The decisive historical stage of the defeat of the Russian Horde is coming Source: ( Putin's Russian Horde is on the brink of collapse. The dictator is losing control of the situation. The fronts in Ukraine are bursting at the seams. The northeast of Ukraine is already lost to Putin. In eastern Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are ready for a full-scale offensive, for which Putin's army has no reserves to deter. In southern Ukraine, Putin's troops found themselves in a difficult situation on the Dnieper bridgehead. The chances of escaping from the Kherson ring are becoming less and less. The fall of Kherson could be for Putin what Stalingrad was for Hitler. The defeat of Putin's hordes in eastern Ukraine will lead to the final collapse of the front and an uncontrolled outflow of deserters into the deep territories of Russia, where they will immediately turn into large armed gangs that terrorize the local population and actually carry out the occupation of territories (this time Russians) in the same genocide regime, in in which Putin's war criminals tried to control Ukrainian (and earlier Chechen) lands. At the same time, Putin's mediocre and servile officials, exercising or, more precisely, imitating power on the ground, at the first sign of a threat, will immediately withdraw from exercising power and prefer to deal with issues of survival and saving personal savings, letting the situation take its course. The reserves of the Putin regime have been exhausted to the limit, and the conscription of serving criminals, coupled with the hunt for conscripts, previously launched by the Russians in the occupied territory of Donbass, and now expanded into the territory of Russia itself, shows that the failure of Putin's military adventure is not far off. It is also quite obvious that the exhaustion and failure of Putin's army in Ukraine opens up a historic window of opportunity for the peoples of Russia captured by the Russian occupiers to free the Muscovites from the terrorist regime. To all appearances, the first steps are already being taken to organize a movement to liberate the peoples of Russia from the bandit imperialist power of the Moscow oppressors and their local puppets. So far, the control centers of the liberation movements operate mainly in exile, which is quite understandable, given the extremely harsh totalitarian regime of government established by the Russians in the colonies. However, it is now, after the weakening and inevitable loss of Russia in the war, that there is an opportunity (and, therefore, a need) to transfer the main work of the liberation movements of the peoples of Russia to their national territories. The peoples of the Caucasus and the Volga region will most likely be the first to raise the banner of freedom. At the same time, if in the Volga republics it is possible to combine both illegal and legal methods of struggle (since there are deputy groups in national parliaments that are ready, albeit with reservations and implicitly, to support liberation movements), then in the Caucasus, under the direct military rule of Putin's puppets (primarily Kadyrov's gangs) and the presence of the occupying troops, most likely an armed uprising (which has every chance of success in the event of Russia's defeat in Ukraine). In this regard, the ideas of uniting congresses of the liberation movements of the peoples under Russian occupation look quite logical. Of course, they will have to be held abroad, since there are no conditions for holding such congresses inside Russia itself. United efforts in the fight against the Russian empire (including the use of active political measures of civil resistance, including strikes, strikes, mass rallies, civil demonstrations) must be supported by tactical steps to seize power in the regions and organize government bodies in the context of the collapse and disorganization of the Russian occupation administration. The joint headquarters of the liberation movements with the military department could immediately begin work. Activists of the liberation movements of the peoples of the Caucasus and the Volga region can hold such a congress on the territory of a friendly state in the near future in order to light the torch of freedom on the ruins of the Russian world that has disappeared into the historical underworld.