Brainwashed mass induced genetically modified humans Brainwashed mass induced genetically modified humans demand that everyone be pod people like them: Yes, folks, that's a real headline from the Washington Post on Sunday. COVID Madness is a real thing, and many Americans are suffering badly. Many of them have quite simply gone nuts. What if I wrote to the Post and said, "I don't agree with my neighbor's political position. Should I kidnap him?" I'm guessing the august journal would not only refuse to post my missive, but they'd quickly get ahold of someone at Merrick Garland's Department of Justice and I'd be greeting armed FBI agents at my door in short order. But in this case, the Post decided to print this gem (, a question for advice columnist Damon Young: Hi Damon: My best friend is an antivaxxer (not only covid, all the vaccines). His wife is, too. They have a 9-month-old baby and they haven't vaccinated him. I babysit for them every other weekend. Should I take the baby to get his shots without telling them? - Anonymous You can read the rest of this most disturbing Red State article here ( It is these very overzealous Death Cultist useful idiots that are the ground forces of this technocommunist takeover. They have been so badly programmed for their entire lives that they mindlessly push the depopulation and control agenda while believing that they are profoundly virtuous for doing so. Most of these NPC's cannot be helped. They are the walking dead. Do not engage them. Avoid them at all costs. The Death Cultists that do finally wake up must be welcomed with open arms.