72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols. Hell is already on Earth Every western government is run by satanists, and they are now openly carrying out public rituals to celebrate Lucifer's (temporary) dominion over Earth. At the British Commonwealth Games opening ceremony this week (involving 72 nations), a horned bull creature representing Baal was rolled out in a hellscape arena, complete with depictions of burning lava fire pits, while dozens of satanic worshipers bowed to the demon creature as part of the public ritual. This was publicly broadcast in broad daylight, indicating that the satanists are no longer trying to hide their rituals in dark forests and secret dungeonsÂ… they're now invoking Satan right out in the open, for an international audience. The following screen grabs are from a video posted by Amazing World Ministries which has superimposed scripture indications that are relevant to the events. (See 2 Kings, and Revelation chapters 13 and 14 to read up on what you're seeing.) In this first frame, the hellscape lava fire pits burn in a rind around the arena as Satanists clad in ritualistic clothing bow down before Baal, the horned demon creature, raging with fire and breath: https://bit.ly/3zXbDjA Here, we see how the two groups of humans, one of them representing globalist Satan worshipers, hold their hands in "prayer" before Baal, the demon creature, and worship his presence on the "stage" of Earth: https://bit.ly/3JzihzF Here's another view showing you the immense size of the Baal creature, which is illuminated with fiery red lights and smoke, indicating its origins from Hell: https://bit.ly/3BG0hle According to The Guardian, 72 nations are participating in this demon worship ritual, which was augmented by music from Black Sabbath, a luciferian rock band. You can watch the full video at this link: https://bit.ly/3BFKjHF Here's a partial image from TheGuardian.com, photograph by Neil Hall, which shows the depiction of the two-headed Church beast, animated by small skeleton creatures dressed in darkness and death. This image shows how various renditions of the Church (i.e. the Vatican and the Pope) are actually puppets of the luciferian death cult, literally being "propped up" by the undead: https://bit.ly/3d9FYlO The iconic image from the luciferian ritual opening is shown below, notice the use of fire and smoke to indicate a "world on fire" while Satan's Baal demon creature is now glowing with light, center stage, indicating that Satan rules over Earth and commands the nations of the world into war: https://bit.ly/3P3WwZT The portals have opened, the demons are spilling out, and humanity faces Biblical end times in the ultimate battle between good and evil The entire point of these demonic rituals is to open portals that allow demonic entities to enter the physical Earthly realm and either take possession of humans or literally take physical form themselves. Demonic influence and possession are now on the rise globally, and as Gordon Ramsay clearly demonstrated, demons tend to target influencers and celebrities in order to seize their bodies and use them to promote death and destruction. Rituals are tools of summoning to bring demonic entities into this world. The more people that are involved in the ritual, the more powerful the summoning. That is exactly why these luciferian rituals are being performed by hundreds of participants in public arenas where tens of thousands of people are watching in person. This is a deliberate strategy to increase the power of the summoning, allowing increasingly powerful demonic entities to enter this world through the opened portals. What you are witnessing right now on a global scale is the coordinated, government-funded, ritualistic invocation of supernatural demons that are flooding into this world to wage war against humankind and God. The results of this are easily seen everywhere: - School teachers turned into transgender demons, preying on innocent children, pushing grooming, pedophilia and genital mutilations. - The total corruption of the Church as they embrace homosexuality, transgenderism and child mutilations. - National leaders appearing either brain dead (Biden) or possessed with neurological seizures (Clinton), or self-medicating to avoid the pain of the demonic possession (Pelosi). - 666 symbolism everywhere, from the Google Chrome logo to the CERN supercollider. Even Monster energy drinks - "Unleash the beast!" - depict 666 using Hebrew numerals. - Even the NIH - which funded the SARS-CoV-2 gain-of-function bioweapons development in China - sports a logo that clearly depicts "666." Monster energy drinks: https://bit.ly/3zXqcUg Google Chrome logo: https://bit.ly/3QjVji6 CERN supercollider, searching for the "God particle": https://bit.ly/3zz689o The NIH, tied to bioweapons to exterminate humanity: https://bit.ly/3zBLoOf Congressional bills that seek to enslave humanity are routinely given numbers like HR 060606, and patents related to covid vaccines and Bill Gates are also assigned numbers like 2020-060606. "666" is the dog whistle for satanists. It's a communications technique for one group of satanists to let other satanists know they're on board with the luciferian agenda. This is why you find 666 incorporated into so many institutions of science, government and academia.