The final plan of the globalists to seize the Earth is revealed The Great Reset Plan, announced by the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, provides for a radical restructuring of the world socio-economic order. Schwab calls this the transition from old capitalism to new, inclusive capitalism and the liberation of humanity from private property. Globalists propose to abolish personal property, that is, property intended to satisfy the first necessities of life - housing, household plots, clothing, household utensils, and so on. Ida Auken, a member of the so-called Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization under the WEF, jubilantly proclaims: Welcome to 2030. Welcome to my city, more precisely, our city. I have nothing. I have no car, no home, no equipment and no clothes. Schwab is more careful with his expressions. In his book COVID-19: The Great Reset (2020), he says that people should let go of the desire to be possessive as soon as possible. In inclusive capitalism, one must become a user. However, there is no right to use without ownership. Someone must be the owner, the ultimate manager of property and assets. Schwab obscures this issue, but from what he has stated it is clear that the ultimate owner is the global elite. A handful of people (golden million) have already taken possession of most of the objects of economic and social infrastructure on a global scale. She took possession of the objects of the so-called intellectual property, took over most of the bowels of the Earth. The Golden Million would like to privatize the entire Universe. Today we see that the group of the super-rich is striving to appropriate that part of nature, which until now has almost not given any profit, that is, reliably privatize it and involve it in market relations. Then the power of the global elite over the world will be indestructible. An article appeared in Natural News on December 29, 2021 ( Globalist corporations begin seizing farmland in America under eminent domain, to halt food production in the name of fighting climate change. The article says that companies providing ecosystem services should appear in the world soon. Ecosystems are natural factories that absorb carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, recycle dirty wastewater, and release oxygen and clean drinking water. Plus, biodiversity, genetic codes of millions of species of living species (fauna) and plants (flora) are preserved. And these genetic codes may be needed to solve complex problems in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering. Proponents of developing a market for ecosystem services say that the first condition for creating such a market is the establishment of clear ownership of natural objects (ecosystems). No-man's property or property in the hands of irresponsible actors creates risks of destruction of ecosystems. The ownership of natural resources of an ecosystem nature should be in the hands of very responsible economic entities. Their compliance with the strictest regulations must be confirmed by the stock exchange. Business entities of the new type have already received the name Natural Asset Companies, NAC. They must become commercial entities and profit from the sale of ecosystem goods and services. Such as absorption of greenhouse gases, oxygen, clean water. As for the gene pool located in the privatized ecosystem, biotechnological and other companies can use it by acquiring a license for the corresponding intellectual property. Only they can be the owners of genetic and other information related to flora and fauna of wildlife. All the rest are users, and on a paid basis. This is all part of the plan for the Great Reset. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has already launched a page dedicated to natural asset companies ( It also states that the commercial potential of natural assets is $125 trillion per year in the form of global ecosystem goods and services such as carbon sequestration, biodiversity and clean water. To understand how high the stakes of the authors of the project for creating markets for global ecosystem services are, I note that the total sales of crude oil and natural gas in the world at the end of 2020 amounted to only 4.68 trillions dollars. The above-mentioned structure of the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG) entered into an agreement in September 2021 with the New York Stock Exchange in the creation of a CAP and bringing them to the stock market. NYSE acquired a minority stake in IEG. The latter group, or partnership, of which the Inter-American Development Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation and Aberdare Ventures are members. IEG was founded in 2017 by entrepreneur and environmentalist Douglas R. Eger. He, as CEO of IEG, commented on the September agreement. Together, the IEG and NYSE will enable investors to gain access to natural resources and transform our industrial economy into a fairer one. The IEG has already developed methodologies for measuring the environmental performance of KPA and converting them into value. These include sales of ecosystem services and natural capital. These indicators will complement the traditional indicators of company performance. The New York Stock Exchange in the fourth quarter of 2021 prepared listing standards and accounting information for the CPS and submitted them to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is expected to approve the submitted documents in early 2022 and the first shares will be listed on the exchange in 2022. As can be understood from the IEG and NYSE documents (, the creation of an IEG begins with the acquisition of land with the potential to generate ecosystem services: A VCA is sustainable enterprises with rights to ecosystem services produced by natural, working or hybrid land. Natural lands are understood as lands not touched by economic or other human activities. Workers are lands that are currently actively used. This is mainly agricultural land. They can be converted from agricultural production to the provision of ecosystem services. Hybrid - lands on which there are plots of the first and second types. A number of billionaires have already joined in the purchase of land, starting to accumulate natural capital, to convert their virtual (financial) assets into physical assets, land. In the United States, Bill Gates, the largest owner of agricultural land in America, is most often named as the main land buyer ( In total, Gates has about 242 thousand acres throughout the United States. This is almost 100 thousand giktars. However, Gates is not the largest landowner in the United States. The first place among billionaires who specialize in buying up natural land belongs to media mogul John C. Malone (2.2 million acres of ranches and forests). In second place is CNN founder Ted Turner (2.0 million acres of predominantly wilderness). Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is rapidly increasing investment in land. Americans are very worried about buying up land by mad billionaires. Especially that these new feudal lords of America can begin to repurpose the use of acquired land. Globalist corporations are beginning to seize agricultural land in America to stop food production in the name of fighting climate change. And thus create an artificial shortage of food.