Globalists are preparing to bring out a new race of superhumans Source: ( Humanity as it currently exists in its broken, sinful state must be "upgraded" - not through faith in Jesus Christ, according to the globalists, but rather via a transhumanist fusion between mankind and computers. The next phase of the globalist transition involves convincing the masses to embrace an ethos of "body tuning" whereby implantable microchips are inserted into the skin to "advance" the human experience. Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck from the University Hospital Bonn in Germany told Welt in a recent interview that "human upgrade" technology can make human bodies more resilient. Everything from chemical "upgrades" via pharmaceutical medications to technological implants that eliminate the need for cash to DNA "tuning" at the moment of conception to create "perfect" genetic lines is being rolled out at virtually warp speed. "There are no limits to the imagination," Streeck explained about what is coming down the pike. "Anything goes." "We can use this to change all sorts of things in unborn people. For example, we could create children who are immune to certain diseases or more resistant to colds. And there is also a lot of research in other areas, i.e., technology and pharmacy." The days of simply drugging children with drugs like Ritalin to control and subdue their uniqueness are over. The latest brands of human modification involve tampering with human genetics and restructuring the human being entirely. World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda contributor Kathleen Phillips wrote in a blog post that all of the media's superhero programming over the years was meant to prepare the general public to accept these coming "upgrades" as the next phase of human "evolution" - which is really just devolution in disguise. "Superheroes have been dominating big and small screens for a while, but there's a subtle change happening," Phillips explained. "Many children expect to develop superpowers themselves. These expectations may sound unattainable, but we're already making the first strides towards an 'augmented society.' Augmented tech can change the way we live, but only with the right support and vision." Fellow WEF agenda contributor Xiao Liu wrote in June 2020 at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic that we are now "entering the era of the 'Internet of Bodies:' collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn." Apple is said to already be beginning the clinical trial testing phase of a new implant chip that will allow users to control their iPhones and other Apple devices simply by thinking about what they want to do. Musk, as previously mentioned, is doing the same thing with Neuralink. Yuval Noah Harari is a prominent WEF adviser and transhumanism thought leader who admittedly hates humanity as it currently exists, made in the image of God. What Harari wants to see is that image erased and replaced with the image of globalism and its god. Harari says he dreams about the day when there will exist an "anti-virus program for the mind" that drives out "negative" thoughts and other things the globalists want to see removed from the human psyche, i.e., imagination, free will, and the cognitive ability to resist globalist programming. In the future, Harari says, "bioengineers will take the old Sapiens body, and intentionally rewrite its genetic code, rewire its brain circuits, alter its biochemical balance, and even grow entirely new limbs. They will thereby create new godlings, who might be as different from us Sapiens as we are different from Homo erectus."