (photo, video, murders), 9 mar 2022
  TEXT The CIA was right: Putin began to look for scapegoats, 8 mar 2022
  TEXT Mysterious ray of light remains for 3 hours and mystifies a sciencists, 8 mar 2022
  TEXT Russia promised China Ukrainian wheat for support of the war, 8 mar 2022
  TEXT War in Ukraine photo, video (updated), 7 mar 2022
  TEXT CIA: Russia is preparing a military coup, 7 mar 2022
  TEXT Witnesses: sightings of anomalies have become more frequent, 7 mar 2022
  TEXT The real Putin is long dead, Russia is ruled by the unknown gang, 6 mar 2022
  TEXT War in Ukraine, massacre continues (photo, video), 6 mar 2022
  TEXT A strange war in Ukraine: the opinion of world conspiracy theories, 5 mar 2022
  TEXT War in Ukraine: the meat grinder continues (updated!!!), 5 mar 2022
  TEXT War for Ukraine (updated), 4 mar 2022
  TEXT Eighth day of the war in Ukraine (Updated!), 3 mar 2022
  TEXT Seventh day of the war Russia aganist Ukraine (updated), 2 mar 2022
  TEXT The sixth day of the war between Russia and Ukraine (updated), 1 mar 2022
  TEXT Fifth day of the war between Russia and Ukraine (updated), 28 feb 2022
  TEXT War of Russia against Ukraine. Day 4 (Updated), 27 feb 2022
  TEXT War of Russia against Ukraine. Day three (updated), 26 feb 2022
  TEXT War aganist Ukraine: 25 feb 2022, 19.19 Kiyev time (UPDATED!!!), 25 feb 2022
  TEXT The second day of the invasion of Putin's fascists in Ukraine (updated!!!), 25 feb 2022
  TEXT URGENT UPDATE: WAR IN UKRAINE - share it (UPDATED!!!!), 25 feb 2022
  TEXT WARNING! Putin attacked Ukraine without declaring war - videos, photos, 25 feb 2022
  TEXT Vaccines cripple athletes - new evidence, 25 feb 2022
  TEXT AstraZeneca doubled the incidence of cerebral vein thrombosis - proven, 25 feb 2022
  TEXT Germany: people refuse to do PCR tests en masse, 25 feb 2022
  TEXT Federal agencies are studying post-vaccination neurological issues, 24 feb 2022
  TEXT Strange events on the Sun scared the ESA, 24 feb 2022
  TEXT Birds keep dropping dead from the sky, 24 feb 2022
  TEXT American truckers launch "People's Convoy", 23 feb 2022
  TEXT Canada: massacre of peaceful protesters by Trudeau dictatorship, 23 feb 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates regrets the appearance of Omicron, 23 feb 2022
  TEXT Scientist discovers link between Covid-19 and 5G, 23 feb 2022
  TEXT Scientists say 5G radiation is killing animals and wildlife, 22 feb 2022
  TEXT CDC Admits PCR Tests Used to Harvest DNA Without Consent, 22 feb 2022
  TEXT Electric cars - a soap bubble, the market collapsed by 75%! 22 feb 2022
  TEXT EU: MEP wants clarity on graphene in Covid vaccines, 21 feb 2022
  TEXT Pfizer to test vaccines on old Jewish refugees, 21 feb 2022
  TEXT Canada - indigenous prison, 21 feb 2022
  TEXT War in Ukraine - a chronicle of the war 21.11.21-19.02.22, 21 feb 2022
  TEXT COVID-related crimes to be investigated by public grand jury, 20 feb 2022
  TEXT Russia: vaccine testing on childrens is not possible, 20 feb 2022
  TEXT Trump Really Was Spied On, 20 feb 2022
  TEXT Video instruction for protection against blood clots after vaccination, 19 feb 2022
  TEXT India: Cryptocurrency Officially Recognized as a Pyramid, 19 feb 2022
  TEXT "Cultural Marxists" declared hamburgers "sexist", 19 feb 2022
