COVID-19 was manufactured in a Chinese lab and Moderna patented it New evidence has emerged to support what most thinking, reasonable people concluded some time ago: That COVID-19 did not simply “occur in the wild among bats,” and was instead manufactured in a lab in Wuhan, China. What’s more, new research indicates that one big pharma company, Moderna, maker of one of three U.S.-based ‘vaccines,’ also patented the gene sequence for the SARS-CoV-2 genome, which causes COVID-19. Extensive research published online in recent days by Dr. Ah Kahn Syed documents how Moderna patented the SARS-CoV-2 genome roughly two years before the pandemic began, lending more credence to the ‘theory’ that the virus did not naturally occur in a Chinese wet market selling bats and ‘jump’ to humans. “BLAST is the NCBI/NIH (aka US government) repository for genomic and proteomic sequences, amongst other things. It is where all genome scientists around the world deposit their sequences if they make a discovery,” Syed writes. “Its main function is to allow comparison of gene sequences and discovery of sequences that match one that you might have come across in your experiment. What’s a gene sequence? That’s easy. It’s a line of code, made up of any combination of 4 letters in a sequence,” he wrote. Syed then references the film GATTACA, a sci-fi thriller starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law whose “title is based on the 4 nucleotide bases (G, A, T, C) which make up the genetic code of every human’s DNA” (he recommends watching it because it apparently hits close to home). He writes: There are about 3 billion of them in each cell, making a code that is unique – resulting in you, a unique individual! The code pairs up so that G-C and A-T always combine to make the double-helix that you see in the picture, such that GATTACA would be paired with CTAATGT (the complement). The code is read in a specific direction so GATTACA on one strand would be TGTAATC on the other (the reverse complement). One of the good things about BLAST is that it doesn’t care which version you give it, it will still point you to the correct gene. Syed then goes into a lengthy explanation, including screenshots from BLAST, to show how the SARS-CoV-2 sequence had been previously entered into the system. Afterward, he writes, “What this means is that there is no virus known to man that has this particular sequence in its genome prior to the discovery of SARS-Cov-2. So where on earth has it come from?” Going back to the BLAST system, he maps out several more genome sequences before noting that all of those that come up have been patented by Moderna: ( “Yes, that’s right. Every single one of these patents that contains that 19nt sequence (for which the probability of occurring by random chance is less than 1 in a billion) is from Moderna,” Syed wrote, adding: In order for that sequence to have arisen in that virus, the virus which was manufactured with its HIV inserts, had to have been infected into patented cell lines supplied by Moderna that had that unique sequence not seen in any other virus. In theory nothing is impossible in science, medicine or genomics. A SARS virus emerging naturally with 3 HIV inserts at its binding sites and also containing a furin cleavage site that doesn’t exist in nature but does exist in a Moderna patent… that’s seriously crazy talk. It doesn’t exist. A flying pink elephant would be a million times more likely. Syed’s conclusions match those of a study published in January 2021 concluding “beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived.”