The real Putin is long dead, Russia is ruled by the unknown gang I wrote a long time ago that Putin has many doubles ( The Russians even gave them names depending on their roles. For example, "banquet clone", "clone udmurt" and so on. New information that Putin may have died appeared on March 5, 2022. In a strange video ( from a meeting with flight attendants, the alleged Russian president passes his hand via a microphone. In other words, the meeting is completely was creating on a computer with using special software ( Also in this video, the reflection in the teapot located near Putin is alarming. If you download the HD version of the video clip, you will see white walls, ventilation, a table and a man with a camera there. That is, it is absolutely obvious that we are dealing with a theatrical production. In this regard, a question arises. Strictly speaking, where is the real President Putin? Is he alive? As early as September 1, 2020, Valery Nikolaevich Parfyonov sent a statement to the Director of the FSB of Russia Bortnikov and the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Krasnov "about initiating a criminal case on the grounds of Article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against an unknown circle of persons who killed President Putin and seized presidential power in Russia with the help of disguised people playing the role of president artists" with the following content ( “There are unconditional grounds for asserting that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who was born in Leningrad and is elected by the people to the post of President of Russia, was killed at an unspecified time, and the power of the President of the Russian Federation was seized by an unidentified group of people who put up artists dressed up as Putin instead of the President of the Russian Federation. This has been going on for many years, the proof of this is millions of pieces of information only in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet. If you or your employees type the neutral word "twins" in the Rambler search engine, then the first clues will be "Putin's twins" (26 thousand pages), "Putin's twins photo comparison" (12 million results), "Putin's twins rule Russia video evidence" (28 million results). This situation can have only one explanation - Putin has been killed and the power of the President of the Russian Federation has been seized by criminals, and Russian law enforcement agencies are not taking any measures to restore constitutional order. In a publication dated June 8, 2021 ( "Putin: Double or Clone?" The following arguments are given for Putin's death: 1. The absolute external dissimilarity of the double ( with the Putin who was elected in 2000 and 2004; 2. The double completely forgot the German language and used the services of an interpreter for private communication with Merkel; 3. The double often forgets what he said earlier and what, according to eyewitnesses, that he sometimes does not recognize his former friends and acquaintances; 4. Divorce of a double with a "wife", who most likely did not want to appear in public anymore with a stranger and portray the first lady; 5. The double sometimes "float (efflux)" face in public (; 6. Close-up photos of the real Putin ( are systematically disappearing ( Thus, we can conclude that Russia is ruled by a secret military junta, participating in some more complex and insidious game.