  TEXT Anomaly detected on the Sun, 19 feb 2022
  TEXT USA: Comedian passes out on stage after being vaccinated, 19 feb 2022
  TEXT CCP Deploying Hemorrhagic Fever Virus At Winter Olympics, 18 feb 2022
  TEXT Covid "onslaught" has overwhelmed Hong Kongs capacity, 18 feb 2022
  TEXT 30% of Covid patients in England readmitted to hospital after discharge, 18 feb 2022
  TEXT Vaccines kill: an analysis of excess mortality in the US and the world, 18 feb 2022
  TEXT Researcher debunks Pfizer efficiency myth, 17 feb 2022
  TEXT People Trust Nonsense More if They Think a Scientist Said It, 17 feb 2022
  TEXT Is a coup d'etat brewing in China? 17 feb 2022
  TEXT Pfizer CEO Admits COVID-19 Created in Lab, 17 feb 2022
  TEXT Mentally ill child Greta Thunberg is a globalist tool, 16 feb 2022
  TEXT Denial of Natural Immunity in Vaccine Mandates Unprecedented, 16 feb 2022
  TEXT 50 million doses of vaccines infected with HIV? 16 feb 2022
  TEXT My opinion: "Inclusive consumerism" as the main ideology of postmodernism, 16 feb 2022
  TEXT Russia: another general spoke out against the war with the USA, 15 feb 2022
  TEXT Mystery liquid falls from sky in USA, 15 feb 2022
  TEXT Germany: partisans beat 308 vaccinators, 15 feb 2022
  TEXT African Lassa fever outbreak in Britain, 15 feb 2022
  TEXT Is life based on dark matter possible? 15 feb 2022
  TEXT Canada: henchmen of the world behind the scenes are torturing people, 14 feb 2022
  TEXT USA: horrific death rate in the army after vaccination, 14 feb 2022
  TEXT Scientist thinks he's found a habitable planet, 14 feb 2022
  TEXT Another outbreak of bird flu, this time in the USA, 14 feb 2022
  TEXT Where does the Big Tech money go? 13 feb 2022
  TEXT Russia: All Green Pass Data Stolen, 13 feb 2022
  TEXT The sad results of tests of the Russian vaccine "KoviVak", 13 feb 2022
  TEXT Biden admitted that the war of Russia against the US is starting! 12 feb 2022
  TEXT The doctor who discovered omicron was tried to intimidate!!! 12 feb 2022
  TEXT Russian politician vaccinated 8 times now in intensive care with Covid, 12 feb 2022
  TEXT Another professor antivaxxer killed? 12 feb 2022
  TEXT Has the smallpox epidemic promised by Bill Gates begun? 12 feb 2022
  TEXT Metaverses: The New Economic Bubble, 11 feb 2022
  TEXT The most shocking news about the dangers of vaccines - videos review, 11 feb 2022
  TEXT Russia: the head of the largest bank made a strange statement, 11 feb 2022
  TEXT Russia is ready for war, 11 feb 2022
  TEXT Massive Covid-19 pestilence among the military on the border with Ukraine, 10 feb 2022
  TEXT Revaccination does not protect against omicron, 10 feb 2022
  TEXT Facebook purges pages linked to protests in Canada, 10 feb 2022
  TEXT Preparatory litigation against the "world behind the scenes" has begun, 10 feb 2022
  TEXT My Opinion: Cultural Marxism as a Form of Bourgeois Communism, 9 feb 2022
  TEXT Man "hears God" while hallucinating on antibiotics, 9 feb 2022
  TEXT Investigation: strange facts about excess mortality, 9 feb 2022
  TEXT British children up to 52 times more likely to die following a COVID shot, 9 feb 2022
  TEXT White House: Russia Might Invade Ukraine "As Soon As Tomorrow" 8 feb 2022
  TEXT This is important: is a military coup being prepared in Russia? 8 feb 2022
