The danger of Russian vaccines to life has been proven In an interview with the "Govorit Moskva" radio station, Anatoly Altshtein, a virologist at the Gamaleya Center, said ( that after testing the EpiVacCorona vaccine, false conclusions were published, and the ineffectiveness of this vaccine was proved many times by third parties specialists. The scientist called the drug life-threatening in a pandemic. EpiVacCorona is a completely false vaccine. There have been battles throughout the past year. This vaccine is unacceptable! Nevertheless, for some reason, her registration was extended. It's not an expiration date. This gives them the right to continue giving this vaccine this year instead of banning it entirely. Billions of rubles have been spent on all this - this is their business. But the fact that she was re-registered again, she will go again, people who remain unvaccinated will be vaccinated for her, is millions of rubles. Behind every million there are thousands of people who will die. No vaccine effect. From the fact that they wanted to be vaccinated, if they vaccinated with EpiVacCorona, they remain unvaccinated. When we talk about millions, it roughly means a thousand dead,” Altstein said. The former head of Yekaterinburg and a leading Russian opposition figure, Yevgeny Roizman, has been hospitalized with a coronavirus infection ( The ex-mayor has a high fever, severe cough and murmurs in the lungs. In June 2021, Roizman was vaccinated with another Russian vaccine, KoviVac. In the past few weeks, in the Sverdlovsk region, there has been a sharp increase in the incidence of coronavirus associated with a new strain of omicron. According to official data, more than 3,000 new cases of covid are registered in the region every day.