NZ Prime Minister Partners with Bill Gates to Rollout Digital IDs The country's Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) government program that during the pandemic operated by keeping records manually is now switching to JNCTN-produced software tools that will serve as digital ID verification for the MIQ staff ( What this means is that the MIQ program is going to be expanded across the entire nation, and New Zealand's entire citizenry will be eligible for isolation and quarantine. The importance of the move to a digital ID wallet is particularly pronounced since MIQ was one of the key components in New Zealand's rigid and often radical manner of dealing with Covid. In other words, the tyranny is about to get much worse, making the "pandemic" setup feel like a minor inconvenience compared to the upcoming "emergency" announcement. The government agency behind MIQ, the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), was in charge of making sure that MIQ border workers compiled at all times, and now, once again, "convenience" is being mentioned as a key reason to switch to digital IDs - reportedly, those workers had to go through a "manual" routine of proving their ID and health status, which is said to have been "repetitive and time consuming." Enter the digital wallet. It depends on Microsoft's Azure cloud service and is provided by JNCTN, which says it is a leading SaaS platform allowing for real-time credential issuance and management. As this substack has exposed innumerable times, central banks closely coordinating with the usual suspects in the WEF, UN, CFR, BlackRock, Gates, et al., the various "penetrated" governments, their criminal agencies and BigPharma escalated their Great Reset by inducing mass fear and mass compliance normalization off of their PSYOP-19 "pandemic" scheme. And what better agency than Business Innovation and Employment to consolidate DEATHVAX passports, unconstitutional isolation and quarantine records that they ran via their offshoot MIQ coverup agency, and their forthcoming UBI CBDC system which was always preplanned to be consolidated in Bill Gates's digital id social credit score Azure cloud service?