Putin and his doubles Instead of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the military training ground of the Western Military District in the Ryazan region was visited by his double. A person who looks like the President of Russia, who participated in the filming at the training ground, is the president's double, according to the message of the General SVR Telegram channel (https://t.me/generallsvr/207), which publishes insiders from the Kremlin. Moreover, Putin himself was dissatisfied with the way the "deuce" behaves (as Putin's understudies are called by those initiated in the FSO and the president's entourage), the report says. "The President believes that the double behaved too fussy, giving out forms of behavior that are not inherent in the original, but Putin was persuaded to skip the material for publication, explaining that, on the contrary, it turned out to be even "soulful" and "more humane" than expected. Insiders reported that Putin's double was guarded in the same way as the original: the understudy was wearing a concealed body armor, all security measures were observed. "As you can see from the photos and videos from the test site, the main double (there are two in total) is almost identical to the original, but has several undeniable advantages. So, the double does not have cancer, Parkinson's disease and does not suffer from schizoaffective disorder and, apparently, after Putin's death, it can be used for some time," the source added.