Military dictatorship of Covid-19. Mass evidence Signs of the involvement of security forces to vaccinate the civilian population emerged in the last months of 2021. A number of examples of this kind are given by Amy Mek in the article "Militarization of Health Care: Generals Take Control of Covid Task Forces Internationally" ( The author recalls the statements of Bill Gates related to 2015. Then in a reputable medical journal "The New England Journal of Medicine" Gates published an article ( "The Next Epidemic - Lessons from Ebola", where he reacted very approvingly to the fact that the armed forces of the United States and Great Britain participated in this struggle, solving transport problems. Gates noted in 2015 that humanity will soon be covered by epidemics even worse than Ebola. An intense struggle awaits them, which can be compared to a world war. The military should also prepare for such a war. NATO should be oriented towards such a war. In April 2015, at the Ted Talk conference (, Gates gave a talk "The next outbreak? We’re not ready", where he expressed his ideas on using the military to fight pandemics. Today we see that the military is indeed participating in this new war. Moreover, their role is no longer auxiliary. In a number of countries, they are highlighted. Especially Amy Mek draws the attention of readers to the event that took place in Austria on December 17, 2021. The government of this country announced the creation of a new structure of the GECKO - the Committee for the Coordination of the fight against the national covid crisis. Two co-heads of the GECKO were appointed - Katharina Reich, Director General of Public Health Services, and Rudolf Striedinger, a military major with the rank of Major General. The strength of the Austrian armed forces is 53 thousand (of which 27 thousand are the people's militia), and General Striedinger successfully carried out a covid vaccination of this contingent. In addition, at the beginning of 2021, he managed to achieve a complete ban on any criticism of vaccinations from the military. Now the experience gained by the general is required in order to complete the complete vaccination program for the Austrian population! DW provided some details of the situation in Germany on November 29 2021 ( Major General Carsten Breuer heads the German Bundeswehr Territorial Operations Command, which is responsible for the interaction between the military and the civilian population. At the end of November 2021, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz assigned this general to lead the Corona Crisis Group to fight the pandemic. The DW publication notes that the Bundeswehr crisis team is currently receiving dozens of new calls for help from local authorities every day. Municipal officials usually ask soldiers to support vaccination centers and health authorities. The number of approved applications from federal states and municipalities has already exceeded 7,700 and is expected to only grow. In the fight against covid, the role of the military is very visible in Portugal ( Rear Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo is a key figure there. By the end of September 2021, 85% of the population had a full vaccination in the country. The main credit goes to the Rear Admiral, who was tasked with running the vaccination campaign in February. The admiral showed remarkable abilities in completing the assignment. True, today in Portugal the epidemiological situation is not much better than in a number of other European countries. In Australia, the military was also involved in vaccinations in 2021. From the very beginning, they relied on coercion. On November 23 2021, ZEROHEDGE published an article ( "Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps". The article describes an eerie story that took place in November. In the communities of Binjari and Rockhole, near the Australian city of Darwin, a whistleblower reportedly had covid infections. At night, soldiers raided the houses of residents, followed by doctors. This became the basis for transferring 38 people. They were loaded onto military trucks and urgently transported for isolation under escort to the nearest concentration camp. The operation involved 20 military personnel. Australia's Northern Territories Chief Minister Michael Gunner announced ( that the army will transfer infected, infected covid-19 and contacted people in army trucks to concentration camps. As the saying goes, further comments are superfluous!