Spy drones are secretly spraying unknown substances Source: (https://bit.ly/3zLDMcX) Dozens of venom peptides have been identified and confirmed in the bodies of covid victims. Analysis was conducted via HPLC with mass spec molecular mass and ion fragmentation confirmation, published in a science journal and indexed by PubMed. A patent has been identified that describes a bioweapons aerial drone delivery system designed to kill "100% of enemy troops." This drone bioweapons delivery system can be outfitted with aerosolized venom peptides to air drop toxins onto any population, in any city, at any time, faking a pandemic outbreak (no virus necessary). The system also houses mosquitos which can be fed "a toxin suitable to be transmitted by mosquito bite" to achieve mass kills of civilians or troops. It turns out that as of March 3, 2015, there is a United States patent (https://bit.ly/3FNRmjJ), No. 8,967,029 B1, linked to these strange weapons that could potentially be hauling biological weapons. The patent in question talks about the "aerial release of the infected mosquitoes, i.e., for a device (unit) designed to be applied as a technical means of delivery and use of a biological weapon." Such biological weapons include "immunobiological agents, bacteria, and viruses," including "highly contagious" varieties of each of these "that could wipe out 100 per cent of the enemy troops." "According to the description, such a UAV transports a container housing a huge number of infections-transmitting mosquitoes to release them at a designated area,". "The attacked people get infected with highly contagious diseases via mosquito bites." "The description clearly states that an infected military will not be able to fulfill the assigned mission, therefore 'sickness can be a more valuable military tool, than the most up-to-date military guns and equipment.' It is indicated that 'infecting enemy's manpower in such a way would be of a significant military effect."