Multiple studies show COVID vaccines don’t protect kids One study ( done in New York state found that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was only 12 percent effective against the B11529 omicron variant. The Feb. 28 pre-print study published in medRxiv examined data from two groups of children in the Empire State from Dec. 13, 2021 to Jan. 30. In the group of children aged five to 11 years old, vaccine effectiveness against omicron dropped from 68 percent to 12 percent during the period. The study also pointed out that the vaccine’s ability to protect against COVID-19 hospitalizations in children aged five to 11 dropped from 100 percent in December to 48 percent in January. A similar observation was found among vaccinated children 12 to 17 years old. From 66 percent in December, vaccine effectiveness against omicron infections fell to 51 percent in January. Protection against hospitalization in the same cohort dropped from 85 percent to 73 percent, the study added. “There is limited evidence on the effectiveness of the [Pfizer] BNT162b2 vaccine for children, particularly those [aged five to 11], and after the omicron variant’s emergence. In the omicron era, the [Pfizer shot’s] effectiveness against [omicron] cases declined rapidly,” wrote the authors of the New York study. Incidentally, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approved the Pfizer vaccine for use in children aged between five and 17 years old. Another study (, this time in England, proved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine offers little to no protection against the omicron strain. According to the March 2 paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine, two doses of the shot only imbued a measly 8.8 percent protection against omicron 25 weeks after vaccination and beyond. A similar result was observed in the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine, with two doses only offering 14.9 percent protection against omicron 25 weeks after injection and beyond. Dr. H. Cody Meissner, a member of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, put in his two cents on the matter. He said the studies’ results taken together suggest that “the benefit roughly equals the risk of harm” for many children injected with the shots. “It’s not even clear that this vaccine will reduce rates of transmission. This vaccine is probably not going to prevent infection,” Meissner told the Epoch Times ( According to the FDA committee member, diminished protection means that its benefits are almost the same as the risks that come with it. These risks include cases of myocarditis and pericarditis observed in some children injected with the Pfizer shot. Myocarditis involves the inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis involves the inflammation of the lining or sac surrounding the heart. “It really should be up to the parents to decide whether they want to immunize their child. I think they need to be informed [and they] need to educate themselves. [The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine] may reduce the risk of death, but the risk of death is so small [that] it’s almost negligible,” added Meisner. Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo went the extra mile on the issue of vaccines for children, releasing guidance that advised against injecting children with the shots. His office’s March 8 guidance ( stated that “based on currently available data, healthy children aged five to 17 may not benefit from receiving the currently available COVID-19 vaccines.” “In general, healthy children with no significant, underlying conditions under 16 years old are at little to no risk of severe illness complications from COVID-19. For adolescents 16 to 17 years old, the risk of myocarditis due to the COVID-19 vaccines may outweigh the benefits.”