  TEXT Justin Trudeau is a pawn of the global elite, 8 feb 2022
  TEXT How to DEFEAT micro blood clots and block the spike protein, 8 feb 2022
  TEXT New super-mutant strain of HIV found in the Netherlands, 7 feb 2022
  TEXT Shock news: the population of Russia was injected with an untested vaccine, 7 feb 2022
  TEXT In New York City Sewage, a Mysterious Coronavirus Signal, 7 feb 2022
  TEXT Austrian Constitutional Court Requests Real Covid Data, 6 feb 2022
  TEXT CRISPR can generate unexpected, heritable mutations, 6 feb 2022
  TEXT Something is wrong in the Sun, 6 feb 2022
  TEXT Our investigation: connection found between helminths, vaccine and Covid, 6 feb 2022
  TEXT My opinion: coaptation of the computer underground by cultural Marxism, 5 feb 2022
  TEXT The Vaccinated & Boosted have 3 years to live - research review, 5 feb 2022
  TEXT The FBI acknowledged the presence of massive communist agents in the US, 5 feb 2022
  TEXT The danger of Russian vaccines to life has been proven, 5 feb 2022
  TEXT The climate war continues - new evidence, 4 feb 2022
  TEXT Dangerous Chemicals and Nanotubes Found In Covid Test Swabs, 4 feb 2022
  TEXT Geologist-insider warned about the coming total energy crisis, 4 feb 2022
  TEXT Dancing around Covid-19 - big press reviews, 4 feb 2022
  TEXT My opinion: a few words about modern evil called Big Tech, 3 feb 2022
  TEXT George Soros' Strange Revelations About China, 3 feb 2022
  TEXT China has built a conveyor-incubator for the mass rearing of newborns, 3 feb 2022
  TEXT The world is preparing for a global war, 3 feb 2022
  TEXT Our part of the universe is different from the whole universe, 3 feb 2022
  TEXT Sri Lanka: Covid brought the railway to a halt, 2 feb 2022
  TEXT Vaccinated Olympic Gold Medalist "Dies of Covid", 2 feb 2022
  TEXT "Since my vaccination, nothing is the same as it was", 2 feb 2022
  TEXT Belarus: Covid disaster - patients waiting in queues on the street, 2 feb 2022
  TEXT Russia: Sputnik V data still unreleased, 1 feb 2022
  TEXT Omicron is the most resistant Covid virus, 1 feb 2022
  TEXT BLM sent millions to Canada charity to buy mansion, 1 feb 2022
  TEXT Mass secret executions of political and scientific Covid dissidents? 1 feb 2022
  TEXT Report: NeoCoV coronavirus strain can kill 1 in 3 people, 31 jan 2022
  TEXT China more than 90% of those vaccinated fell ill with COVID-19, 31 jan 2022
  TEXT New variant of Omicron is gutting Denmark, 31 jan 2022
  TEXT Convoy of Freedom against Covid restrictions breaks world record, 31 jan 2022
  TEXT My opinion: the esoteric meaning of what is happening on the planet, 31 jan 2022
  TEXT Fake news about aggressive protests of anti-vaxxers in Europe exposed, 30 jan 2022
  TEXT Scotland: vaccinated get sick Covid-19 4 times more often, 30 jan 2022
  TEXT Formal charges published for Covid-19 vaccinators, 30 jan 2022
  TEXT Autopsy finds strange worms in blood by Covid-19 vaccinated, 30 jan 2022
  TEXT Miscarriages up 300% - Cancers Up 300% after Covid-19 vaccination, 29 jan 2022
  TEXT Is Russia secretly waging biological warfare against the West? 29 jan 2022
  TEXT Germany: authorities use Covid for political purposes, 29 jan 2022
  TEXT Antivaxxer kept for a long time in a mental hospital by force, 29 jan 2022
