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       Chip's for use inside humans (addition about technology 2021)
       I have already talked about what I knew about the chips intended 
       for insertion into the human body. The speech in my note was about
       old technologies (5-6 years ago). Today I will talk about semicondu
       chips implanted into the human body with an ordinary medical needle
       6 gauge needle measures - 0.203 (in) or 5.16 (mm) - to understand t
       Columbia Engineers has developed a single-chip chip, which is a com
       electronic circuit with a volume of less than 0.1 mm3. 
   IMG Photo of a 6-gauge medical needle with a chip inside [39 kb]
       Unlike microfluidic nanochips, this chip uses a piezoelectric trans
       to act as an antenna for wireless power and communication via ultra
       The implant's capabilities have been demonstrated in mice. The chip
       for ultrasound neurostimulation. Scientists want to implant such ch
       human body, and then transmit various characteristics of a person w
       As you can see, I was mistaken in the last post, believing that a s
       chip cannot be inserted unnoticed. It turns out that this is no lon
       The new generation of single-crystall chips can be used on an equal
       with microfluidic chips for insertion into the human body using a c
       medical needle.
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