The doctor who discovered omicron was tried to intimidate!!! The tentacles of big pharma lobbyists and architects of the "new world order" are now working very rudely (, they not even a shame for them. On the line is Angelique Coetzee, chairman of the South African Medical Association, who was one of the first (last November) to discover the Omicron strain in Pretoria and pointed out the differences in its symptoms: “I was pressured to describe the strain as more dangerous than it is in the reality. I was told not to say publicly that it was a relatively mild illness and to keep talking about its severity. I refused. I am a clinical physician and the clinical picture was such that there was no indication that we were dealing with a very serious disease. Its passage was for the most part easy - this does not mean, of course, that you cannot get sick, and there are no symptoms at all. The definition of "easily passing COVID-19" is given by the WHO itself - these are patients who can be treated at home, who do not require oxygen and hospitalization. Serious illness is where we see acute lung infections - people often need oxygen, or even artificial respiration. This is something we've seen with the delta, but not with the omicron. Therefore, I answered the people who put pressure on me - I cannot say what you demand, because we see a completely different picture. I would like to emphasize that the source of pressure on me was not in South Africa, but in Europe. My messages threw them off the beaten track. How can it be that the disease has an easy passage in South Africa, but in Europe it has become very dangerous? It's just what your politicians wanted to hear."