If We Stop 5G We'll Stop Transhumanism - 5G Radiation Poisoning Source: (https://bit.ly/3VPjtUf) On December 13, Michael Mansfield QC will lead a case at the Royal Courts of Justice in London against the Government concerning the negative health effects of 5G and other non-ionising (or radio-frequency) radiation. Permission to present this case was granted at the Court of Appeal earlier this year because of Government 'failure to give adequate information to the public about the risks of 5G and to explain the absence of a process for investigation of any adverse health effects'. The committee which is tasked to ensure that our health is protected from radio-frequency radiation (RFR), also known as electromagnetic fields (EMFs), is the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE). I was staggered when they told me two years ago: 'COMARE has not previously reported on possible health effects from EMFs and at present there are no requests from government departments for the committee to provide advice on this issue.' Furthermore, their July 2019 minutes reveal that 'COMARE has not been asked to look at 5G concerns and therefore does not have a 5G strategy'. This year COMARE confirmed to me that the position remains the same. To be clear, this means that the Government is going full steam ahead with 5G without even trying to find out if this is safe. It prefers to rely on the safety exposure guidelines of a self-selected group, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), whose conflicts of interest have been exposed by two MEPs in a 90-page document. Despite thousands of studies confirming likely harm from EMFs in the microwave range over the last 25 years, ICNIRP's guidelines have remained almost the same since the late 1990s. When the vast majority of people do not give their health a second thought as they interact with their smart technology, and when Government has told us that EMFs are safe, why did I become worried about this? The answer is firstly through my own personal experience of living near a phone mast, along with some anecdotal evidence, and secondly because of the amount of research now available and the campaigns of many scientists for new guidelines.