CDC hide the V-safe data from people for almost 2 years Have you ever wondered why the CDC never revealed any of the V-safe data to the American public? If the vaccines are as safe as they claimed, why has the CDC kept this safety information a secret? Why not reveal it and eliminate vaccine hesitancy? The short answer is because the data is devastating. That's why they hid it. Fortunately for us, we have Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri. Del Bigtree is an American hero and host of The Highwire. Among other things, Del funds the efforts of intrepid lawyer Aaron Siri. Siri is like a dog on a bone on projects to unearth the truth. He will not be stopped. He's a hero ( Watch this video clip from Fox News which highlights that it took two lawsuits and 463 days after the first request before the CDC was forced to release the V-Safe data which showed that 7.7% had to seek medical care after vaccination. 25% missed work, school, or had bad reactions to the vaccine. After this critical safety data was legally requested, the CDC spent 463 days stonewalling attorney Aaron Siri in his efforts to obtain the data and make it public. Those are unacceptably high numbers and the CDC knew that. That is precisely why they stonewalled attorney Aaron Siri for so long to keep the data under wraps. They were hoping to win and not produce the data at all.