  TEXT COVID-19 Risk Appears to Vary Across Different Alcoholic Beverages, 28 jan 2022
  TEXT The theory of evolution under threat - a new study, 28 jan 2022
  TEXT Chemtrails are not a conspiracy theory, but an old technology, 28 jan 2022
  TEXT Smartphones - a tool to control population growth, 28 jan 2022
  TEXT SHOCK: Russia recognized one of its vaccines as non-working and dangerous, 27 jan 2022
  TEXT The world behind the scenes turned off electricity in Central Asia, 27 jan 2022
  TEXT The dangers of hyper-processed meat products - a review of research, 27 jan 2022
  TEXT 50000 protested in Belgium against Covid terrorism, 26 jan 2022
  TEXT Russia: Ministry of Health refuses to keep statistics on vaccine deaths! 26 jan 2022
  TEXT USA: Escaped Lab Monkeys Contagious (continued story), 26 jan 2022
  TEXT Pfizer posted record profits, 25 jan 2022
  TEXT More than 1000 studies prove the danger of Covid vaccines, 25 jan 2022
  TEXT Antimicrobial resistance now a leading cause of death worldwide, 25 jan 2022
  TEXT USA: Lab monkeys escaped from the scene of the accident, 25 jan 2022
  TEXT BioNTech eyes up to 17 bln euros in vaccine revenue in 2022, 24 jan 2022
  TEXT Medical journal demands disclosure of Pfizer vaccines treatment data, 24 jan 2022
  TEXT Meta has become a breeding ground for pedophilia, 24 jan 2022
  TEXT US nuclear armada put on alert, 24 jan 2022
  TEXT #RealNotRare, 23 jan 2022
  TEXT Covid Injections and Neurodegenerative Disease, 23 jan 2022
  TEXT China creates artificial hunger on the planet, 23 jan 2022
  TEXT All Pfizer vaccinated will suffer in the near future, 23 jan 2022
  TEXT Important!!! Only the facts - a review of Covid vaccines harm research, 22 jan 2022
  TEXT Covid vaccine has 30 times more side effects than flu vaccine, 22 jan 2022
  TEXT Pilot health problems reported to be on the radical rise - proofs, 22 jan 2022
  TEXT One million fake medical masks arrested, 21 jan 2022
  TEXT At the beginning of 2020, it was known about the human-made Covid, 21 jan 2022
  TEXT 'The death of science' - professor became a victim of bullying Big Pharma, 21 jan 2022
  TEXT France: Vaccine death ruled a suicide, 21 jan 2022
  TEXT Australian: the epidemic has doubled the capital of billionaires, 20 jan 2022
  TEXT Israel: vaccination did not save the country, 20 jan 2022
  TEXT Jump in excess mortality in Germany: November +21%, December +22%, 20 jan 2022
  TEXT USA: a sharp rise in "non-COVID" deaths in the 18-49 age group, 20 jan 2022
  TEXT Lies in Britain: 150k Covid-19 Deaths? 19 jan 2022
  TEXT Student dies in agony after being vaccinated with Sputnik V, 19 jan 2022
  TEXT Intracranial infection cases up 60-fold since vaccines rolled out, 19 jan 2022
  TEXT Indian pensioner illegally vaccinated 12 times, 18 jan 2022
  TEXT Russia: Covid deaths was caused by the collapse of the medicine, 18 jan 2022
  TEXT Israel: Microbiology professor's open letter to the authorities on Covid, 18 jan 2022
  TEXT Increase in deaths from Covid in 145 countries after vaccination, 17 jan 2022
  TEXT Scotland: 4 out of 5 hospitalized with omicron - vaccinated, 17 jan 2022
  TEXT Washington authorities will catch the unvaccinated like cattle, 17 jan 2022
  TEXT China hide another terrible epidemic? 16 jan 2022
