Has the smallpox epidemic promised by Bill Gates begun? On the Hal Turner radio show (https://bit.ly/3LoDrAP) he revealed from official intelligence contacts, that several people have come down with full blown smallpox disease. Photos of 4 different people in Yemen have come down with smallpox was shared with Hal Turner, and all of these were from different locations in Yemen, and not from the same town. The fatality rate of those getting smallpox without a smallpox vaccine is 62%. With the vaccine it is over 20% fatality rate, according Hal Turner. There are supposedly only two locations in the world where the smallpox disease is kept in lock down labs - at the CDC labs in the US and one location in Russia. The last known case of smallpox was in Britain in 1978. The theory is, that once there were no more carriers of the disease it would die out. The question is, did the globalists acquire smallpox and release it to the public for a depopulation agenda? It just so happens the people in Yemen have been fighting against the puppet government of Saudi Arabia, which is controlled by the globalists. As a side note, Bill Gates recently said 4 november 2021 (https://yhoo.it/3rCQuHe) that there was going to be a smallpox outbreak. I found confirmation of the smallpox outbreak in Yemeni local media, among other news (https://bit.ly/3GI4SCh). Alsahwa Yemen write: "Smallpox is spreading in Sana'a/Aden Aghad". On November 18, 2021 (https://bit.ly/33bKMmh) the news was published: "‘Smallpox' Vials Found at Merck Lab in Suburban Philadelphia Facility". It is also known that in 2004, Dr. Fauci conducted experiments on infecting monkeys with smallpox in the United States (https://bit.ly/3uEoVz6).