4 years boy the face of Argentina's covid jab rollout DIES suddenly Source: (https://bit.ly/3gvIdSM) Another child has died after getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And this one was the poster boy for Argentina's mass covid injection campaign. Santino Godoy Blanco was just four years old at the time of his sudden death. Argentinians would immediately recognize him from their country's covid jab propaganda machine, which featured his image as a type of covid jab superhero. Hailing from the town of San Miguel, young Santino reportedly developed a high fever that lasted for about a week, despite him being given ibuprofen. Santino's mother Agustina became worried and took the boy to see Dr. Raul F. Larcade at the local municipal hospital. Santino was declared to simply have a viral fever before being sent back home to rest and heal. Unfortunately for the boy, his fever persisted and he then began to experience bouts of vomiting, for which his mother gave him Reliveran (metoclopramide). When Santino's condition worsened despite all these interventions, Agustina took him back to the hospital where he ended up passing away due to the severity of his symptoms. As always, covid injections were never mentioned as even a possible cause of Santino's death. Despite the fact that he was the face of Argentina's covid jab propaganda program. Many people have figured it out, though. Tweets all over Twitter, now that users are actually allowed to post such things, call out Santino's death as an obvious covid jab murder. Another child has died after getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And this one was the poster boy for Argentina's mass covid injection campaign. Santino Godoy Blanco was just four years old at the time of his sudden death. Argentinians would immediately recognize him from their country's covid jab propaganda machine, which featured his image as a type of covid jab superhero. Hailing from the town of San Miguel, young Santino reportedly developed a high fever that lasted for about a week, despite him being given ibuprofen. Santino's mother Agustina became worried and took the boy to see Dr. Raul F. Larcade at the local municipal hospital. Santino was declared to simply have a viral fever before being sent back home to rest and heal. Unfortunately for the boy, his fever persisted and he then began to experience bouts of vomiting, for which his mother gave him Reliveran (metoclopramide). When Santino's condition worsened despite all these interventions, Agustina took him back to the hospital where he ended up passing away due to the severity of his symptoms. Establishment media working overtime to normalize neurological disease and death in fully jabbed children and young people As always, covid injections were never mentioned as even a possible cause of Santino's death. Despite the fact that he was the face of Argentina's covid jab propaganda program. Many people have figured it out, though. Tweets all over Twitter, now that users are actually allowed to post such things, call out Santino's death as an obvious covid jab murder. Brighteon.TV "These parents have made this [vaccine] a religion and they are all willing to sacrifice their healthy children to pharma gods," one of them wrote. "Shameful and disgusting." Sadly, Santino's not-so-mysterious death is more common than the establishment would ever admit. Children and young people in particular seem to be reacting especially badly to the shots, which are giving them heart damage and causing them to drop dead. In-shape athletes and soldiers, young doctors and other professionals, and students are reportedly passing in the night under "inexplicable" circumstances. And this phenomenon only began after the launch of Operation Warp Speed in late 2020. There are also a growing number of cases involving what they are now calling "childhood dementia," which did not exist prior to the launch of Fauci Flu shots as the "cure" for the Chinese Virus. Researchers everywhere are beginning to see that the corporate-controlled media is complicit in trying to normalize these previously unheard-of diseases in children, using what Newspunch's Baxter Dmitry describes as an "intentional predictive programming strategy designed to normalize surging neurological disorders." At this point, it is clear that covid jabs are, in fact, a depopulation tool. They are a chemical and biological weapons scam disguised as "vaccines" - at least to those with eyes to see the truth. "These people that are taking power by election fraud are not the ultimate evil; they are part of the deception," wrote one commenter about the situation. "The real evil is coming next in the form of a false savior." "The likes of Klaus Schwab and gang will mess things up for us, such as with these jabs, but beware: there will be a figure who will come on the scene later to 'save' us from this communist movement. This will be the antichrist and he will destroy the likes of Klaus and friends to seemingly bring on world peace and tranquility." "This will be short lived, though, when the price of such a feat is made known. You will have to bow to this figure, and if you don't bow, you will be eliminated because you will be accused of being in sympathy with the old regime." "It is quite the deception in the future. You need to ask God for eyes to see and ears to hear, and divine guidance through this mess. You will not be able to navigate this on your own. Never bow to a world savior, and never accept his mark."