  TEXT Strange information about Covid and cigarettes, 16 jan 2022
  TEXT Effect of influenza vaccination on risk of COVID-19, 16 jan 2022
  TEXT French teachers rebel against Covid rules, 15 jan 2022
  TEXT Bulgarian covid dissidents tried to seize parliament, 15 jan 2022
  TEXT Canada: Unvaccinated father loses right to see his child, 15 jan 2022
  TEXT Italy: the unvaccinated are placed in a social ghetto, 14 jan 2022
  TEXT Bill Gates scares the world again, 14 jan 2022
  TEXT Vaccines have killed the immunity of the British - a review of studies, 14 jan 2022
  TEXT German scientists have found components for nanonetworks in vaccines, 13 jan 2022
  TEXT Quebec to impose health tax on unvaccinated, 13 jan 2022
  TEXT Another antiparasitic drug effective against Covid, 13 jan 2022
  TEXT Covid vaccine booster shots are UNSUSTAINABLE!!! 12 jan 2022
  TEXT Big Pharma companies intentionally deploying toxic batches of vaccines, 12 jan 2022
  TEXT Mike Yeadon declares covid vaccines are "toxic by design", 12 jan 2022
  TEXT Shocking review of vaccine news, 12 jan 2022
  TEXT Pfizer Intra-body nano-network, 11 jan 2022
  TEXT Are aliens attacking DNA and computers? 11 jan 2022
  TEXT The Destructive Truth About Moderna Vaccines - review, 11 jan 2022
  TEXT Total shortage of microchips in the world, 10 jan 2022
  TEXT What happened in Kazakhstan? 10 jan 2022
  TEXT Vaccinated athletes suffer or die in terrible agony - press review, 10 jan 2022
  TEXT A strange disease afflicts young people in Canada, 9 jan 2022
  TEXT Detailed information on the causes of thrombosis after Covid vaxx, 9 jan 2022
  TEXT New evidence of nanochips in vaccines, 9 jan 2022
  TEXT Germany: strange ritual held with sheep in honor of the vaccine, 8 jan 2022
  TEXT Proven: Covid Vaccines Are Just Placebos for money, 8 jan 2022
  TEXT The final plan of the globalists to seize the Earth is revealed, 8 jan 2022
  TEXT REAL US deaths rise 40% - evidence, 7 jan 2022
  TEXT Germany: military commander rebelled against police Covid-19 outrage, 7 jan 2022
  TEXT What is wrong with the booster dose of the vaccine? 7 jan 2022
  TEXT Two doctors explain what's really going on with COVID, 6 jan 2022
  TEXT Canadian doctors rebelled against quarantine, 6 jan 2022
  TEXT Scientist killed for alternative treatments for Covid? 6 jan 2022
  TEXT Mushroom mind, 5 jan 2022
  TEXT Germany: 95% of omicron cases are in fully vaccinated individuals, 5 jan 2022
  TEXT SHOCK! Revolution in Kazakhstan. Many videos, 5 jan 2022
  TEXT Military dictatorship of Covid-19. Mass evidence, 4 jan 2022
  TEXT The vaccine did not save Israel - hell news, 4 jan 2022
  TEXT Autoimmune diseases began en masse in vaccinated people!!! 4 jan 2022
  TEXT Covid-19 sick and vaccinated go crazy at mass - new proofs, 3 jan 2022
  TEXT High-voltage lines burn out the atmosphere and human organs, 3 jan 2022
  TEXT Big pharma continues to lie about ivermectin, 2 jan 2022
  TEXT The unvaccinated in China are driven through the streets like cattle, 2 jan 2022
  TEXT Covid outbreak among vaccinated people in Canada, 2 jan 2022
  TEXT Corporations Help Dictators Censor the Internet, 1 jan 2022
  TEXT Omicron this is just a cold? 1 jan 2022
  TEXT People weren't born on Earth? 1 jan 2022
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