WEF calls for 'mass extinction event' to usher in Great Reset Source: (https://bit.ly/3ST4x5Z) Another leaked video (https://bit.ly/3UdM3OA) has emerged to show that the World Economic Forum (WEF), led by the infamous globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab, is planning to unleash mass genocide as the catalyst for its promised "Great Reset." Yuval Noah Harari, who is described as Schwab's "right-hand man," is on a promotional tour right now shilling a new book he allegedly wrote. That manuscript asks questions like: What do we need so many humans for? Now that the globalists have attained near-total control over pretty much everything, they appear ready to cull the herd of human slaves. It began in this latest installment with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, followed by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. There is also skyrocketing inflation, supply chain failures, food shortages, crop destruction and other economic instability - all things that are swirling into a perfect storm of global shock and awe. Referring to non-globalists as "common people" who are fully disposable, Harari's latest leaked statements reveal a profound attitude of self-perceived superiority and globalist supremacy. Harari says the common folk below him are right to be fearful about the future because their lives could end at any moment. And it would not be any great loss, he says, because non-globalists are "redundant." In a future run by "smart people," Harari went on to state, common people will naturally face increased feelings of anxiety and fear about being left behind. And he is technically right: those who refuse to board the ark of Christ will, in fact, be left behind in Harari's globalist dystopia. "We just don't need the vast majority of you," Harari stated out loud without shame, believing himself to be invincible. As we previously reported, Harari, an Israeli historian and professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, openly admitted that he and the rest of his globalist cabal are unleashing transhumanism as their own personal "technological Noah's Ark" - meaning they believe the lie that tampering with their DNA and genetic blueprints will somehow grant them eternal life while the rest of us are either eliminated or turned into their permanent slaves. Talking about this kind of thing used to be scoffed at and labeled conspiracy theorism, but now we have the plan coming straight from the mouths of the globalist cabal itself - right out in the open with no shame. Rockefeller Foundation official Alan Gregg is another outspoken globalist who recently declared that the world has cancer and that cancer is mankind - excluding himself, of course. Prince Phillip, the late Queen Elizabeth's husband, likewise believed that humanity is a cancer that he wished he could eradicate by dying and coming back to life as a killer virus. The now-destroyed Georgia Guidestones revealed that the globalist plan for their envisioned "New World Order" involves reducing the current population of the world from roughly eight billion, the current number, to just 500 million. Former President Bill Clinton, unbeknownst to many, signed a so-called "biodiversity" treat during his tenure that contains an explicitly stated goal of reducing the world's population to one billion, at least as a start. At the "grassroots" level, the globalists have done an exceptional job programming millions of Westerners into supporting mass genocide through abortion and even infanticide, the latter constituting the murder of a child after he or she has already left the womb. "George Orwell warned us about these times," writes Baxter Dmitry for Newspunch. "He said they would convince us that war is peace. How right he was."