Largest hospital involved in conspiracy of silence about vaccines The administrators for the largest for-profit hospital system in the US recently REMOVED a popular medical report provided by their own physicians. The medical report detailed the rapid progression of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in a 64-year-old patient ( That patient's name was Cheryl Cohen. She suffered from a severe case of CJD (a neurodegenerative brain disorder) shortly after taking the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine. She was treated by multiple physicians, who reported her case to the Scholarly Commons page of HCA Healthcare. HCA Healthcare operates 186 hospitals and oversees approximately 2,000 healthcare sites, including urgent care centers, emergency rooms, surgery centers and physician clinics. Their Scholarly Commons page highlights academic work by HCA physicians to better understand rare diseases and common issues that physicians treat. HCA calls the page "a collaborative, open access resource developed to discover and showcase our contributions to medical knowledge." Mrs. Cohen's medical report became popular on the HCA page and was the most downloaded report on the site after it was published in late March 2022. The medical report became popular because the physicians who treated her believed the disease was related to her recent covid-19 vaccination. The physicians with HCA Florida Aventura Hospital were interested in the vaccine connection, but allegedly could not provide enough detailed proof that the vaccine was the definite cause. The report, led by Dr. Andrea Folds, was titled, "Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease After Receiving the Second Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine." The Florida physicians were concerned about this case because it was unlike any others. The illness progressed abnormally fast. When Mrs. Cohen was screened, she had abnormally high levels of T-tau protein, foretelling rapid neurodegeneration. The physicians are currently preparing a long case report for peer review. Instead of taking this matter seriously, HCA administrators scrubbed the report in June of 2022. Now the link to the medical report returns an error message. Meghan Stanford, an HCA spokesperson commented on the removal of the medical report. She said HCA administrators were concerned about the report's popularity. "When we noticed an abnormally high number of downloads, we temporarily removed it to ensure there was not a technological issue with the website," Stanford wrote. "We have confirmed there are no technology concerns and therefore plan to repost the poster back on the website soon." The now-censored medical report detailed Mrs. Cohen's symptoms, which began with panic attacks on May 5, 2021. The symptoms began just two weeks after she took a second Pfizer jab. In less than thirty days, the woman's sudden panic attacks turned into a full-blown degenerative brain disorder called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. She was suddenly unable to care for herself and was hospitalized as a result. On July 22, she passed away, just 11 weeks since her symptoms first began. CJD is a prion disease that takes place when proteins in the brain misfold and become useless. CJD affects one out of a million people every year. While it is possible that Mrs. Cohen would have experienced the disease regardless of covid vaccination, there remains an important mechanism to be investigated here, especially since covid vaccines interfere with protein synthesis and introduce a foreign, inflammatory toxin through an abnormal route of exposure. There is now evidence that the mRNA doesn't readily degrade, as doctors were originally told. The spike protein synthesis can persist longer than originally expected, causing an accumulation of spike proteins in the blood and in distant organs. There is the possibility that mRNA vaccination can cause protein misfolding, and lewy body formation, leading to prion development in the brain. This is explained in greater detail in Dr. Bart Classen's paper, COVID-19 ( RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Dr. Jessica Rose also discusses the lethality of this disease in greater detail and the new cases of CJD ( being reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh also discuss CJD as a possible ( unintended consequence of covid-19 mRNA vaccination. For the latest information on CJD and covid-19 vaccines, check out ongoing reports and scientific studies compiled here.