Putin is a CIA and the world behind the scenes agent - investigation Why did Russia lose the war in Ukraine? This review contains all the answers. Be sure to check the text of the links provided. It contains full information. Putin's war against Ukraine is a conspiracy behind the scenes for create new world order. Below is detailed information from the Russian patriotic media. They have long denounced Putin as an agent of influence by world behind the scenes. In the late 2000s and early 2010s, information began to appear in many Russian patriotic media that Putin is a CIA agent. A veteran of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Parinov, who served there for over thirty years, stated (https://bit.ly/37AFbI2) in 2012: "Putin has long been recruited by the West and has become the biggest project of the Western intelligence services." He explained that spies of this magnitude are hidden from simple intelligence and there are many other, more professional and more inconspicuous services. The intelligence officer is convinced that Putin is working for the entire West. As for his "resolute struggle against Western influence" and "against the collapse of Russia", this is an illusion and a cover. Parinov said that Putin's anti-Americanism was only a front. Russia's economy is in ruins, there is no industry, the Kremlin points to an "external enemy", so there is no need to fix anything here. After the officer continues: “The Americans invite Russian companies to their place. Russia is investing billions of dollars in the American economy, which the Americans are only happy about. Why are they happy? Because this profit. A policy aimed at preventing the development of the Russian economy at the expense of foreign rather than its own money. The entire power vertical of Putin, his appointees are constantly getting into financial scandals. The turning point of the verbiage of Putin's policy was the assertion that Russia is an energy superpower, and gas is an energy weapon. Strange statements, earlier they were called "raw material appendage". Russia produces the most gas in the world, approximately 640 billion cubic meters. m. Gas and oil produced by companies that are not in the hands of the Kremlin are not allowed into the pipe. Gazprom's revenues are hidden due to the corruption of Putin's friends. According to Gazprom itself, its income from gas sales to Europe amounted to $47 billion (2011). At the same time, Putin did not say anything about the offshore investments of the family of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Shuvalov government. He bought Gazprom shares for $18 million. As a result of the operation, the Sevenkey offshore fund, registered to Shuvalov's wife, made a profit of $100 million! The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation did not find a conflict of interest from investing Shuvalov's funds in offshore securities, just as they did not notice the purchase of (elite) land in Skolkovo. The day after Putin's call not to betray the Motherland, the Federal Antimonopoly Service granted the application of the Cypriot company Transport AMD-2 Limited to acquire 100% of the shares of Krasnodar International Airport OJSC, Sochi International Airport OJSC, Anapa Airport OJSC. In addition, the Cypriot offshore received a 100% stake with voting rights in the authorized capital of Basel Aero LLC. Who does Shuvalov work for in the government and who does the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, headed by prosecutor Chaika, play for? Who are President Medvedev, Prime Minister Putin, Governor Tkachev, oligarch O. Deripaska, Chairman of Sberbank Gref after this deal - these are the hidden enemies of the Russian people, marauding in our country, speaking false speeches and withdrawing state assets. Parinov stated. Eduard Samoilov in 2011 (https://bit.ly/3IiGI21) cited the following facts that Putin is a secret agent of the CIA and the world behind the scenes. He cites statistics according to which the collapse of the Russian defense industry and the army began with the advent of Putin. Here is what Samoilov writes: "The destruction of command and control is achieved primarily through the reform of the General Staff. The system in which General Staff of the Russian, and then the Soviet Army carried out both strategic planning and operational command and control of troops in all directions, that is, it ensured the unity of the entire complex command structure, developed historically on the basis of specific military experience and is the best for Russia. However, as a result of the reform, the General Staff was deprived of the right to resolve key personnel issues and the right to improve the organization of the Armed Forces. Almost all financial and budgetary functions have also been withdrawn, including the right to order and adopt new types of weapons and military equipment. The Chief of the General Staff has been turned into an "adviser" to the Minister of Defense, and the General Staff has become something like a department of the Ministry of Defense. Regular cuts to the already drastically reduced command and control structures and the main staffs of the Armed Forces are purposefully washed out of the army by qualified staff personnel who are capable of playing a decisive role during the period of restoration of the Armed Forces. During the period of Putin's reforms and two wars, more than 80 generals served in various positions, more than 20 of them received the title of Hero of Russia. Almost all of them, under various pretexts, were moved away from the army in one way or another. At the same time, rootless national minority, who have nothing to do with military service, are making their military careers at an exorbitant pace. For 10 years since the collapse of the USSR, the size of the army has decreased from 3.9 million to 1.2 million people. Defense Minister Ivanov recently announced that 35,000 more officers would be fired from the Armed Forces within five years. Meanwhile, the territory of Russia and the geopolitical situation are such that the size of the army for the next 10-15 years, even according to minimal estimates, cannot be less than 1.5 million people. As for the quality of training, up to 50% of junior officers in the army are "two-year students", that is, called up from the reserve. In the "elite" Taman and Kantemirovskaya divisions, they occupy up to 40% of the positions of lieutenants and captains. Russian President Putin hates, despises and fears the Russian people and Russia just like any other liberal, like all his colleagues in the reform camp. He only hides it more skillfully, as well as acts much more sophisticated than all his associates put together, because as a politician he surpasses all his fellow liberals by not one or two heads. Putin is especially dangerous for Russia due to the fact that he is not just a liberal. This is a liberal with the training of a KGB officer. And with the training of a professional intelligence officer. This is exactly how Putin behaves: as an intelligence agent who has infiltrated a hostile state (https://bit.ly/3MRAuts), who has managed to climb to the very top of the pyramid of power, and from this most advantageous position acts in the way that an intelligence agent is supposed to act against an enemy who has turned out to be in his power, in the truest sense of the word. This agent, in full accordance with the rules of conducting sabotage and reconnaissance activities, built an ideological cover for himself, namely, he disguised himself as a Russian, even a statesman” and a patriot. True, this image did not work for long: already three or four years ago, the media began to conclude that, in fact, Putin is a consistent successor to the policy of the economist Gaidar, and those traits and features of Putin’s behavior style that are designed to create the impression of him as a statesman, this is nothing more than a decoration. Putin was recruited by the CIA (during his service as a KGB officer in West Germany, or later), it is possible that the impetuousness of his later career is due to the fact that at the right time he was activated by his masters from Langley. They telling to Yeltsin "carefully and clearly" who should be paid attention to, was no longer difficult for the Americans at that time. If everything was exactly like this, then it must be admitted that Langley is staffed by high-class professionals who have managed to accurately calculate and implement a complex multi-way combination with goals and objectives that seem fantastic at first glance, namely: to implement their agent to the post of President of Russia, so that through him it is guaranteed eliminate Russia as the most dangerous geopolitical rival of the United States. And take full control of Russia's raw materials and resources.